Chapter 24 - Running with Liang Chen.

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Zhuo Shao took a rough look and knew that there were tens of thousands in the plastic bag.

He couldn't react a little: «What is this for?»

«You... You manage the money for me.» Liang Chen said incoherently. «You can buy whatever you want, you can also... You can buy it.»

Zhuo Shao suddenly felt that he was being taken care of.

He was also surprised... He really didn't expect Liang Chen to be so rich.

Liang Chen's father gave a child so much money, and then left the child alone in Fuyang County. She sighed: «You gave me all this money?»

Liang Chen nodded: «Yes! I'll give it to you. You will live in the future... If you live here, you can buy it for me, and I won't spend any money.»

Liang Chen looked at Zhuo Shao, his eyes sparkling.

Zhuo Shao lives with him, manages him, and gives him pocket money. Just thinking about such a day makes him feel satisfied.

Of course, he made this decision mainly to please Zhuo Shao.

Zhuo Shao treated him very well, and he was very afraid that Zhuo Shao would not treat him well in the future.

If Zhuo Shao thinks he is troublesome and wants to move out... Liang Chen subconsciously handed over all his belongings and wanted Zhuo Shao to stay.

Zhuo Shao's mood is very complicated.

He knew that this little fat man was a little nice to him because no one had treated him well before, and he was grateful to Dade and was satisfied, but he really didn't expect that this man would do this.

Liang Chen is not afraid that he will take the money and run away?

These money are all cash, even if he stole it, Liang Chen has no evidence to prove that he stole something.

Of course, Liang Chen estimated that he would not call the police at all, and would only admit it aggrievedly...

«How much money is there?» Zhuo Shao asked.

«About 25,000.» Liang Chen said, most of this money was given to him by his father during the Chinese New Year, and he saved it if he couldn't spend it all.

Zhuo Shao took out the money in the plastic bag, counted it, and found a total of 27,352 yuan and 30 cents. In addition, it also contained Liang Chen's household registration book and a real estate book. certificate.

The head of the household in the household registration book is Liang Chen, and there is only Liang Chen on it, and the name on the real estate certificate is also Liang Chen.

Zhuo Shao felt that the plastic bag in his hand was a little heavy.

Liang Chen trusted him too much.

He also felt more and more like his own father.

Forget it, anyway, he wants to take Zhuo Ting, and it's okay to take another Liang Chen.

Before Zhuo Shao, he wanted to separate from Liang Chen economically, and didn't want to take advantage of Liang Chen, but now, with all the belongings Liang Chen gave him, he suddenly felt that what he did was completely unnecessary.

He clearly distinguished from Liang Chen for the sake of Liang Chen's good, but maybe Liang Chen didn't want to tell him clearly - this child is very insecure, and his estrangement might make him uneasy.

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Moreover, Liang Chen has money in his hands, and he also needs it. In this case, why should he shirk?

In fact, he can make money with Liang Chen's money, and give him more money in the future, right?

Zhuo Shao had a feeling that he had figured it out.

«Okay, I took the money, don't worry, I will give you more in the future.» Zhuo Shao said.

Liang Chen looked at Zhuo Shao blankly, give him more? Why give him more?

«Go back and go to bed early.» Zhuo Shao said again.

Liang Chen nodded, and went back to sleep obediently. After he left, he felt a little lost again—he couldn't say a few more words to Zhuo Shao.

Zhuo Shao got up at five o'clock the next morning, and when he came together, he knocked on Liang Chen's door: «Liang Chen, it's time to get up.»

«Zhuo Shao?» Liang Chen came out of the room in a daze and looked at Zhuo Shao blankly.

«Put on your clothes and follow me.» Zhuo Shao said, and glanced at Liang Chen with satisfaction - Liang Chen was not naked today, he was wearing pajamas and pajamas, which was good.

Liang Chen didn't know what Zhuo Shao was going to take him to, but he got up obediently and put on the new clothes that Zhuo Shao bought him yesterday.

Zhuo Shao asked Liang Chen to drink a glass of water, then gave him a steamed potato the size of an egg for him to eat, and then took him downstairs.

The greening of this community is very good. There is also a small path for walking around the community. Zhuo Shao took Liang Chen to that path and said to him, «Come, run with me.»

