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Miaomiao didn’t doubt Zhou Yuan, but she had already heard him sing before and knew his capabilities.

As a result, Miaomiao was surprised when he started to sing. He was singing Eason Chan’s ‘Ten Years’ with a soft, crooning voice.

It was unusually sad.

She stared at the boy on stage. She originally deduced that he would like the song he sang last time, “Chasing Dreams and Red Hearts.” She believed that this song befitted him better.

A wave of astonishment swept over her due to him choosing this song.

At this moment, Jingjing pulled on Miaomiao’s arm.

“What’s the matter?” Miaomiao whispered.

Jingjing’s voice was laced with a tincture of panic as she said, “What do I do? I just heard something…”

Jingjing wasn’t in good shape. Seeing her state, Miaomiao looked back at the stage with some reluctance. Since they were recording the show to broadcast it later, she decided to leave since she felt uncomfortable conversing there.

She dragged Jingjing out and asked, “What’s wrong? Speak slowly. Don’t worry about anything else.”

Jingjing elucidated, “I heard…I heard…Deng Feng…he’s going to sing a song as a confession to me.”

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Miaomiao: “…” You should have some cognizance of his affection for you. You’re just lying to yourself if you can’t even sense it at this point.

Miaomiao was barred from telling Jingjing about Deng Feng’s feelings at his behest. Deng Feng was already in a bad mood due to this situation; therefore, this trio of friends acted awkwardly with each other for quite some time.

“It’s good you know about this now. You have two options. You can either tell him that you like him, or you could tell him that you don’t like him. You don’t have to do it right now, of course.” Miaomiao mused.

This unsettled Jingjing and she rebutted, “But there’s a problem. I don’t know if I like him or not. I’ve always treated him like my little brother.”

“Let’s try a different approach. Let’s say that you rejected him, and then he falls in love with another girl in the future and confesses to her. Are you going to regret not accepting his confession today?”

“I still am uncertain…” Jingjing pressed her temple, “Miaomiao. Put yourself in my shoes. Would you say yes if Zhou Yuan confesses to you?”

“Of course…” Miaomiao suddenly realized that she had admitted her feelings. Afterwards, she realized that he liked someone else, which would incur Jingjing’s intervention in the matter, so she rephrased her sentence as, “Of course not…” 

“See. You do understand my feelings.”

Miaomiao: “…” No, not really.

Jingjing paced back and forth twice, and then she declared, “Forget about it. I’m going to mull over this slowly. I’m going to head home first.”

After she had finished speaking, she wheeled around on her heels to walk in the opposite direction. 

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Miaomiao grabbed her, “Jingjing. Don’t you want to find out the song he’s going to sing?”

Jingjing said, the awkwardness evident in her voice, “No. There’s nothing to find out.”

Miaomiao noted her attitude and thought Deng Feng still had a chance, so she dragged her back.

When they entered the auditorium, Miaomiao discovered that a wave of ebullience washed over the audience. But the singer had changed.

Miaomiao looked around but couldn’t see Zhou Yuan.

The next person up was Deng Feng.

Deng Feng went on stage, and he stammered as he introduced himself, but his singing was very pleasant. He wrote the lyrics and arranged the music himself.

The girl, who sat next to Miaomiao, said, “Wow. Is he another handsome guy who’s here to confess?”

Miaomiao felt a little puzzled, “Did someone else utter his confession before him?”

“Yeah. The participant was very handsome.” The adjacent girl cooed to her, “He sang very well, and he changed many of the lyrics in his choice of song. He sang the last few lines very well- ‘It wasn’t until I met you that I realized that if my tears wouldn’t fall for you, then they would never flow for anyone else.'”

The girl was still mulling over the boy’s confession.

Miaomiao felt a little stuffy.

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Then, Miaomiao heard the girl murmur, “However, it appears that the girl, Hua Miaomiao, doesn’t want to be with him.”

Grabbing the girl’s hand, Miaomiao asked, “To whom did he confess?”

“Hua Miaomiao,” the girl sighed, “That girl is too coldhearted.”

She wasn’t coldhearted. But now, her heart was throbbing with anticipation, and she couldn’t sit still for even a second.

Miaomiao took out her phone and texted Zhou Yuan, “Where are you?”

However, she received no reply.

At this time, Deng Feng had already finished singing, and Miaomiao noticed Jingjing wiping her tears…

Miaomiao: “…”

In the end, Jingjing decided to go on stage to hug Deng Feng.

Miaomiao: “…”

Miaomiao called Zhou Yuan again. After a prolonged duration of silence, he finally picked up.

Miaomiao asked Zhou Yuan with a cheerful and exuberant voice, “Where are you? I want to see you. I want to talk to you.”

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Zhou Yuan remained silent for quite a long time before speaking, “I’m outside. I’m near the stairs.”

Miaomiao didn’t care about the two people up on stage. She couldn’t suppress the happy smile on her face, and she ran out quickly.

She saw Zhou Yuan perched atop the stairs, looking at her with a smile.

Some inexplicable feeling overwhelmed Miaomiao’s heart, and she stopped with her sprint. She approached him and said abashedly, “Well, you just…”

“Well, confessing on stage was part of my idea, but his confession was more innovative. Don’t worry about it; you don’t have to comfort me.” Zhou Yuan calmly mused. He had just learned that Deng Feng had succeeded in his confession, so he didn’t want to hear her comfort him.

Miaomiao was stunned. She felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on her, “Huh?”

Although she couldn’t bear the ups and downs of her dilemma, she still had the determination to fight. She said with a sad tremble in her voice, “I’ll vote for you today, even if you didn’t confess to me. Jingjing had already accepted Deng Feng’s confession. I don’t have to vote for him if he’s already successful. Jingjing pulled me out of the show when you were performing. She wanted my advice to aid her with her relationship problems, which made me miss your performance…No…it’s actually a good thing that I was pulled away, or we would’ve been fraught with embarrassment.”

Miaomiao turned on her heels and left after she had finished speaking. She left Zhou Yuan behind. Confusion clouded his thinking.

Wait a minute. Who did Deng Feng confess to?

Zhou Yuan immediately chased after her, “What did you mean by…just now? I’m confused. Didn’t Deng Feng confess to you? Are you going to accept my confession?”

Miaomiao was taken aback, “Why would Deng Feng confess to me? He likes Jingjing from the start!”

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