I Used To Be Alone Until I Meet You (我本爱孤独,直到有了你)by Ye Luo Wu Xin 叶落无心- [Chapter 3]

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“Ye Luo Wu Xin”’s Origin

During the university, my dorm mate always call me by my nickname — Little muddle-headed.

I am really a muddle-headed. When I’m going to the class, I will forget to bring my book. When I finish the class, I will forget to bring my bag. When I want to eat lunch in dining hall, I forget to bring my card. Just let these all be. The most tragic is —— I couldn’t remember all the Arabic numerals.

Action 1


I always couldn’t remember all kinds of anniversaries. I forget the proposal day, wedding anniversary, Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t matter, anyway, the annoying person is usually busy with work. He would join the business social gathering and has no time to accompany me. But I always forget the annoying person’s birthday.

So during our first year dating, he frequently says to me: “You forget about my birthday.”

The second year of our relationship, he said: “You have forgotten my birthday twice.”

Our third year, he frequently said: “You already forget about my birthday for three years.”

After the fourth year, he finally turned to be smart. He doesn’t wait stupidly for a surprise. When it was September, he started to grumble:

“Twenty more days then it would be my birthday.”

“Tomorrow it’s my birthday.”

“Today is my birthday….”

I finally couldn’t endure it: “Could you not bother me anymore?!”

Annoying person: “……”

He is really a bothersome one! I already bought a new lingerie, I want to give him a nice surprise !

Action 2


According to my experienced friend: “Economic life should be controlled firmly to hold man’s life, and break the existence of “mistresses”.”

I thought about that deeply.

The first day, the annoying person got his salary, I immediately asked him for the card and todl him: “I want to manage the money.”

The annoying person: “Are you sure you can manage it?”

I patted my chest: “Yes.”

The annoying person asked: “Then how much did you spend last night to buy a potato chip?”

I: “He..”

The annoying person asked: “Last week how much did you spend to buy a skirt?”

I: “A…..”

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Once again the annoying person asked: “How much is our mortgage?”

I: “Em…. I return it to you.”

The annoying person was satisfied: “You finally realize that you are not suitable to manage the money?”

I shook my head: “I am afraid that everyday you will ask me how much is the money in the card, I need to check it. It’s supposed to be so troublesome.”

Action 3


The QQ password of annoying person was especially complicated, it consisted of alphabets and numbers. Every time I wanted to log in to his account, I needed to ask him: “What is your password?”

The N times I asked, finally the annoying person couldn’t endure it anymore: “You can check and investigate my chat history, but could you not let me know? You need to consider my feeling!”

I understood it, I said lowly: “But I just check it once a year, of course I will forget it.”

Annoying person: “Then take a notebook and note it down!”

“Good idea!”


After period of time, I asked him cautiously: “What is your QQ password?”

“It’s still the same as the one you remember.” He said impatiently.

“But, I couldn’t find my notebook…”

“You….. wait.”


After ten minutes, the annoying person told me: “I changed my password to be the same as your QQ’s password.”

I immediately threw my body to him: “I love you so much!”

Later on, the annoying person with so much understanding also changed his phone’s password to be the same as mine.

Action 4


I and annoying person wanted to take care of the certificate for the little annoying person that was about to be born. The auntie working there asked for our marriage certificate. I wiped my sweat: “Sorry, I forget to bring it.”

The annoying person tried to be calm and communicate calmly to the auntie. The auntie once again asked: “Okay, then tell me about the your marriage certificate information. When is the date of issue?”

“Date of issue?”

“When did you register your marriage?”

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“Is it 2008 or 2007?” I looked at the annoying person for help, “which day is it?”

The annoying person looked so serious and scolded me: “You don’t even remember our wedding anniversary? Can you be more serious?”

“We will solve this later. Darling, let’s tell auntie first when we got married.”

The annoying person was silent for second ago, then he turned his body to go out.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“Go home and take the marriage certificate!”


You! You unexpectedly also forget about our wedding anniversary. Don’t you think you can solve it by run away. Look at how I teach you when we are home!

Action 5


One day, I forgot my phone when I was at work.

I wanted to go home and took it. But I was busy and couldn’t go anywhere. When I was in the middle of my work, I saw that annoying person got inside my office. He was calm and placed the phone, that I kept on thinking of, on the table.

“I love you so much!” I hurriedly said on his ear, then I immediately took my phone and looked at the missed call.

The phone showed there were twenty one missed call, it was all from “Annoying person”.

I took and saw it silently.

“What thing that you couldn’t forget?” He said helplessly.

I looked at him and answered softly: “…………….. Loving you.”

His gloomy face turned bright.

