When they returned to the house, Sousuke wrapped his hands around Satori’s waist and locked him inside his arms.

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“Sousuke, umm…?”

When Satori looked up, Sousuke’s face was right in front of him; the closeness made him feel flustered.

At that moment, Sousuke stared at him as if he was observing him. Satori wondered what was going on.

(Will it be okay to do this? Will he hate it…?)

He could hear Sousuke’s voice that sounded somewhat worried.

“I-I don’t mind.”

Satori shook his head.


Then he covered his mouth with his hand. He accidentally responded to Sousuke’s inner voice again.

“I-I’m sorry…”

As Satori apologized spontaneously, Sousuke bumped his forehead against Satori’s. He was startled when Sousuke glanced at him with an upward glance. His heart was beating faster and faster.

“Hey, can you stop that already?”


“Stop apologizing for small things like that. I’ve told you, you can just read my mind if you want to. No matter what you are, I still like you, Satori.”

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Like? Sousuke likes me?

Satori stared at Sousuke, not understanding what he was talking about. When Sousuke saw Satori, he let out a troubled, yet gentle smile.

“…If only I could read your mind too.”

(Then I’d know if you like it or not.)

“I-I don’t mind. I won’t hate any single thing that you do to me.” 

Sousuke frowned at Satori’s words.

(…That’s the problem.)

Huh? What does he mean…?

Satori wondered whether he had said something that upset Sousuke. Seeing Satori who soon became flustered, Sousuke gave a wry smile.

“If you know what I’m about to do to you from now on, you’ll probably hate me.”


Sousuke slightly tilted his head, then he kissed Satori’s lips. After that, he pulled his face away and looked at Satori, who’s wide-eyed. As he looked at Satori’s reaction, Sousuke kissed Satori once again.

“…Sato. Satori.”

 (So cute…)

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Every time Sousuke’s gentle voice and inner thoughts reached his ears, Satori’s heart melted as sweetly as ice cream.

(…He looks like he’s in a trance.)

Satori dyed his cheeks red as he was being whispered enticingly. He thought that it felt incredibly embarrassing.

As Satori unconsciously turned his face away, Sousuke kissed the edge of his eyes.

(…I want to take off his clothes and kiss every part of his body. I want to fill his thoughts with me, so he doesn’t have to think about anything else. I want to hear his sweet voice as he melts.)


Every time Satori felt Sousuke’s affection, which Sousuke had no intention of hiding, some kind of tingling sensation that he had never experienced before ran through his body.


Satori’s eyes widened. Some unknown change was occurring in a part of his body. He had no sexual knowledge, but he knew instinctively that it was something embarrassing. Satori rubbed his legs together as if to hide something from Sousuke.

(Ah, so he’s hard down there.)

Satori blushed at Sousuke’s voice. He hurriedly tried to escape from Sousuke’s arm, but for some reason his legs didn’t have any strength. He felt like he was about to fall to his knees.

(….Ah, no good.)

At that moment, Satori felt like crying as he heard Sousuke’s inner voice.

“So-sorry. Sousuke, I…”

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“Ah, no, it’s not that, Satori. You’re fine like that. You just misunderstood. I was talking about myself.”

Sousuke grabbed Satori’s arm and made him touch his thing. Satori reflexively pulled his hand back when he felt the hardest thing he had ever felt in his hand. Sousuke gave a wry smile.

“I know that you aren’t used to things like this. And I know that you said that you liked me. There’s no doubt about it. But to be honest, I’m not sure if it’s the same as the feelings I had for you.”


What does he mean…?

Satori felt uneasy as he couldn’t understand what Sousuke was saying.

Satori likes Sousuke a lot. Sousuke is more important than anything else and irreplaceable to him. For example, if he were asked to choose among the things most important to him, like Sousuke, the stone he got from Sousuke, or the paper inside the pouch that Sousuke gave him, he would definitely choose Sousuke. Of course, he would choose Sousuke over his own life, too.

Is that not enough?

(…I’m worried.)


Satori was puzzled. When he thought that Sousuke was feeling sad, he also felt his chest tighten, and he didn’t know what he should do.

“I feel like I’m taking advantage of your pure feelings toward me. Your love for me might just be pure adoration, like that of a newborn chick when it sees someone for the first time. But you’re so cute and precious. It made me want to make all of you mine, even if I have to take advantage of your pure feelings for me.”

(I don’t want to hurt you.)

Sousuke gently let go of Satori’s body and smiled gently with a troubled face. Toward Sousuke, a sweet yet sorrowful yearning feeling that Satori had never felt before was born inside him.

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I don’t really understand what Sousuke is talking about, but at least I know how I feel.

Satori put his hand on Sousuke’s arm, stood on tiptoes, and then kissed Sousuke on the cheek, just like Sousuke had done to him. First, he started from the right cheek.


Then, Satori stared at the surprised Sousuke. After he made sure that Sousuke didn’t reject his action, he kissed the cheek of the opposite side. Lastly, he licked his lips and pressed them against Sousuke’s lips. When something that was like Sousuke’s tongue slipped between his lips, Satori was surprised.


Satori panicked as he tried to call Sousuke’s name, but he couldn’t move because his head was being held so tightly. Sousuke’s tongue was moving around as it pleased inside his mouth; it felt like he was being eaten. At that moment, Sousuke’s tongue licked the roof of his mouth.

A shiver of pleasure ran down his back.


Satori’s thing that was about to calm down started to react again because of the stimulation given by Sousuke. On top of that, there was a sensation like something was about to come out from the tip of it. It made Satori feel like crying when he thought he had wet himself. Satori stiffened his body and bent down as if to protect himself.


(Did I scare him after all?)

Satori could feel the faint disappointment and concern towards him at the same time coming from Sousuke. But Satori could only keep his face down without being able to answer those questions.

At that moment, he felt the presence of Sousuke left his side, which made him want to cry even more.

There must be something wrong with me for wetting myself just because of something like this. If Sousuke found out about this, he might hate me.

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