Chapter 13 - Detention and Fines.

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The law and order in Fuyang County has always been very good. The police usually have nothing to do. Occasionally someone calls the police, but it is just that someone rents a house and refuses to pay, and someone gets drunk and gets into a fight.


They had a lot of free time, and this time someone from Beimen Junior High School unexpectedly made trouble, so a group of them came here in a hurry.


The principal was a little unhappy when he saw this battle, but Zhuo Shao was very satisfied.


After the policemen were taken to the complex by the school guards, someone immediately asked. «Who called the police? What happened?»


Qu Guixiang wanted the policemen to give Zhuo Shao a look, but she really saw after the police, she couldn't help but panic again.


However, Qu Guixiang had seen the world before. She panicked a little, and then she came to her senses again, and said: «The police! I want to call the police! This man stole my money and beat my son!» Qu Guixiang pointed Zhuo Shao's voice was very loud, and the previous crying did not hurt her throat at all.


The person who called the police was obviously a boy, so why did he become this person? But when Qu Guixiang said that, the policemen also nodded in agreement, and asked again: «How much money did he steal? Where is your son?»


Qu Guixiang frowned slightly, and then said: «He stole five thousand! My son suffered a lot. I’m injured, and I’m still lying at home now!»


When the policemen first heard Qu Guixiang’s words, they thought it was two children in the school who had quarreled and fought, and stole another ten or twenty yuan, but they didn’t expect Qu Guixiang to come up and say With such a large number, her son... is still unable to get up after being beaten?


The policemen, who were a little lazy before, suddenly perked up.


«What is the situation, tell me in detail!» Said the policeman.


«Guys, this student of mine didn't steal any money.» Yang JianHua was a little anxious, and looked at Zhuo Shao again, hoping that Zhuo Shao would explain himself quickly.

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«I didn't steal money, and I didn't hit anyone.» Zhuo Shao said immediately, there was no


Even the teacher and headmaster in the school may not be very familiar with the law, but when he was in prison, he read a lot of books on this subject.


If nothing else is said, Qu Guixiang caused trouble at school and even reported to the false police, and she could be detained for ten days and fined several hundred yuan.


More importantly, this can also give Qu Guixiang a criminal record.


«Let her speak first.» The policeman glanced at Zhuo Shao and pointed at Qu Guixiang.


Qu Guixiang's appearance can easily make people feel sympathetic.


Not only did she treat Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Ting badly, but she also treated herself badly. She was reluctant to spend a penny on herself, so that she always wore old clothes and was very thin... «Police, it's like this. After the death of this guy's parents, He just stayed at my house, but in the end he not only stole my money, but also beat my son!» Qu Guixiang said, and after finishing speaking, he gave Zhuo Shao another look.


«I didn't!» Zhuo Shao defended again.


It is obviously not acceptable to say this without evidence. After a brief understanding of the situation, the policemen proposed to go to Qu Guixiang's house and Qu Guixiang's son.


Qu's new house was very close to the school, so everyone went there first.


Qu's new house was bought in a newly built community in Fuyang County, and this community is one of the few closed communities in Fuyang County. The police were a little surprised when they saw this.


This Qu Guixiang really doesn't look like someone who is rich enough to buy a house in such a community.


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The houses here are all five-story, and Qu's house is on the fifth floor. Qu Guixiang opened the door with a key, and said: «Police, my son is inside. He was beaten by that little bastard yesterday, now my whole body hurts, and I'm still lying down!»


Saying this, Qu Guixiang ran over and opened the door of her son's room.


Everyone saw that in the room, a fat man wearing only a pair of briefs was sleeping on the bed. After he was awakened by the sound of the door opening, he couldn't help shaking.


«Mom, don't you know you have to knock on the door?» Zhuo Jiabao said dissatisfied.


Qu Guixiang didn't have time to talk to him at the moment, she just said to the policeman: «Policeman, look, my son has been bruised.»


The fat man did have a bruise the size of an egg.


But such a small bruise... Can it be said that it can't get out of bed?


They looked at it, this fat man was clearly full of spirits!


«Have you checked for injuries?» The leading policeman asked.


Only then did Zhuo Jiabao realize that a group of people had come. He took the towel next to him and covered himself, and was a little puzzled: «What injury test?»


«Hurt!» Qu Guixiang said.


Those policemen were speechless.


Even if someone really beat this fat man, just a few bruises that will never be seen after two days... Could they still arrest Zhuo Shao?

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What's more... Looking at the skinny Zhuo Shao, and then at the tall and strong Zhuo Jiabao, they really didn't think that Zhuo Shao could beat Zhuo Jiabao.


Yang JianHua and the principal of the school also followed, equally speechless. At the same time, they understood why Zhuo Shaohui didn't react at all when Qu Guixiang called the police.


«You said this kid beat your son? Is there any evidence?» The policeman asked directly.


«Isn't this evidence?» Qu Guixiang pointed to the bruises on his son.


«This is not evidence. If you want evidence, you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination...» The policeman checked and couldn't help frowning: «What do you want?»


«Arrest him!» Qu Guixiang said.


«Police, he beat me. I went to block the school gate yesterday... No, I looked for him, and then he beat me!» Zhuo Jiabao finally understood the situation now.


«He blocked me at the school gate yesterday and wanted to hit me. I pushed him and he fell down.» Zhuo Shao said. «I didn't hit him.» The police quickly figured out the ins and outs of the incident




All in all, Zhuo Jiabao went to block Zhuo Shao at the school gate, wanted to beat Zhuo Shao, but was pushed by Zhuo Shao and fell down—Zhuo Jiabao said that Zhuo Shao beat him up , but the police did not believe this.


This is too good to make up... Such a skinny student beat a big fat guy who weighs 178 pounds?


The police only felt that the mother and son were full of lies and were unwilling to stay here any longer, so they asked to visit Zhuo's house again.


Qu Guixiang said that Zhuo Shao stole 5,000 yuan from the family. If this is true, it will be a big deal!

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Of course, they don't really believe in Qu Guixiang anymore, and think that what Qu Guixiang said is mostly false.


It's just that Qu Guixiang caused trouble in the school and called the police, so they had to check it out anyway.




«Stealing money, Qu Guixiang can lock up all the rice, how can the child steal money?»


«The child really stole things last time. He stole a few packets of instant noodles.» Qu Guixiang said that. «Instant noodles are not give them food, this child and his sister ate it, so it was stolen!»


«This child is really unlucky, the parents' compensation was taken by Qu Guixiang, and now they are not given food...»




Neighbors they are basically speaking for Zhuo Shao, even if they have a good relationship with Qu Guixiang, at this time they also feel that Qu Guixiang is ignorant.


Didn't Qu Guixiang always complain about being poor at home? How could someone steal five thousand yuan?


«Police, he really stole! He can pick the lock!» Qu Guixiang said loudly.


«He stole cash? Why did you put 5,000 yuan in cash at home? What is it for? Where is the money, and how did it get stolen?» Along the way, the policeman who had learned a lot from Yang JianHua asked repeatedly.


«Did you know that you will be detained if you report a false report to the police? You will also be fined!» The policeman said again.


Qu Guixiang was stunned.

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