Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 – Rebirth and Early Self-Study.

“Zhuo Shao, Zhuo Shao! Homework already turned in?!” Zhuo Shao woke up to a girl’s clear voice.

How could there be a woman in his family? Who is not afraid of death to scold him?

Zhuo Shao smiled at the corner of his mouth, sat up, and saw a face with various pimples.

This face belonged to a girl in the fourteenth period of the five-year plan. Obviously it was impossible for her to be a woman sent by someone else. She was not at home, but in a spacious and bright classroom.

The acne-prone girl turned to Zhuo Shao’s eyes, her face flushed, her voice low and softened: “Zhuo Shao, turn in the homework.”

Many people in Zhuo Shao’s hall couldn’t help but double-sided. His trembling smile froze.

Its ringing? Zhuo Shao thought about this possibility, but he soon vetoed it.

After he was released from prison and met Liang Xin, the years of study were no longer the best days of his life … He had not had classroom-related dreams for over ten years.

Also, how can dreams be so real?

Zhuo Shao felt strange, he looked at his thin unwounded hand, and then to the girl with acne in front of him, he silently found a book similar to that girl’s on the table. He handed her the same workbook as the one she was holding in her hand.

The girl soon approached the person sitting in front of Zhuo Shao to pick up her homework. Zhuo Shao settled into the seat and pinched his right hand with his left hand.

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It hurts, and at the same time, there was a pinched fingernail print on my hand.

This is all really too real.

Obviously, he had just celebrated Liang Xin’s 36th birthday the day before, and he was so drunk that when he woke up, why did he wake up in a classroom?

Zhuo Shao was hesitating, but at that the bell rang, and at the same time, another girl with a ponytail came up to the podium and said aloud, “Don’t talk!” We will study English early today! Let’s read the text together.

The girl’s voice was very strong. The students in the class stopped talking, pulled out their English books one after another, and moved on to the first lesson in the book.

“Follow me to read…” The girl read aloud, and the people sitting downstairs also read.

Zhuo Shao also opened the book, moved his lips, but made no sound.

The current situation is very bad for him.

What exactly happened here? How does it look now…? Twenty years younger.

Zhuo Shao was in a daze, until he felt a strong hunger sensation in his stomach that made him wake up.

He frowned, then reached out and pulled a needle out of the hole in the table; and under the cover of the book, he fiercely pierced his left index finger.

There was a sharp pain in the fingertips, and blood spurted from the fingertips in an instant. Seeing that Zhuo Shao, he prodded himself without understanding again.

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The pain and the blood still exist.

He raised his hand, brought his finger to the edge of his mouth and licked it, the slightly salty taste faded on the tip of his tongue and the corners of Zhuo Shao’s mouth couldn’t help but latch on.

The smile that he had worn for twenty years reappeared on his face like a mask, perfectly hiding all his emotions, but in his heart, it was as if the river was overflowing.

Does it really go back twenty years?

When had he not become a bastard, twenty years ago, when he was not in jail?

Twenty years ago … At this time, Liang Xin was still alive. He was a wealthy second generation held in the palm of his parents, and his sister …

Zhuo Shao looked at the English book in his hand.

The third day of high school.

He’s wearing short sleeves now, so it should be shortly after junior year of high school.

At that time, his parents had passed away for a year, but his sister was fine and the irreversible had not yet happened.

It’s a shame that he didn’t return before his parents died … Zhuo Shao couldn’t help but smile wryly at the thought of his parents.

Zhuo Shao’s life, since the death of his parents, has deviated from the original track.

Zhuo Shao’s parents were rural people born in the 1960s, but his rural village is not remote, but on the southern shore of the Yangtze River, so his family does not depend on agriculture for their livelihood and they can live a good life.

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His mother was a common worker in a textile factory. Her father drove a tractor at first. When Zhuo Shao was seven or eight years old, he sold a tractor and bought a small truck and started driving the truck.

There were very few people with trucks back then. Zhuo Shao’s father’s income was not low. In his village, he even ranked first. Since the conditions were available, the couple naturally loved Zhuo Shao’s son.

The elementary school in the village was not very good. Zhuo Shao was old enough to study, so Zhuo’s father especially spent 10,000 yuan to buy Zhuo Shao’s house registration at the county seat, and sent Zhuo Shao to the county primary school. At the same time, the food that Zhuo Shao eats is no worse than that of his classmates in the county.

And Zhuo Shao is also ambitious. He is smart. On elementary school tests in math, he will always deduct points for carelessness. In the Mathematical Olympics of the city he also managed to rank high. As for Chinese literature, he often recites the articles and then recites them several more times after reading them. After reading a few more writing essays, the composition made by him will always be a model essay that the teacher will publish.

Primary school here lasts nine years or more, and although the things he learned are not as profound as those of later generations, it is also enough to demonstrate Zhuo Shao’s excellence, and to demonstrate Zhuo Shao’s good physical education.

In the six years of elementary school, Zhuo Shao has always been the most dazzling being in the class. He received a ton of love letters in the fifth and sixth grade. After entering high school, he was even more dazzling.

If his parents had not passed away, Zhuo Shao would have to finish his high school, take the best high school, and then take the exam from a major national university.

He would be the pride of his parents, he would have a good decent job and he would live a life with security and tranquility.

However, things are always unexpected.

As soon as Zhuo Shao’s high school finished, his parents got into a car accident on the way to deliver the goods together one day, and they both died.

The perpetrator was a young man who had just borrowed money to buy a large truck. He was not proficient in driving and drank alcohol before hitting father and mother Zhuo’s minivan. The load on his car crushed the Zhuo to death.

He was supposed to pay compensation for killing them, however, he was left alone in his family and could not pay any money. The only valuable truck was bought by borrowing money.

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After selling the big truck and the other things, he also paid 50,000 yuan in compensation. The money that was to be given to him was accepted by Zhuo Shao’s uncle; for fourteen year old Zhuo Shao was immersed in the pain of losing his father and his mother who did not even see him. Later, Zhuo Shao and his sister began living with their uncle’s family.

In the first few months, the uncle’s family treated both of them very well, but then they treated them more and more harshly.

Thinking about what happened back then, Zhuo Shao’s fist unconsciously clenched.

He was young at that time, and his parents were too naive before, he who knew nothing but study, did not know how to resist the uncle’s family. He just wanted to study hard, take a good university, and leave his uncle’s house in the future.

The boy’s thoughts are very naive and his uncle’s family are really very bad.

He did not even give them food and clothes; once his older aunt lost money and she went to school, then she scolded him for stealing money in front of his classmates. She also said that her parents were dead and the family was poor, and that they depended on her to support them, but that she also spent money indiscriminately, being a white-eyed wolf.

It had been more than a year since his parents passed away. Over the past year or so, he has been somewhat affected, his grades have dropped and he has become reluctant to speak. He didn’t talk to his classmates and his teacher doesn’t like him either.

The director believed the words of his older aunt and spoke to him to behave well, study hard and not regret the person who raised him.

Where did his older aunt raise him?

The mistrust of the teacher made him feel very uncomfortable, but at that moment, the students in the class also began to talk about him.

He was only fifteen at the time, so naturally he couldn’t bear to be talked about. However, when he came home angry, his older aunt even said triumphantly that she would not let him go to high school.

At that time, school was his only hope to change his destiny. He was furious and got into a fight with his older aunt. As a result, her older aunt ran out of the house and cried in public, saying how difficult it was to raise two of them, and that they still said they disliked this and that all day long.

Those are all inexplicable accusations. In fact, the people around them may not believe all of them, but people will always make their children obedient when they come across such things.

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