[Chapter 21]

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Perhaps in the eyes of the previous generation, who don’t have a chance to study, Ph.D is a grand title, representing a high academic qualifications, high IQ and EQ…..

In fact, the mass production of this “special product” are not really high. They just people, who pug all their mind and body into one thing.

If a person is willing to do something wholeheartedly and persist for few years, then even with low IQ, he/she could do well, just like —- me!

Action 1


My PhD program was similar as Master program, it included particular of materials. It specialized for the aerospace industry. Practically, those things need a lot of money. Except for designing, no one will be ruthlessly spend that lot of money.

One day, I and my friend chatted about my studies. He asked me: “Xin Xin, what are you studying?”

I said: “I want to research on the way to repair ceramic materials.”

He said that he didn’t understand. Xiao Cheng explained to him: “Just like a bowl can be broken, she studies how to restore it to the original state.”

My friend realized it and he was so excited: :”Why should you think of those? You could just buy a new one right?!”

I: “…..”

In other words, his words were reasonable, but my boss (privately, I called my tutor as the boss) said that the topic is meaningful and I should do it!

Action 2


The first year of PhD., I didn’t need to graduate and I could be a martyr.

Because in the whole one year, in the afternoon I would stay in the laboratory to experiment. At night, I would read all the inscrutable documents and data, and I really wanted to dig a pit to bury myself.

Whenever I suffered because of the data, I would call Xiao Cheng and tell him seriously: “I want to jump off the building, you shouldn’t stop me!”

He hurriedly said: “Don’t! What about me if you jump off the building?”

“Just forget about me, find a better woman than me.”

He suddenly shifted the topic: “Do you want to eat chocolate? I will buy it for you.”

I immediately put down the book on my hand and smiled sweeter than chocolate: “I want to!”

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Half an hour later, he came to me with a large box of my favorite chocolate. When I got it, his eyes showed very sad expression: “It turns for you I cannot be compared to a chocolate.”

I smiled and took it: “Who says it? The one that help me persist is you plus a box of chocolate!”

“Okay, you have a little conscience now.” He stroked my head: “Be good finish your paper. When you are done, call me. I will wait for you.”


I ate the chocolate and on the other fought with me paper. Without noticing, it was already very late night.

I suddenly remembered Xiao Cheng, I asked about his whereabout. I thought he would despise me for not having conscience, despise me to not have a good memory. But he only said to me: “Finally you remember me. If you don’t call me, then I will starve to death in laboratory room.”

I took my phone and couldn’t say anything.

Action 3


After a year, my experiment had repeatedly failed and the subject had not made any progress. My boss had repeatedly urged me to submit the paper as soon as possible but I can’t get a sentence all night when I faced my computer.

At that time Xiao Cheng always comforted me: “My subject is more tormenting than yours. If it’s not full of torture, then it’s not a doctoral subject.”

My roommate, Qiao Qiao, also often discussed the topic me, using her incomparable basic knowledge to help me find innovative ideas.

I said to myself everyday: “Persist in doing this, this should be not harder than loving someone!”

During that time, I would sleep at three o’clock in the morning everyday and wake up at nine o’clock. I got serious disorder of endocrine. I started to lose sleep and lose a lot of hairs. I wanted to give up so many times but often when I looked at my boss’s intentions and comments on the paper. I just bit my lips and persisted.

Because I believe firmly, if someone taught you harshly, because he has some big expectation for you!

Finally, after countless revision and refinement, my paper was accepted by an European magazine. The editor evaluated the research results are valuable.

Although it is only short words but it made me feel that all contributions and hard-works I put on are meaningful. It is more meaningful than the time I confessed to Xiao Cheng, when I heard he said “I like you for a long time”.

Since then, I have been unable to extractively fall in love with my subject. I fall in love with scientific research and look forward to the new result to be discovered in the laboratory….

I think I am very lucky in this life, I have met a lot of people who could change fate, and luckily I meet my tutor.

The one with most rigorous academic thinking, one with unbelievable patience. The one who thought the muddle-head me how to be serious, hard-working, and use my heart to do things.

Action 4

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The second year my PhD. Program, early morning I came to my laboratory and on the way I met my tutor.

We were walking and chatting together. I just carelessly mentioned how limited our experiment preparation and tools in our country. There’re some experiments that we couldn’t do, the boss immediately said: “There is one in Japan Osaka University. Just in time T university will send some exchange students, you go there and do experiment.”

“Eh…” I blinked my eyes and blinked again, my heart was protesting: Boss, we just registered our marriage, we even haven’t spend our honeymoon!

When I considered whether I should go or not, suddenly I heard Boss asked me: “How long you want to go there, one year or two year?”

I just answered directly: “One year.”

“Okay, then just a year. I will contact the professor of Osaka University.”


Just like that, early in the morning, I woke up without having any breakfast and just planned to go far away to Japan.

