Chapter 22 - Zhuo Shao's cooking skills.

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The pot that Zhuo Shao bought is an iron pot and needs to be boiled.

After he washed the pot, he set it on the gas stove and turned it on, then wiped the inside of the pot with fatty pork, repeating several times.

At first, there was still a little peculiar smell in the air, but later, only the smell of boiled lard was left, so Zhuo Shao turned his head and saw Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting both watching him swallowing.

Zhuo Shao didn't give them the fatty pork that had turned into oil residue after wiping the pot a few times, but ruthlessly threw it into the trash can.

Liang Chen looked at the trash can, and Zhuo Shao could only say: «It's dirty, and I'll make it better later.»

Hearing Zhuo Shao's words, Liang Chen immediately raised his head and looked at Zhuo Shao excitedly.

At first, he didn't really believe that Zhuo Shao could cook, but now, he already believed it.

You can eat Zhuo Shao's food right away! Just thinking about it, Liang Chen felt that his whole person was about to fly.

In order to take care of Liang Xin, Zhuo Shao had learned how to cook, and he was especially good at making soup, but now he doesn't need him to cook those complicated dishes. In contrast, it is more suitable to cook a few home-made quick dishes.

Put a little oil in the pot, cut thin slices and thin strips, put in the fat and thin pork shreds and fry, boil out the fat in the meat, and the oil in the pot will increase. At this time, Zhuo Shao directly stirs it. Eggs with green onions and salt, in less than two minutes, a plate of fragrant scrambled eggs is ready.

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Next, Zhuo Shao made braised soft tofu, fried a bowl of green vegetables, and finally made a tomato mustard soup.

These dishes can be prepared in a few minutes, but it took a while to install the liquefied gas tank and wash the pot. At this time, the rice in the rice cooker is already ready.

Zhuo Shao took out the pork slices steamed with soy sauce on the steaming rack, and then motioned to Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting to serve the rice.

Zhuo Shao's cooking is very homely, he didn't even put MSG, but Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting were both very, very supportive.

Zhuo Ting is like this because she has eaten food that has no oil or water for a year. As for Liang Chen...

This is Zhuo Shao's meal!

Even if this meal is unpalatable, Liang Chen will finish it with satisfaction, not to mention the taste of this meal is actually very good!

Zhuo Ting brought the steamed meat soup to bibimbap and ate two bowls of rice in one go. Liang Chen also wanted to do the same, but Zhuo Shao did not allow him to use the broth for bibimbap. He only allowed him to cook without oil. Tomato mustard.

As a result, the sour tomato mustard soup was not only delicious but also appetizing, Liang Chen ate four bowls of rice in one go.

Zhuo Shao cooked a lot of rice. He originally thought that if he had leftovers, he could make egg fried rice tomorrow morning, but in the end there was no leftovers at all.

After eating, Liang Chen rushed to wash the dishes.

Zhuo Shao wanted to find Zhuo RongYu, so he didn't stop him, but took Zhuo Ting out the door.

When Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Ting passed by, Zhuo RongYu was already waiting. After learning that Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Ting planned to live in Zhuo Shao's house in the future, Zhuo RongYu asked to come and see.

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Zhuo Shao had already told Liang Chen that he would bring Zhuo RongYu to see it, and with Liang Chen's consent, he brought Zhuo RongYu to Liang Chen's house, and opened the door with the key given by Liang Chen.

In Zhuo Shao's eyes, Liang Chen's house was empty, but in Zhuo RongYu's eyes, it was completely different.

The floor is covered with large white tiles, the baseboards are made of black marble, and the walls are painted snow-white, almost spotless... Zhuo RongYu thinks this place is very beautiful.

As for the lack of furniture... The houses in the countryside are mostly empty.

Those two-story or even three-story villas, if you want to decorate them, it is estimated that it will cost more than building a house! Generally speaking, when the children in the family want to marry their daughter-in-law, they will decorate it, and only the big house and the new house will be decorated.

Moreover, it's too clean here... Zhuo RongYu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and didn't dare to go inside.

«Zhuo Shao, you... You're back!» The movement at the door alarmed Liang Chen, and Liang Chen, holding a wet bowl, ran out of the kitchen.

