Extra SS “After the Fairy tale” (1)

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Satori had been acting strangely for a few days now.

He seemed to think that Sousuke wouldn’t notice, but to tell the truth, it was pretty obvious.

Sousuke felt like Satori was watching him secretly while chuckling happily to himself. He had been so curious about his behavior, wondering what Satori might have been hiding inside his cute little head for the past few days.

“Please wait, the breakfast will be ready in a bit.”

Satori peeked out from the kitchen and disappeared again. His beautiful eyes that were once hidden by his long bangs could be seen clearly now. When Sousuke heard for the first time the reason behind why Satori had been growing out his bangs, he felt very angry inside. At the same time, he also felt a tightening pain deep in his chest.

Why couldn’t I have kept my promise to Satori in the past? I was just a small kid back then, but still…

When the fragrant smell of coffee wafted past his nose, Sousuke got up from the living room sofa. In the kitchen, Satori was making breakfast with his still unsteady but careful hands.

“I’ll take this over there.”

Sousuke picked up a plate and then placed a sneaky kiss on Satori’s smooth cheek.

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From Satori’s earlobe to the nape of his neck, it was dyed slightly red as if it had been painted with a brush. That change was vivid, as if flower buds that had been tightly shut were to bloom all at once. Sousuke slightly widened his eyes by the sensuality that oozed out from Satori, which even Satori himself wasn’t aware of.

Ahh, since it’s my day off, I want to go back to bed and cuddle Satori all day. I want to tightly hug my tempting and irresistibly adorable lover. I want to make him moan in a cute voice.


When Sousuke hugged Satori’s slender body from behind, he could smell his sweet flowery scent.

Oh no. I might really become hard.

Satori, who had read Sousuke’s mind, waddled away with a red face, trying to escape from Sousuke’s arm. However, with a frying pan in one hand and chopsticks in the other hand, Satori was unable to move as he wanted to.

“Hey, are you really sure you’re okay by yourself? There’ll be more people than usual since it’s the holiday. Satori, you don’t like crowds, right? What if you get sick again?”

Today was Sousuke’s day off, and last night he had spent a lot of time making love with Satori in bed. While kissing the forehead of the droopy-eyed Satori, Sousuke asked what they should do on his day off tomorrow. Actually, Sousuke had secretly bought early tickets to the aquarium for Satori, who rarely went outside. The aquarium had been renovated a few months ago, and it was said that it had penguins swimming in a huge tank, looking as if they were flying through the city’s sky. Sousuke thought that Satori would surely be happy with this, but Satori seemed like he was about to fall asleep any second now, widening his eyes and shaking his head to stay awake.

Satori said that he would be going out for a bit tomorrow.

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Sousuke, who didn’t expect he would actually get turned down, asked Satori where he would be going, but Satori’s gaze wandered. Then Satori gave a troubled smile and answered that it was a secret.

“We can even stop by the ice cream shop I told you about the other day on the way home. You like ice cream, right?” Sousuke asked affectionately while nuzzling his nose into the back of Satori’s head. He knew that Satori was weak to this gesture of his.

“I-it’s okay! I can go by myself!”

Satori slipped out easily from Sousuke’s arm, then knowing or not knowing that Sousuke was devastated inside, he transferred the contents of the frying pan to a plate.

“Sorry for the wait, let’s have breakfast.”

Satori was smiling. Then he looked down at his feet, and as if he had just remembered something, he filled water into a small plate. When Sousuke saw Satori placing the small plate on the floor, he wondered if it was for the white spirits that Satori had told him about before. Sousuke had never seen the spirits, which were probably standing there now.

It was at that moment, he felt like he saw something that looked like a white fluff near the small plate for a moment.

Sousuke rubbed his eyelids and blinked.

Was it just my imagination…?

On the wooden floor, there was only a small plate filled with water just like usual.

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“No, it’s nothing.”

Sousuke shook his head. He picked up the plate of breakfast that had been finished and invited the curious-looking Satori to the living room.

The autumn breeze that caressed his skin felt good. The sky that had become much more distant was a pale blue color.

“Ah! It’s Ogigami Sousuke!”

Every time such a voice could be heard, Sousuke stealthily buried his face in the shawl wrapped around his neck. With a hat on his head and sunglasses on his face, it was an obvious disguise that he usually didn’t wear regularly. However, Sousuke didn’t do this to hide from the fans that knew him as “Ogigami Sousuke the announcer”. When he raised his gaze, it seemed like Satori, who was walking a few meters ahead of him, didn’t notice, which made Sousuke rub his chest in relief.

Sousuke was unexpectedly shocked when Satori rejected his invitation. He was also shocked that Satori wouldn’t tell him where he was going.

Usually, it was natural for anyone to have one or two secrets. Of course, Sousuke didn’t have the slightest doubt in his mind that Satori wasn’t cheating on him. He didn’t suspect him, but…

But it was the first time that Satori kept a secret from him.

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Even so, to think that I actually ended up tailing him…

Sousuke was appalled at his own actions that lacked thoughtfulness, but he still glanced at Satori who was ahead of him. Satori was smiling at the sound of fallen leaves that he stepped on, but then he suddenly opened his mouth as if he was startled by something. He was being barked at by a small dog, then he was being apologized to by the owner for startling him. On the other hand, Satori also lowered his head several times like a grasshopper. …Ah, it was so cute.

It was around the time Sousuke thought about calling out to Satori and apologizing for tailing him. Suddenly, a man grabbed Satori’s arm and said something to him. It was a flashy young man with brown hair and piercings. Satori shook his head with a red face. However, the man still grabbed Satori’s arm and wouldn’t let go. The man’s cheeks were slightly red as he stared at Satori, who was trying his hardest to say something. The man was staring at Satori in a daze as if he was captivated by him.

Ah, Stop that you stupid bastard! Stay away from my Satori!  

Just when Sousuke couldn’t take it anymore and was about to jump out there, Satori pulled away from the man. Sousuke thought that Satori should just kick the crap out of a guy like that. But then even from a distance, Sousuke could see that Satori was bowing politely to the man. The flirty guy looked at Satori one more time regretfully, then left.

“What am I even doing here…” Sousuke breathed out these words with a sigh. He took off his hat and ruffled his hair. He suddenly felt guilty, as if he had done something he should be ashamed of.

When Sousuke looked at him, he saw Satori heading somewhere, looking very excited. To a place that he didn’t know.

Satori’s eyes were sparkling, as if he had a clear destination in mind. His steps were light and full of energy.

“Guess I’ll go home…”

Sousuke let out a sigh and turned back the way he had come from. He went back to the house where he lived together with Satori.

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