Liang Chen was a little dumbfounded.

When Liang Chen was dumbfounded, Zhuo Shao had already run out.

Zhuo Shao didn't know the specific condition of his current body. He didn't run fast, and after he ran a few steps, Liang Chen caught up.

Liang Chen is very fat, and if the fat man runs too fast, he may damage his knees, so Zhuo Shao controlled the speed, but even so, Liang Chen was still out of breath, and after a while, the whole person seemed to be fished out of the water the same.

But he persevered.

Zhuo Shao turned his head and saw Liang Chen following behind him, running silently with his head lowered, his teeth clenched, looking a bit fierce.

Zhuo Shao stopped, and then Liang Chen ran in front of him. He ran five or six meters away, only to realize that something was wrong, and then stopped to look at Zhuo Shao blankly.

«Let's not run, let's take a few steps.» Zhuo Shao smiled. They have been running for about ten minutes, he is already a little tired, Liang Chen is probably more tired, it is better to take a few steps to relax.

Zhuo Shao walked with Liang Chen for about ten minutes. After seeing that Liang Chen's breathing was well-proportioned, he took him for another ten minutes.

After half an hour, Zhuo Shao felt that he was okay, but Liang Chen looked exhausted.

But he persevered and didn't cry out, which made Zhuo Shao admire him.

This is a really nice kid.

«Let's walk for another ten minutes and then take a shower.» Zhuo Shao smiled at Liang Chen.

Liang Chen was speechless, but seeing Zhuo Shao's smile, he suddenly regained his strength.

Nodding, Liang Chen walked slowly behind Zhuo Shao.

After walking for a while, Liang Chen felt that he was finally alive again, and then found that his new clothes and pants were soaked through long ago and looked dirty, and Zhuo Shao... He was wearing old clothes Clothes of old pants.

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If I had known, he would also wear old clothes and old pants, so as not to soil the new clothes that Zhuo Shao bought for him... Liang Chen was a little depressed, but he thought that he had bought five sets of clothes in total, and there were other clothes that could be changed, so he went back again. Spirited up.

Back at the residence, Zhuo Shao asked Liang Chen to drink a cup of warm water with salt before letting him take a bath.

Zhuo Shao also washed himself, and after taking a shower, he scrambled egg fried rice with the rice he had deliberately overcooked yesterday.

Carrots are cut into small cubes the size of mung bean, put in the oil together with the same size of diced lean meat and stir-fry for a while, then put in four eggs and stir-fry, and finally add rice and stir-fry, add light soy sauce, simple and delicious Egg fried rice is ready.

At this time, Zhuo Ting was already up, and Liang Chen had already taken a shower.

Although Liang Chen is fat, he is young after all, and he takes all physical education classes in the school, and he used to exercise okay, so although the morning exercise made him very painful at the time, it has eased now, but it is very difficult very hungry.

Liang Chen ate two bowls of egg fried rice in one go, but he didn't want to eat anymore.

«You can only eat two bowls of rice for each meal in the future, and you can't eat more.» Zhuo Shao said, washing the rice and putting it in the rice cooker.

What he's going to do is lunch.

The rice has been put into the rice cooker, Zhuo Shao put the minced meat mixed with a little salt on the plate, then beat three eggs on it, and finally put the plate on the steaming rack of the rice cooker.

He asked Liang Chen and learned that Liang Chen didn't pay to eat at school. Since that was the case, the three of them went home to eat.

Zhuo Shao and Liang Chen sent Zhuo Ting to primary school first, and then went to school together. On the way, Zhuo Shao asked. «Why don't you eat at school?»

«I can't eat enough.» Liang Chen lowered his head in embarrassment.

In fact, when he was in the first year of junior high school, he ate it at school, and at that time, they ate in groups of ten. The meals given by the school were placed in the middle of the table, and the group leader was responsible for dividing the dishes.

The meat dishes in school are usually chicken thighs, pork chops, and whole pork. It is fair to say that at most, your chicken thighs are bigger, and mine is smaller. Small problems.

But if someone is excluded... Then he can't get a fair share no matter what.

There were two of his former classmates in the group that was dining with Liang Chen at that time, and one of them was the group leader in charge of dividing the dishes.