He left my office with a shinning smile.


Action 6


I didn’t remember when it was started. Every morning, before we go to work together, he will always be annoying and reminded me:

“Don’t forget your phone.”

“Don’t forget to bring your keys.”

“Today is a bit cold, remember to bring one jacket….”

One day, I couldn’t endure my curiosity and asked him: “Why recently you don’t lecture me again to be a muddle-headed?”

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He smiled and stroked my head: “These little things just pass it to me to remember! You just need to remember —— loving me, it’s enough!”

Action 7


My good big baby girl “Little annoying person” was in her three months. I took her to have a vaccination.

At last accidentally, I lost my phone and wallet. I didn’t have any money!

I was very sad and used another man’s phone to call annoying person: “I am too stupid, I lost my phone and wallet.”

The annoying person had been transformed into a calm person after several years of our interaction, he asked calmly: “…… Did you lose the kid?”


“Okay, now I will pick you guys up. No need to be too anxious if you lose anything, it’s good that you and kid can go home!”

My heart was warmed.

Action 8


Don’t look at my inability to memorize Arabic numeral, I also have time to look down at annoying person.

The time annoying person watches TV dramas, even he watches it all, he will forget all the about it, he even couldn’t remember the title of the dramas. But me, with watching one time, I immediately easily recognize and remember its name, actors, storyline and also the key scripts of the movie clearly.

As a result I finally believe that : “When God closes a door for you, He definitely will open a window for you.”

I was excited and decided that I wanted to begin my literature profession.

The time I decided to write a novel in Jin Jiang online, I want some pen name that suit me — Ye Luo You Xin.

I smiled and went to ask for his opinion. The annoying person said; “Although it’s only a pen name, you need to also consider the truth. Tell me, have you ever be considerate?”

I was silent, then I changed the name: “Ye Luo Wu Xin”.

Although until now I feel —- it’s not a clear picture of my style.

Action 9


According to a Vietnam editor, my novels are very popular in Vietnam and fans in Vietnam are eager to meet me once. In fact I also want to meet them.

The first time I suggested to the annoying person: “I want to go to Vietnam.”

The annoying person just simply said: “No.”


“I just have a wife. If you lost, then it will be a big trouble for me!”

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I: “………”

Okay, I accept it.

After a year of a numerous ineffective requests, my friend’s wife, Dan Dan, couldn’t help it anymore. She said: “You also are too chauvinistic, it is just going abroad? It will be no big problem, she couldn’t come home? If you are worry, then I will accompany her!”

The annoying person looked at me and finally agreed for Dan Dan to accompany me.

Before boarding, the annoying person kept on telling Dan Dan: “Please watch out for her, don’t let her leave your sight. She doesn’t have a sense of direction, she easily get lost…..”

She said: “Don’t talk too much. She is a big woman, she will not be lost!”

Finally when the plane was about to take off, I yelled: “Ya! My suitcase? It seems that I lost it!”

Dan Dan was speechless and looked at me for awhile. She sighed: “He is right, you are possibly not going home!”

I looked at her tearily: “Please don’t tell the annoying person that I lost my suitcase… if he knows, then in the future, he will not let me go travel.”

Until now the annoying person also don’t know that I lost my suitcase.

Action 10


Even it was at home, I always being disliked by the annoying person for several reasons. He dislikes me to have no heart, no have good memory, dislikes me to not loving him when I write my novel. But I don’t know why, all the annoying person’s friends are especially kind to me.

One day at eleven o’clock, the annoying person called me. He said that there was a friend that I never met, he wanted to know me.

He asked me to dress myself up, then he will pick me up.

For respecting him, I got up from my warm bed. I drank a cup of coffee and came down.

The time his friend me me, he immediately served a beer and sat down by my side. He said: “Every time he mentions you, he always praises you, praises you that we all are very jealous.”

I was surprised and looked the annoying person: “You also praise people behind their back?”

“I just praise you on your back.” He whispered to my ear, “Even I have a bad taste, but I couldn’t let other people now!”

I was a bit mad: “Is it so hard to praise me in front of me?”

“You will be arrogant.” He said, “I am afraid that you will be too proud. Then you will bully me, like I bully you.”

I slapped his thigh angrily and asked loudly: “Since you see me that way, then you think I will be like you! You are too much!”

The annoying person rubbed his thigh and glared at me: “You already hit me, you also want to scold me!”

He still could recognize my anger, it seemed that he hadn’t drunk too much.

That night, I understand something: “If a man really dislikes you, he will never take you out at night to let his friends know you.”

Since that night, I have been unscrupulously muddle-headed. Anyway there will always be someone that clean up the mess and will not abandon me.

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