Action 5


The first day I arrived in Japan, I pushed two big suitcases and changed three busses and finally arrived in Osaka University’s apartment.

There was no internet in the apartment, no telephone. I just sat down on the hard floor. Then thought about the people who was waiting for me back at home. I just started to tear up.

That time, I really hated that I couldn’t just go home. One day for me was very a long day.

I cried and called Xiao Cheng. I was full of despair: “I miss you, really really miss you. What should I do?”

His voice was deep and very powerful: “Wait for me, I will find you.”

This sentence made me not feel despair anymore.

Action 6


The day Xiao Cheng came to Japan, I was so exciting that I didn’t sleep for a whole night. The sky hadn’t brighten yet and I just went to the airport to pick him up. I waited in the airport till the afternoon. The plane had landed for two hours, but I couldn’t see him. I was so worried that I asked around. I was afraid that he was in trouble.

The time I was waiting impatiently, finally he came out.

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“Why do you just come out, I am worried sick about you!” I pulled his clothes and asked.

He sighed: “Don’t mention it. I bring you a full suitcase of food. But it was taken away by the customs. I discussed with them for two hours, finally I could bring this out for you…”

He opened his backpack and I peeked it was a Mala Hotpot spice.

I was so moved and hugged his arm: “As long as they don’t catch you, then I am happy!”

“You should say it earlier, then I will not waste a lot of time!”

I hurriedly said: “You plus this Mala hotpot spice are perfect!”

That night, I called our friends and shared my authentic Chinese cuisine — Mala Hotpot!

Action 7


I grew up watching the anti-Japanese dramas so I didn’t have a good impression of Japan.

However when I arrived in Japan, I have to admit they definitely have a place that worthy of my respect that is “seriousness”. They would take all matters seriously even for the pointing a way to strangers. They would seriously explain it to you until you understand. If you still don’t understand it, they will just directly take you to that place.

Being a year in Japan, although I never cure of my illness of being muddle-headed but at least I could learn about their seriousness toward research.

That is my biggest gain. Another thing that I gained was I found a lot of valuable data in the library. Based on that, I thought of a new method that might make a breakthrough in my subject.

From then on, I began to read and write materials, do verification experiments, write essays. When I accidentally turned up the calendar, I realized that one year had passed by and it was time for me to leave.

That year maple leaves appeared earlier, I climbed Mount Lu Shan alone and looked at red leaves in the mountain and recalled my first day in Japan.

Now I really hoped that day would be little longer and let me have more time to complete my unfinished experiment.

Action 8


I almost forgot, I also have another important gain there that is finishing my first favorite novel.

That period of time, my experimental task was particularly heavy and I often watched experimental subject without sleep for more than 30 hours and observed the result eveyrhour.

Because of this experiment, I couldn’t remember how many nights I stayed up all night. I was alone in quiet laboratory and did experiment and wrote about “Yu Lang Gong Zhen (“Having a same pillow with the wolf”)”. It was the most meticulous novel that I have written. Because no one could protest and disturb me, I can love my hero and heroine without any distraction. I can immerse myself in the world where I kill and kill and feel their love and hatred for each other.

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Action 9


In life there is meeting and also separation; there is a departure and return.

The CSC called to informed me that the return ticket had been booked for me and I have to leave.

Before leaving Japan, I treated my friends a big meal.

Those people that can come were coming, there was a lovely Brother Feng and his wife, Ma Sang, and sisters….

That night we sang together and hugged each other.

Later in countless dreams, I went back again to my dorm in Osaka university and together we ate dumplings, ate hot pots… it was the most unforgettable memory for me.

Action 10


After returning to Japan, I spent a year summing up and concluding my experimental data that I got in Japan. My research had made a great progress and my Nth article was successfully received.

I wanted to produce more results and wrote few more articles. Xiao Cheng’s papers were completed and he applied for graduation.

The boss took initiative to find me and said to me: “You should also prepare for you graduation thesis and graduate.”

“But my topic has not been finished yet.” I said.

“This subject will never be done.”

Yes the subject is infinite. I need to leave sooner or later.

“Thank you, Professor.”

I was deeply embraced. When I was about to leave the office, the boss suddenly remembered one ting: “I have approved an outstanding degree graduates for you and the certificate and price are in the schools. You should remember to take them back… Ning Xin, you are not disappointing me.”

All the efforts, all the hard works, all the hardship turned to a satisfaction feeling to me.

“Ning Xin, you don’t let me down.”

When I thought about that sentence, my heart was burning.

In these years, the relationship between the student and professor had been a questions. There are often propositions on the internet about how the “tutor is exploiting student”. When I see it, I couldn’t help but to shake my head. Why do they always ignore the fact that “strict exploitation” would be the process of learning to be forbearing and persistent, which are more important than everything else!

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