Pressing the iron spoon hard, you can get a piece of meat from the braised chicken thigh. The pork chop can also be divided with the iron spoon that divides the dishes. If you eat meatballs or something... Obviously there should be four per person, team leader will always give more points to a few of them, and in the end they will be gone.

The teacher sometimes comes to see it, and met once, but the team leader said that he didn't eat because he wanted to lose weight... The teacher believed it and told him in turn that he should not lose weight.

He didn't know how to justify it, so he could only admit it, and then bought some snacks and put it in his schoolbag.

Anyway, he wasn't short of money, so he didn't eat at school at all, but went out to eat.

There is delicious food outside of school, in fact, it is much better than eating at school... Of course, he can go home to eat later!

Liang Chen wanted to jump forward.

When he arrived at the school, Zhuo Shao went to the office to thank Mr. Yang, and then said that he lived in Liang Chen's house.

Yang JianHua also knew about Liang Chen's situation. He was very happy to hear that Zhuo Shao lived with him: «This is good, you will study together in the future.»

Zhuo Shao nodded, and said that he can now collect rent and have money to eat.

Originally, Yang JianHua wanted to apply to the school so that Zhuo Shao could eat at the school for free. Now that he heard this, he gave up this plan.

Zhuo Shao is destined to live alone in the future, and even take care of his younger sister. Now it's better to adapt to it in advance.

At noon, Zhuo Shao and Liang Chen went to the primary school to pick up Zhuo Ting, and then took Zhuo Ting home together, because Liang Chen's house was next to the primary school, so it didn't take much time to do so.

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The rice in the rice cooker is ready long ago, and the steamed eggs with minced meat can be eaten straight away... Noon time is tight, so Zhuo Shao didn't cook complicated dishes, he just turned on the fire and cooked a soup.

The soup boiled with vegetables, fungus, sliced ​​meat, and oyster mushrooms was divided into three bowls by Zhuo Shao, so Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting must finish their bowl.

Zhuo Shao did this because he was worried that Zhuo Ting and Liang Chen were picky eaters, but it turned out that these two people didn't have to worry about him at all.

Zhuo Ting was not a picky eater in the first place. Liang Chen was never full before, nor was she a picky eater at all, she just preferred meat.

After eating, soaked the bowl in water, sent Zhuo Ting to the school gate, and hurried to the school. It was exactly 11:55, and she was not late.

Zhuo Shao thinks this kind of life is pretty good, and Liang Chen is also very satisfied.

Living with Zhuo Shao is definitely very happy for Liang Chen, but there are also places that make him depressed - Zhuo Shao will let him go for a run every morning, and he will do push-ups at night, or lie on the ground and stretch out The two legs do the action of pedaling a bicycle.

All this was a torment for him, but this was what Zhuo Shao asked him to do...

Liang Chen gritted his teeth and persevered, even if his whole body was sore, even if he was always hungry at night, he never thought of giving up.

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed, and it's the weekend again.

The snacks in Liang Chen's room had already been moved into his room by Zhuo Shao. He would not give Liang Chen a bite, but would give Zhuo Ting the same every day.

Every time Liang Chen saw this scene, he looked envious. Although he never asked for it, Zhuo Shao couldn't bear it because of his small-eyed appearance.

So, on Saturday afternoon, he took over all of Liang Chen's belongings, and Zhuo Shao, who was already rich by now, took Liang Chen and Zhuo Ting to the supermarket.

Zhuo Shao does not approve of children eating unhealthy snacks, but they can eat healthy ones, such as yogurt or something.

The three of them are all growing, and it is still necessary to eat some yogurt and milk to supplement calcium.

There are already supermarkets in Fuyang County, which have just opened.

This supermarket is very big and looks very high-end, but neither Zhuo Ting nor Liang Chen have been there.

Zhuo Ting had no chance, and Liang Chen did not dare to go to unfamiliar places.

They acted very cautiously, and when they saw the elevator, their faces were full of curiosity, but Zhuo Shao was different. He had entered countless supermarkets, but this one in front of him was just a small supermarket in his eyes.

The supermarket has three floors. The ground floor sells gold and silver jewelry and clothes, the second floor sells all kinds of food, and the top floor sells furniture and home appliances.

