Action 1

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13 June 2003

This day is really memorable for me because it is my birthday.

After two months of “SARS” and the upcoming graduation, the entire campus seemed to be so immerse in a heavy atmosphere.

Under the influence of the heavy atmosphere, I felt so pressure that I emotionally invited that annoying person out to the bar to drink alcohol.

When I was slightly drunk, my romantic self exploded.

I said to that annoying person: “Now we have to go all the way. I want to hear you clearly to tell me that you don’t like me, you never like me… then I could let you go…”

After a brief of silence, that annoying person said: “If I say… I like you?”


“I like you, for a long time.”

“You…. then why don’t you tell me earlier?”

“You don’t know? I think I already do it clearly.”

My head was in pain, I drank too much. I didn’t understand, how could he didn’t say anything but just do it.:”

Many years later, when I have deep understanding of him, I realize: There is kind of love called ———- I never say love you, no matter, as long as you can say it, I can do it.

Action 2

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Summer holiday in 2006.

It is a day that I completely unable to remember clearly.

I was hugging my pillow and having a sweet dream. My old mother started to grumble in front of me.

“Xin Xin na, you are already twenty six years old, when will you get marry? You see that little X is in the same age as you. She has a child already. You see little Y too, she is three years younger than you. In two days time, she will get marry, when will it be you.”

I felt that my mother’s guidance is right so I took my phone on the bedside to call the annoying person.

Hearing his deep voice, he should be waken up by the call, he asked: “What is it?”

I also still felt sleepy so I just asked directly: “When do you plan to marry me?”

“…… I haven’t think about it.”

“Now think about it now!”


It was silent for a long time. I thought he fell asleep. When she was about to sleep again. He suddenly said with a clear voice: “Wait until we graduate.”


We hung up the phone and I told my mom: “Wait until I graduate then I will get married.”

My mother immediately contacted everyone she knows and I slept again.

When I was awake and my brain started to work, I suddenly remembered an important thing. My holy marriage proposal was over! No legendary flowers, candlelight, western good, diamond ring… squatted down posture?

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Indeed it was all just exist in the novel.

Action 3

The one that confessed is me, the one that proposed is me. When I think that wedding also will be decided by me. Something unexpected happened. It was so sudden that I hadn’t even have time to brush my teeth or wash my face.

In 2007, in a day that I couldn’t remember.

I just woke up and went to the batrhoom.

The annoying person while clumsily passed thought the water and at the same time felt dislike of my fallen hair. He warned me to not write novel until early hours in the morning. I should sleep before 12 o’clock every night. I need to maintain my health and serve him until old age, even until I die.

In order to resolve the arrogance of this situation, I looked him with sad expression and asked him sadly: “Do you dislike me? you don’t want me again?”

This annoying person is not like the main character of the novel that will say something tenderly, he will just look coldly toward me: “Go take the trash bin here.”

I continued to pretend: “You don’t want me again right, you don’t want to marry me! If you don’t want me tell me now, there is still a lot of people line up for me. Among them, there are several of them that adore me,……”

The annoying person just cut me off: “Change your clothes. Let’s go to the school police station.”

“For what?”

“Get the certificate then we will go to civil affairs bureau to register our marriage.”

“Hey….” What did I say before?

“I heard that today is a good day to have a marriage.” He said.

“Really?! Then no need to change clothes. Let’s go.”

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“Wash your face first!”


I almost forgot about it.

Action 4

I and the annoying person went to the school police station, the friendly uncle asked: “What do you want?”

I answered happily: “We want to get a certificate.”

“For work?”

“No, we want to register our marriage.”

The uncle looked at us, then sighed: “Ay, the students in this era, are in rush to marry. Later on you will get divorce, it will be so troublesome!”

“I…..” I felt I need to say something. Then I said: “I’m not scared of troubles.”

The annoying person glared at me ruthlessly: “I am scared, so don’t give me any.”

Ckck, this annoying person never says any good words.

Action 5

The annoying person says it is a good day. I thought the civil affair bureau will be filled with people. But the time we entered I was surprised, there were several persons there.

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“Didn’t you say it is a good day? Where did you see it?” I was confused.

“No need to line up, isn’t it a good day?”

Hey… it’s quite reasonable.

Under the guidance of the civil officers, we filled the form, took photo, registered our marriage. I held my fresh red books.

I smiled happily and went outside of the lobby of the civil bureau office. When I went to the bus station, the annoying person who stood up in front of me held my hand.

His hand always be so warmth, it warms up my heart.

I looked at him happily: “Starting from this day, we are legal.”

He looked at me satisfyingly: “Since this day, no matter I dislike you, you don’t have any chance to consider other people.”

“I… why do I feel that I am trapped?

“Don’t worry, I will trap you forever.”


This person most lacking part is, the time he said some honeyed and sweet words, it is couldn’t be tasted to be sweet.

But, I love it!

Perhaps for other people, our wedding is rushed. We don’t have any ring for expressing our love, no relatives or siblings to come and bless us. But we have love, have the best for the future. Our hearts are filled with happiness!

——-<< Love Cheats>> The first lesson——-

Women can be confused about anything, but for choosing a husband women shouldn’t be confused because choosing the wrong one wouldn’t let you to choose the other one. Even you could choose again, it will be a bunch of rotten persimmons

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