Chapter 9 - Truth of Parents.

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In the early years, the certificate of urban residence was very valuable. Many people went to great lengths to have a certificate of urban residence. After all, with the residence certificate, not only do they no longer have to go to the fields to farm, but they have food stamps.


Even if that policy was lost later, some thoughts were still there. For example, the city people looked down on the villagers, while the country people envied the city people.


Zhuo Shao's parents, in fact, envied the people of the city. For this reason, they even spent 10,000 yuan to buy Zhuo Shao a permanent urban residence certificate, which is convenient for Zhuo Shao to study, and also allows Zhuo Shao not to cultivate land in the future.


In a few years, some urban residents living in poverty will envy the rural people who have fields and farms, but right now, urban people generally look down on rural people, and most of rural people's lives it's really not good. - there are not many factories now, most of the rural population only cultivates land and cannot find work, and it will take another five or six years before the state completely cancels the agricultural tax.


People who live nearby often hear Qu Guixiang talking about Zhuo Rongming's younger brother. They always think that he is a poor peasant, but now...


«My father had a van. He can earn more than 100 a day by loading goods. My mother also has a job. How can they not have savings?» Zhuo Shao dodged Qu Guixiang's attack and said, «The necklaces you are wearing are all my mother's!»


Qu Guixiang wears a beautiful gold necklace around her neck. Zhuo Shao did not know if the necklace belonged to his mother. After all, his mother didn't like jewelry, and he'd never bothered about it before.


But he knew Qu Guixiang.


This person is also generous to Zhuo Jiabao and Zhuo RongMing. He is very stingy with Zhuo Shao Zhuo Ting and even with himself.


For example, when he bought chicken, Zhuo Jiabao must have the chicken legs. Zhuo RongMing can eat the rest of the meat, but she only chews on the chicken head and legs.


When he got to Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Ting, there was no chicken soup. Such a person, she is absolutely reluctant to buy her own gold necklace.


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Qu Guixiang's expression is a bit unnatural.


It really was Zhuo Shao's family necklace. She really liked the necklace. She first planned to wear it for a few years, and then treat it as one of the three betrothal gifts for Zhuo Jiabao's wife when she got married.


«White-eyed wolf, I raised you, you keep talking nonsense!» After a short time, Qu Guixiang scolded him angrily and continued to chase after Zhuo Shao.


Zhuo Shao is very tall. He is now five foot seven and still growing. But he is very thin due to lack of food in his development period, with the childish face of a child...


Those who helped Qu Guixiang fight Zhuo Shao earlier began to sympathize with Zhuo Shao.


«Guixiang, how can you beat kids like that?»


«It's not just instant noodles. What are you doing hitting the kids?»




The pregnant young wife who was scolded by Qu Guixiang earlier said scornfully after going to a nearby safe place, «During every day, he said that his family's conditions were much better, he talked about his son always working. As a result, she did not earn money on her account, and the child eats instant noodles for a long time... Fortunately, my sister did not give her son to take care of her.»


There was a lot of noise here. After a while, even people from the neighborhood committee came.


Qu Guixiang finally stopped.


«Aunts and uncles, I will be late for school…» Zhuo Shao lowered his head.


Qu Guixiang is not a smart person, but a little calculating. It is not difficult to deal with her.

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«Xiao Shao, go study first.» Another person said immediately.


«Yeah, go quick.» Someone agreed.


«The boy was caught, beaten, and scolded as soon as he returned. Haven't you had lunch yet?» The pregnant woman came around the corner and said something.


People immediately looked at Zhuo Shao sympathetically.


«Okay, I'm used to it.» Zhu Shao said.


Those people immediately felt more sympathy. An aunt who lives downstairs said, «It's okay to be late for school once. Xiao Shao come to my house to eat something and go back to school!»


Zhuo Shao was taken to the aunt's house. Meanwhile, some people who are not used to Qu Guixiang or sympathetic to Zhuo Shao kept discussing the Zhuo family.


«I went to visit Qu Guixiang last time and saw that he asked the girl under ten years old to do the laundry. She still had her face to say that she was very good with the two children!»