Seeing him, Zhuo Shao was very surprised: «You haven't washed the dishes yet?» They only used less than ten dishes in total. After so long, Liang Chen hasn't washed them yet?

«I'm afraid... I didn't wash it clean...» Liang Chen lowered his head, he was always called dirty by others before, afraid that Zhuo Shao would feel the same way, so he just washed a little longer and washed a little longer.

«It has been washed very clean.» Zhuo Shao smiled.

«Then I'll put it away.» Liang Chen smiled at Zhuo Shao, and immediately went back to put the bowl. Because his thoughts were all on Zhuo Shao, and no one had taught him to greet his elders, so he didn't even give Zhuo Shao. RongYu said hello.

—This is your classmate? —Zhuo RongYu looked at Zhuo Shao in surprise.

Zhuo Shao nodded: «His father works out of town. He lives here alone. If there is a spare room, he will take the spare room for me and TingTing to live in.»

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«This child looks good, I can rest assured that you live in his house.» Zhuo RongYu said, she liked a chubby child like Liang Chen, but she didn't say hello... At her son's age, she didn't like it either. Greeting people, she doesn't care.

Zhuo RongYu took a look around Liang Chen, saw Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Ting's rooms, and chatted with Liang Chen a few words, and asked where Liang Chen's big pants were bought, saying that he would buy two for his husband strip.

Liang Chen answered happily, but Zhuo Shao felt a little appalling.

The pants Liang Chen is wearing...

Zhuo RongYu left soon, and when he left, he also promised Zhuo Shao not to tell Qu Guixiang and others his address.

After Zhuo Shao sent Zhuo RongYu away, he bought some daily necessities in the canteen near the community before going back.

When signed the lease with the family before, Zhuo Shao received a month's rent in advance, and he had five hundred yuan in his hand, so he didn't need to use the old towel and toothbrush that were all bald before, slippers or something, but also buy some.

The bathroom of Liang Chen's house is very well decorated. There is a bathtub in the main bathroom. Although there is no bathtub in the outside seats, there is also a shower room, as well as a beautiful sink and a flush toilet of good quality.

Although there is very little furniture here, Zhuo Shao still feels that his quality of life has improved all of a sudden.

After Zhuo Shao washed up, he went to the north-facing guest room. He put his clothes in the closet, and then laid a mat on the floor and lay down.

Not long after Zhuo Shao lay down, there was a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw Liang Chen standing outside the door, holding a black plastic bag.

«Your... Your things.» Liang Chen gave Zhuo Shao the black plastic bag in his hand. Zhuo Ting was always there during the day, so that he had no chance to return the things Zhuo Shao had put with him to Zhuo.


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«Thank you.» Zhuo Shao said.

«No, no.» Liang Chen waved his hands again and again, he wanted to say something to Zhuo Shao before leaving, but he didn't know what he could say, so he could only leave with a face full of reluctance.

Zhuo Shao smiled, and after he left, he took out the contents of the black plastic bag, put it into a small box he brought, and put the small box in the closet.

Although he slept on the floor at night, Zhuo Shao still slept well, and when he woke up the next day, he was refreshed.

It was only five o'clock when Zhuo Shao got up. After he took a shower, he made breakfast.

After cooking the rice with the rice cooker, Zhuo Shao scrambled eggs as he did yesterday, and scrambled a few more dishes... When he brought the last bowl of dishes to the table, Liang Chen just came out of the house.

Liang Chen didn't sleep well last night.

The fact that Zhuo Shao actually lived in his house made him very excited. He repeatedly thought about what he was going to do next, how to make Zhuo Shao like him, and the final consequence was that he didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night.

He didn't know how he fell asleep later, only that he woke up suddenly in the sun early in the morning.

Suddenly waking up from a dream, he was a little confused between reality and fantasy, and even wondered if Zhuo Shao really stayed at his house.

Because of this, he rushed out of the room without taking a shower, and then saw Zhuo Shao putting breakfast on the table.

This scene looked warm and beautiful, and Liang Chen only felt that his heart was beating faster and faster.

Zhuo Shao frowned.

Liang Chen... He only wore a pair of underwear.

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