Chapter 20 - Liang Chen's house.

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Zhuo Shao signed a one-year lease with the family, promising not to increase the rent for one year, and rented his house to them.

This is his parents' house, he thought he would be reluctant, but after he actually signed the lease, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact... This house is really not suitable for people to live in. There are many good memories here, but there are also memories that make him feel very painful.

After he brought his sister to live here in his last life, his life was very hard, he often couldn't get enough to eat, and what was even more annoying was that Zhuo RongMing often came to ask for trouble.

At that time, he had a bad reputation, and the villagers felt that he had failed in his studies, so they helped Zhuo RongMing teach him a lesson, and Zhuo Ting also suffered a lot of rumors.

Later, Zhuo RongMing insulted his sister and was killed by him in a hurry...

Zhuo Shao suddenly discovered that it was actually quite good not to live here, but he needed to think about his future residence.

«Why don't you just live at your uncle's house! They bought a new house with your money, and now you live in the old house, as it should be.» Zhuo RongYu said.

Five hundred dollars a month! Such a high rent made her want to rent out her own home! Of course, she just thought about it. Their house is only one house, and they can't let outsiders live in.

«No, auntie, I'd better rent a place to live.» Zhuo Shao said, if he lived in the old house of the Zhuo family, he would have to face Qu Guixiang's family every day in the future, which would be very troublesome.

He hoped that Zhuo Ting could live happily in the future and not be disturbed by these people again.

«Renting a house...» Zhuo RongYu frowned slightly, she had never dealt with renting a house before...

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Zhuo RongYu didn't know where to rent a house, but Zhuo Shao knew.

There are many old houses in Fuyang County, all of which were staff dormitories decades ago. For example, the old house of Zhuo RongMing’s house was the staff dormitory of the fertilizer factory. In addition, there are textile factories, leather shoe factories, etc. The dormitory of many factories such as silk factory.

The staff dormitories in those days were very small. Even Zhuo RongMing's house had two bedrooms and one living room. Many houses were directly one bedroom and one living room.

For families with children, one bedroom and one living room are not enough. In recent years, the county has been engaged in development, and many people have bought a larger house and moved out, but a lot of them are vacant. There are not too many people working in Yangxian County...

Zhuo Shao planned to rent such a house.

Zhuo Shao took Zhuo RongYu into the alleys in the old town of Fuyang County where only one bicycle could pass.

A long time ago, people who lived here were enviable, but now, no one wants to live in such a place...

Zhuo Shao and Zhuo RongYu asked someone to ask, and they were told that one of the houses was vacant and they could rent it.

But Zhuo Shao went to have a look, but became dissatisfied.

In the east of this house is a small open kitchen, or simply an outdoor kitchen. To the west of the kitchen is a public aisle, and further west is the place to live. It is a long strip separated by There are two rooms, the west one is a bedroom, the east one is a place to eat, and there is a small bathroom in between.

The house is only about 20 square meters in total. It is not ventilated and humid. There is no furniture in it. The kitchen is open to the aisle. Bring the bowls and pans back to the house, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be taken away.

Of course, Zhuo Shao could clean up the place, but it was a bit uneconomical, and what made Zhuo Shao more dissatisfied was the situation of the neighbors.

There are a lot of people living here, and at a glance, he can see that there are many middle-aged women like Qu Guixiang who have nothing to do.

They just came to see a house today, and a group of people came to watch and ask them all kinds of questions, if they would live in the future...

He doesn't want to act pitifully anymore. In this case, if Qu Guixiang makes trouble in the future, these people might stand on Qu Guixiang's side.

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Of course, Zhuo Shao knew very well that he would be dissatisfied like this, mainly because of the influence of his life before his rebirth.

At that time, he was doing the decoration himself. The house he lived in was as comfortable as possible, and there would be no neighbors to disturb each household.

Now let him live in such a house where everyone's every move is under the watchful eyes of others, of course he can't stand it.

«Aunt, there is only one room here. My sister is too old to live with me.» Zhuo Shao said.

Zhuo RongYu actually thought it was a good place, but when he heard Zhuo Shao's answer, he also felt it made sense.

Zhuo RongYu has always regarded Zhuo Ting as an outsider, and she doesn't like Zhuo Ting very much, so she is worried that Zhuo Ting will be too old in two years, and her puppy love with Zhuo Shao will ruin Zhuo Shao.

If this is the case, this house is not very good...

«Then go to another place to look for tomorrow.» Zhuo RongYu said, and after explaining Zhuo Shao a few words, he went home.

Zhuo RongYu's son is married and has a child. She wants to take care of the child and cook for the family. A lot of things at home are waiting for her.

