Big Course

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Father Hua also got off work at the same time as Miaomiao, so he came to pick her up that afternoon.

Mother Hua discovered Father Hua’s new occupation; he was now a doctor at Miaomiao’s school.

Mother Hua was surprised, but she also believed that it was an excellent choice.

Father Hua didn’t have any good interpersonal communication skills at the beginning; otherwise, he wouldn’t have had to work so hard for so long, but he still hadn’t been promoted. Moreover, his strength had indeed deteriorated over the years. Since he was now a school doctor, he now found time to take care of his own health and his own matters. He now worked from 9 to 5, which gave him time to do things that he had never found the time for.

Father Hua himself was happy about his decision; therefore, a wave of ebullience washed over the entire family.

Miaomiao also mentioned that her father vaccinated her.

She also confessed to their mother that she had lied due to her fear of needles. She admitted that she had committed an error, but she also rectified her mistake.

Mother Hua sat next to her on top of a cushioned stool. “Is Miaomiao sad?” she asked.

Miaomiao’s nose turned sour, and she was very sad. “I won’t lie in the future.”

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Mother Hua kissed her and said, “Miaomiao is a good girl. There’s no need to tell lies like these, which will only make you feel uncomfortable.”

“Miaomiao is going with dad tomorrow to look for a new home, okay? Please take a photo of it and show it to mom.” Mother Hua told Miaomiao before going to bed.

Miaomiao nodded ebulliently.

Miaomiao used to talk on the phone watch and video chat with Zhou Yuan during her weekends. Somehow, she was going to be very busy this weekend.

Miaomiao got up in the morning and went to help wash her mom’s face. Miaomiao wrung the water out of the towel and wiped her mother’s face.

As she was being washed by Miaomiao, Mother Hua flashed her a smile and said, “I thought I would have to wait until my seventies or eighties to get this type of treatment.”

Great-grandmother somehow heard her comment, “That’s not necessarily true. I’m in my eighties, and my daughter still hasn’t washed my face for me yet.”

Grandmother poked her head out of the kitchen, “Mom. Wait. I’ll wash your face right now.”

The house was lively. 

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After Miaomiao finished wiping her mother’s face, everyone had breakfast together. Father Hua then went out with Miaomiao, who had a cell phone hanging from a strap on her chest.

Father Hua had bought a new mobile phone for Miaomiao. Initially, she thought it was useless, but isn’t it useful now?

Father Hua took Miaomiao to survey a house, which suited their needs, that the housing agent had already selected for them.

Renting a house wasn’t something they wanted to do for a long time. Additionally, since there were elders and children living with them, it inconvenienced them to live in their rental house.

Father Hua had already contacted the housing agency and listed their old house for sale. And going to school every day would also be inconvenient from there.

To make it convenient for Miaomiao to go to junior high school and high school, they decided to buy a house near the school district.

Since Father and Mother Hua lived with elderly relatives and a young child, they decided to purchase a renovated second-hand house.

Earlier in the day, Mother Hua and Father Hua already had discussed this issue. It would be quite arduous to decorate and furnish the new house due to the laborious nature of this task. Even if they finished furnishing and painting the house, people still couldn’t live there right away. Usually, they had to ventilate the house for about half a year, but since they had elderly occupants and children, the house had to be ventilated for a much longer duration of time.

As a result, they decided to purchase a second-hand house that was well-furnished, and they would simply replace the parts that they didn’t like.

Since there were so many people in their family, including great-grandmother, grandmother, and Miaomiao, they decided that a double-story villa was the best choice. Additionally, they needed a study room.

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Father Hua took Miaomiao along to survey the houses with the agent. Miaomiao used her mobile phone to chat with her mother. As a diligent house hunter, she learned the agent’s words and elucidated them to her mother.

At the same time, Zhou Yuan was perusing a book in his college classroom. Minor classes were held in a small classroom that accommodated more than forty people. Zhou Yuan sat directly in the first row since this was the agreement set up between Father Zhou and the other party.

As soon as he walked into the classroom, all his classmates immediately noticed his conspicuous presence. “Hey kid. Class will begin in a few minutes. Where are your parents?” a girl asked.

Although they had mistaken him for a child who had lost his way, Zhou Yuan wasn’t embarrassed at all. He just thought that everyone would be better off if they cared more about themselves. 

The class bell sounded, and everyone sat down. The teacher entered the room with a book. He introduced Zhou Yuan to everyone by saying, “We have a new classmate in our class – Zhou Yuan. Don’t bully him just because he’s a child.”

Zhou Yuan wasn’t interested in this “Legal History” class. But this wasn’t his first class.

Zhou Yuan had already missed out on a lot of the class’s previous lessons. But for today’s lesson, the teacher was discussing the harsh punishments that took place during the Qin Dynasty.

Zhou Yuan read some books last night; therefore, he could understand the content of the lecture.

His second class had concluded. It was just after ten o’clock in the morning, and he noticed that the morning sun’s gentle rays were pouring through the window. This sight caused him to remember Miaomiao. He didn’t bring his cell phone today.

Miaomiao should be calling me right about now…

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Miaomiao usually called him every week unless something else preoccupied her attention.

After the conclusion of his second class, there was a half-hour break. The other college students were either napping, playing games on their phone, or indulged in conversation at their tables. The classroom was very noisy.

From his viewpoint, there wasn’t much difference between college classrooms and elementary school classrooms.

Except…there was a clutch of college students who surrounded him. They bombarded him with questions: “Your name is Zhou Yuan, right? Do you understand anything?”

“Did your parents enroll you here? Shouldn’t you be learning piano or learning how to dance at your age and not learning this?”

Zhou Yuan: “…” I have nothing in common with these people.

But this didn’t discourage Zhou Yuan. He still wanted to study at a university. He had no intention of making friends. To him, his goal was the learning of new information.

The teacher from the classroom adjacent to his was still lecturing. Zhou Yuan had passed by when he overheard his lecture, “According to the length of the borrowing time, the international financial market could be divided into two markets: the currency market and the short-term borrowing market…”

This stunned Zhou Yuan for a moment. Silently, he walked in, sat in the last row, and began to listen to the teacher’s lecture.

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