«In elementary school Zhuo Shao was in the same class as my grandson. He has always been first in class. Every time the teacher praised him at the parent meeting, how could they be as bad as Qu Guixiang said?»


«I didn't expect Qu Guixiang to buy a house for his son with the money of the dead.»


Zhuo Shao ate at the cozy aunt's house.


Although he has already eaten a bun, a 14 or 15-year-old is capable of eating more, scrambled eggs, fried pumpkin, braised tofu, and three homemade dishes. He ate three bowls of rice at a time and was certainly praising the dishes.

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At first she felt that there was very little food at home. When she called Zhuo Shao, she was a little embarrassed. She immediately sympathized with Zhuo Shao and became more and more indifferent to Qu Guixiang.


Zhuo Shao is undoubtedly satisfied with the situation. He wants to get rid of his aunt's family, but he's still a minor, it's hard to do it, and it's harder to cut through the mess quickly.


Fortunately, there is a good start now.


Zhuo Shao returned to school after eating, but when he arrived at school, the afternoon study had already started.


Today, the teacher was absent, it was the girl with the ponytail who was sitting at the podium supervising the students in the class.


This girl's name is Tang Dongyan. Her hair is not very good. After wearing a ponytail, there are many small short hairs on her forehead, but she looks very cute: she has baby fat on her face.


Although Zhuo Shao forgot about most of the people in the class, he was a little impressed with her. After all, her performance has been very good and she has been very active in various activities.


«Zhuo Shao, you are late again, I will write it down.» Tang Dongyan took a look at Zhuo Shao, and then writes Zhuo Shao's name in the notebook.


Zhuo Shao used to think it was humiliating to have his name written down, but now he doesn't care anymore. He sat in his seat, looked at his textbook and borrowed his deskmate's homework for reference.


The little fat man's words are much better than last time... Zhuo Shao looked at it and carefully copied it.


At the beginning of school, Zhuo Shao didn't have to worry about exposing his embarrassment that he couldn't even solve math problems at this time. Of course, he still needs to learn. He needs to improve his scores before the monthly exam.


In the afternoon, Zhuo Shao had been studying hard, and in an instant, it was time for him to finish school.


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As soon as he finished school, Zhuo Shao picked up the backpack from him and went out.


Zhuo Ting still waiting for him in the elementary school. Zhuo Shao walked very quickly, but when leaving the school, just two hundred meters away, he met Zhuo Jiabao.


Zhuo Shao has not seen Zhuo Jiabao for many years. After being released from prison, he once paid attention to Zhuo Jiabao's situation. He knew that he had never worked and he liked to play. After learning that Qu Guixiang worked as a part-time worker for him, he stopped caring for this man. Now, he saw the young Zhuo Jiabao.


Zhuo Jiabao is very fat. He has stayed home since he didn't work recently, so he doesn't care about himself. His clothes are a bit dirty and his hair is messy and greasy.


He glared at Zhuo Shao, and then said: «Follow me.»


Zhuo Shao's eyes flashed, and he followed Zhuo Jiabao into an alley. Beimen High School has been established for more than 20 years.


When it was first established, this place was a suburb, but now... This school is already located in the center of the county, and there is a main street when you go out. This street is also the liveliest street in the county. People come and go.


But Zhuo Shao followed Zhuo Jiabao into the alley. After another walk, there was no one left. After a few more steps, they came to a house with the word 'demolition' written on the wall in red pen.


The houses here are very old and the people here have already moved.


Zhuo Jiabao turned his head and looked at Zhuo Shao with an evil smile on his face.


Zhuo Shao is no stranger to that smile. He was often beaten and mugged by Zhuo Jiabao when he was a child. At that time, Zhuo Jiabao showed the same smile. At that time, because he was bullied, his parents had a big fight with Zhuo RongMing and Qu Guixiang.


When his parents were alive, Zhuo Jiabao dared not go too far. When his parents passed away, Zhuo Jiabao was very cheeky. Fortunately, this man did not live with them and they did not meet much.


«Zhuo Shao, you dare to bully my mother…» Zhuo Jiabao clenched his fist and looked at Zhuo Shao with a mocking smile. Before he finished speaking, Zhuo Shao kicked him in the stomach.

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