«Auntie, Tingting and I can still stay at my uncle's house for a few days. Tomorrow is Saturday again. Tingting and I will be out of school by then. We'll find a house by ourselves. I'll tell you when we find it.» Zhuo Shao said, Zhuo RongYu is willing to help him, he is very grateful, but he is actually more used to calling the shots.

Zhuo RongYu thought about it and agreed: «Then I'll come back tomorrow night.» At night her daughter-in-law was at home, but she had time to go out.

Zhuo RongYu doesn't know how to ride a bicycle. Her means of transportation is a small tricycle. After she made an agreement with Zhuo Shao, she rode the tricycle back.

Zhuo Shao checked the time, went to pick up Zhuo Ting first, and then took Zhuo Ting to buy two catties of eggs and some vegetables.

Zhuo Shao cooked rice at noon today. After returning home, he didn't bother about complicated things. He simply scrambled eggs and fried rice, and then sautéed vegetables.

Zhuo Shao was willing to put eggs, and the fried rice with eggs was particularly fragrant. Zhuo Ting, who was very short of oil and water, ate a large bowl in one go, and then happily washed the dishes.

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Zhuo Shao didn't go to class today and didn't have any homework to do, but he still took out his book and read it. He did some math problems before going to sleep.

The next day, Zhuo Shao arrived at the school very early, and then found that Liang Chen came earlier.

«Zhuo Shao!» Seeing Zhuo Shao, Liang Chen was a little excited: «You... Are you all right?» After he went home with the money Zhuo Shao gave him the night before yesterday, he was worried all night, but he came to school yesterday and went to school again. I didn't see Zhuo Shao.

Although Teacher Yang said that Zhuo Shao was fine, Liang Chen was still very uneasy, but he didn't know where Zhuo Shao's house was.

«I'm fine, everything is settled now.» Zhuo Shao said.

«That's good.» Liang Chen smiled and lowered his voice again: «The money... I have the money at home, do you want it? I... Will I bring it tomorrow?»

«Leave it alone.» Zhuo Shao said, suddenly remembered something: «Does anyone want to rent out a house in the community where you live?»

In fact, if you really want to live, it is better to live in a closed community, but the rent may be a little more expensive.

But no matter how expensive it is, five hundred is definitely enough, so he just pretends that the house in the countryside has not been rented out...

Liang Chen shook his head.

The community where he lives is much better than the community where the Zhuo family bought a new house. It is a high-end community in the county seat. No one would buy a house in this community and then rent it out.


«You... You want to rent a house?» Liang Chen asked. «I'm free at home!»

It was still early, and Zhuo Shao didn't plan to make up for yesterday's homework. He had time to chat with Liang Chen, and he asked a lot of things.

Liang Chen has always lived alone, and his father will come back to live for a few days during the Chinese New Year, and he usually doesn't see anyone at all.

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And his house was well decorated. The house had three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms. Only Liang Chen lived alone, and two rooms were empty.

«You can come and live at my house without rent.» Liang Chen looked at Zhuo Shao expectantly, and what he said was very smooth.

Zhuo Shao thought about it for a while and agreed. If he wanted to rent a big house, Zhuo RongYu would not agree, but if he lived in a classmate's house, Zhuo RongYu would not object.

«When the time comes, I'll cook for you to pay for the rent.» Zhuo Shao said, this child is very good to him, and he can take care of this child a little more. Not to mention, it's not good to eat out all day, absolutely not Let him go on like this.

«No, I can buy food...» Liang Chen said without thinking, how could someone like Zhuo Shao cook?

«I'm going to cook anyway, not more than you.» Zhuo Shao said. «Didn't I tell you? You have to listen to me.»

Liang Chen nodded immediately, and then looked at Zhuo Shao admiringly - Zhuo Shao can actually cook, it's really amazing!

I don't know how the food is made...

Liang Chen is so grown up, he has never seen anyone cook, so he doesn't even know how to cook...

At this time, there are no weekends, and there are half-day classes on Saturdays.

These four classes, two classes, two classes in Chinese, and two classes in mathematics, after finishing the classes, everyone went home with their homework books.

Zhuo Shao and Liang Chen went to pick up Zhuo Ting first, and then went to Liang Chen's house after a meal.

«I... My house is a little messy.» When he was about to arrive at his home, Liang Chen remembered the situation at his home, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

«Just sort it out.» Zhuo Shao said, a half-year-old boy lives alone, it's normal for the house to be in a mess, and he is ready to recognize the clothes.

However, what he saw was completely different from what he imagined.

Liang Chen's house is very clean, it's a bit too clean... There is no furniture here at all, and it doesn't look like someone lives.

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