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Zhou Yuan acceded to Miaomiao’s proposal after dwelling on it for a while. Then, he asked, “Is there anything bothering you?” 

“It’s a bit complicated.” Miaomiao thought about it for a moment and continued, “I have a friend who fell in love with his childhood friend. However, this childhood friend mostly treated him like a normal friend…”

Miaomiao felt that Zhou Yuan possessed a little bit more maturity  than her; therefore, he should have a solution to a problem like this.

She was really worried about this issue during this time. Deng Feng, Jingjing, and Miaomiao had always been really good friends, but she didn’t want this issue to destroy their friendship, which endured many hardships and lasted many years. Their parents had punished them together; they had missed classes together; they ate late night dinners together; they went square dancing together…regular people would find it difficult to find such good friends during their lifetime.

Miaomiao frowned. 

Zhou Yuan stared at her frown, and his heart inexplicably twitched with discomfort.

“You…Does your friend really like that person?” Zhou Yuan questioned her.

Miaomiao nodded, “Yes, my friend really likes that person. He couldn’t sleep for the past two days since it was gnawing at him the entire time.”

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Deng Feng couldn’t fall asleep at all. All he talked about was Jingjing; his entire world revolved around her. Miaomiao jokingly believed that she would fall in love with Jingjing as well if he continued to extol her to the skies.

Zhou Yuan mused over it for a while before replying, “And what advice do you want me to give you?”

“My friend wholeheartedly believes that the other person wouldn’t like him because of his shortcomings. Do you know how to alleviate his mood? He also doesn’t know whether or not he should confess. He’s afraid that if he confesses, then they might no longer be friends.”

Zhou Yuan frowned and said, “Don’t confess.”

Zhou Yuan naturally assumed that the ‘friend’ was Miaomiao, and the person she liked was Deng Feng.

He dutifully replied, “Don’t confess. You shouldn’t confess if both parties don’t feel the same way. In fact, you shouldn’t confess at all since the perception and understanding of love at our age is inherently full of ambiguity and is ever-changing. Love at this age is almost like a vagary that comes and goes. It’s very fickle, after all. If you…I mean, if your friend really likes that person; then, try dropping him some hints. Let him figure it out for himself. Think of it like a buffer period. This is better for both parties.”

Miaomiao: “…” I’ve never been in love before. Why are there so many rules? Is love always this complicated?

“I have studied psychology, which included consumer psychology and the psychology of human relationships such as love.”

Miaomiao gave him a thumbs up, “Awesome! I’ll jot it down as a note. Now, it’s your turn. What are you most bothered by?”

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Zhou Yuan froze for a moment before replying slowly, “I’m thinking about changing my profession.”


“It’s nothing too serious, but I’m just not used to my field,” Zhou Yuan mused for a moment, but he still decided not to tell her about the chaos that he had experienced, but he did implicitly state, “It’s completely different from how I imagined it to be, so I wish to change my environment.”

While Miaomiao had little understanding of his problem, she still mused over it with the utmost solemnity and responded, “I surmise that you are left with two choices. On one hand, you could try to switch your profession or field. You’re still very young; therefore, you could just enroll in a college but with a different major. On the other hand, you could find a way to succeed in your original profession, but it could indeed be tricky to change your field from within.”

Zhou Yuan was originally at a crossroads, and he was left with two choices. Either he could change his profession, or he could go back and inure himself to it.

Miaomiao analyzed the situation and said, “They even came to your school to look for you, which means that you’re well-versed in your industry. But I believe that people, who are well-versed in everything, are also good at everything, so it might be a good idea to simply change your major. It shouldn’t be too difficult a task for you.”

Zhou Yuan was astounded. After his astonishment had ebbed away, he asked, “Do you really think I can change my industry?”

“You’re only 18 years old, so everyone is already very much amazed that you already have your Ph.D. and a few years of work experience. No one will truly believe you when you mention your achievements, okay? In fact, I don’t know how changing industries would present a challenge for you. Besides, I have lived so long that I wouldn’t even consider doing this if this were a television show. In TV dramas, it’s common for people to change their industries. If some predicament or chaotic situation was beginning to loom, then it would be wise to change it. I know from a single glance that you’re pretty much the Chosen One.”

Zhou Yuan looked at Miaomiao. Something flashed in his mind suddenly, almost as if a somber, black cloud had been pushed away by the sun’s aureous rays.

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“Do you think my explanation has any merit?” Miaomiao raised her eyebrows.

Zhou Yuan nodded, and then he pulled her up and said, “Let’s go!”


“To get you something to eat, perhaps?” Zhou Yuan replied.


‘Isn’t there a truism that states that girls like to eat snacks when they’re frustrated? Or was I mistaken?‘ Zhou Yuan wondered.

Zhou Yuan incorrectly assumed that Miaomiao’s story about her friend was really a cover to conceal her crush on Deng Feng.

Since someone had invited her to eat some savory food, Miaomiao followed without hesitation and said, “By the way, how about we create a long-term agreement that mutually benefits us? You can help me solve this relationship problem. And I’ll help you with your problem.”

Honestly, Miaomiao felt that her suggestions weren’t very constructive or auspicious, but she could still listen to his problems.

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Zhou Yuan paused, “What assistance do you need with your relationship problem?”

Miaomiao hearkened back to Deng Feng’s dejected expression. He was really serious about Jingjing who he liked for a long time.

Miaomiao said, “I’m not very good with the advice that you gave me earlier. I don’t know how to drop hints to the other person to tell him that I like them.”

Zhou Yuan replied, “I’m not very good either.”

“Nonsense. You’re being too modest. I thought your plan was very well thought-out!” Miaomiao praised him highly, “How exactly would you drop some hints? They had a very close companionship when they were growing up…”

Zhou Yuan wasn’t angry, “Did they hold hands?”

“They often held hands. They used to cuddle when they were young, but they stopped after entering high school. They still occasionally hold hands, though.”

Zhou Yuan said awkwardly, “Then, this isn’t a problem that couples are known to have. They’re high school students, so they shouldn’t be holding hands.”

Miaomiao: “…” That seems reasonable. They act too much like relatives or family members. They were very close during their childhood years. So, even if they hold hands, it’s basically the same thing as putting one’s left hand into one’s right hand.

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