Zhuo Shao and his party went directly to the second floor, and then saw a dazzling variety of snacks...

The two children were very envious, but Zhuo Shao didn't buy them either.

Zhuo Shao took them to buy some yogurt, a box of milk, and some seasonings that could be used at home, and left with them, and that night, when he gave Zhuo Ting snacks, he also gave them to Liang Chen A box of yogurt.

Liang Chen was instantly happy.

He had seen Zhuo Shao eating snacks for Zhuo Ting with envy on his face. In fact, he was not envious of Zhuo Ting having snacks, but the act of Zhuo Shao giving Zhuo Ting something. Now, he has it too.

«Drink now.» Zhuo Shao said.

Liang Chen stuck the straw into the yogurt box, took a sip, and immediately wrinkled his face.

What a weird smell this is! Is this... Is it broken?

Liang Chen, who only bought sweet milk to drink before, had never eaten yogurt and felt very uncomfortable.

But Zhuo Shao let him drink...

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Liang Chen finally finished drinking a box of yogurt. After taking a few sips, he found that the yogurt wasn't particularly bad.

The next morning, Zhuo Shao let each of them drink a bag of milk, and then let them stay at home to do their homework, but he went out.

He walked around the community first, then found a house that was being renovated and went in to have a look.

There are already decoration companies at this time, but everyone is still used to asking people to do the decoration by themselves, and then those decoration workers usually decorate the customers according to their own experience, and there are no design drawings or anything.

Zhuo Shao used to decorate people, and some houses were knocked out of the original decoration and re-installed, and he has seen many wonderful decorations.

The sockets are in the wrong place, and the furniture is ugly. These are the most common things. He once pried open the floor of a client's house and found that the floor was full of blocky planks...

The customer pays the woodworker according to the number of boards that the woodworker makes. Then, in order to get more money, the woodworker hides the good wood saw thief under the floor, and 'dos' a few pieces of wood.

Of course, there are other algorithms for carpenter's wages. For example, the most common one is to calculate it by the day. Then, if this algorithm is used, one door, the carpenter can do it for you for a few days.

It is up to the workers to see if they have conscience.

The decoration site that Zhuo Shao visited this time, the woodworkers working there are conscientious, but...

The family asked the carpenter to make a computer desk in the study.

And then... Obviously, the woodworker didn't know how to make a computer desk at all, so in the end, he just made a desk based on past experience, but the cabinet below was not fitted with a door, and the drawer above was not fitted.

«Why not make a drawer here?» Zhuo Shao couldn't help but ask.

«It's not a place to put that key... Key...» The woodworker was a little tangled.

«Keyboard.» Zhuo Shao said.

The woodworker nodded again and again, but Zhuo Shao was silent.

The keyboard... In the table hole? How to type?

It's okay to put a computer on this table, but the keyboard must be placed on the table. In addition, a hole should be drilled in the place where the main box is placed...

Zhuo Shao thought about it and said what he knew: «I have used a computer before, and a computer desk can't do this...»

Don't leave the hole for the table, it's better to put it in a drawer and it doesn't need to be full of dust. As for the place where the main box is placed below, a hole needs to be drilled, and there is also a hole on the table top.

The carpenter was reluctant at first and didn't want to drill holes on a good tabletop, but after Zhuo Shao explained it, he still did as Zhuo Shao said, and finally said: «You know a lot!»

Zhuo Shao smiled and said again: «Do you have a phone number? My house is going to be renovated. You can leave me a contact.»

«There is a phone call, but there may be no one to answer it during the day. You can call again at night.» The woodworker gave Zhuo Shao a phone number.

Leaving from here, Zhuo Shao went around other places in Fuyang County, found two other renovation sites, and went to have a look.

He also picked out a lot of faults in those two renovation sites. For example, one of the electrician's switches for the house couldn't turn on the lights outside the house and then turned them off inside.

This... This person's skills are obviously very poor, and someone even asked him to be an electrician?

Zhuo Shao felt that his electrical skills were probably better than this person's.

At least he knew about series and parallel.

Of course, now that he has craftsmanship and is blind, no one will ask him to work unless he has a work that he can produce.

Zhuo Shao was silent for a long time, and when he finally returned home, he said to Liang Chen. «I want to redecorate your house, is that okay?»

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