Chapter 25 – SS Satori going to a hot spring (1)

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In front of Satori who sat on top of the soles of his feet, there was Sousuke reflected from inside a “variety show” program.

–Listen, Satori. I’m not saying that you can’t watch it, but you don’t have to force yourself to watch it.

(Damn, why do I have to participate in a quiz show…)

When Sousuke said that he couldn’t refuse the invitation to appear on the “variety show”, he seemed somewhat heavy-spirited. However, since Satori wasn’t told that he must not watch it, he had been waiting in front of the TV for 30 minutes before the program started, along with the white fluffy spirits.

“What butterfly that’s generally small as an adult, and owes its name to its shell-shaped wings?”

Sousuke’s hand pressed a round button and there was a beeping sound.

“Gossamer-winged butterfly!”

“Yes, Mr. Ogigami, you are correct!”

The voice of the host, who was in his forties, was met with a squeal of delight.

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“Ms. Hanasaki, I understand how you feel, but you shouldn’t show favoritism.”

When the host chided her, the woman in the beautiful clothes stained her cheeks red in embarrassment, and the audience erupted in laughter. Sousuke was just like his usual self, he seemed to be unaffected by the atmosphere around him.

“So-sousuke is so awesome.”

If it were Satori, he would be too nervous to think about answering the quiz with so many people watching. The white fluffy spirits jumped around Satori, either agreeing with him or maybe showing that they didn’t care.

“And now for the last question. If you answer correctly, you will get three times the bonus points.”

The audience let out a collective “Ooh…” 

“This time, the prize is an overnight trip to a super high-class hot spring inn that everyone surely wants to visit at least once in their life.”

Satori felt a slight tension from Sousuke’s expression that was reflected on the screen, which made him nervous in turn. He rubbed the sweat from his palms onto his thighs. Satori didn’t know what a super high-class hot spring inn was like, but if Sousuke wanted it, it must have been a great prize.

A drum roll could be heard.

Satori’s back straightened as he stared at the screen.

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Sousuke, do your best!

Clasping his palms together in front of his chest, Satori sent a cheer to Sousuke who was on the other side of the screen.

“It’s said that there are various kinds of spirits in Japan from a long time ago. What is the name of the spirit that can see into the hearts of humans, is as ugly as a monkey, and is hated by everyone?”

A beeping sound could be heard. 

“Yes, Mr. Ogigami!”

The camera moved closer and closer on Sousuke. For some reason, Sousuke’s face fell silent as if he was hesitating. There was a tense atmosphere in the studio.

Sousuke? What’s wrong?

Satori tilted his head, wondering why Sousuke’s face looked sullen and doubtful for some reason.

“Is there something wrong?”

At the sound of the host’s voice, Sousuke tightened his lips for a moment and quietly muttered “Not just some, there are a lot of mistakes there…”, then answered “Satori.”

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“Mr. Ogigami, your answer is correct! The prize is an overnight trip to a high-class hot spring inn! Congratulations!”

The studio erupted in cheers. Satori also widened his eyes and clapped his hands while still sitting on the soles of his feet.

“As expected of a popular announcer, you have a wide range of knowledge. Who will you take on the trip with you?”

While receiving what appeared to be a prize, Sousuke answered “Yes, well…” and speak ambiguously.

“So amazing, amazing. Sousuke is so amazing.” 

Satori gazed with sparkling eyes at Sousuke, who had successfully won the competition, while the white fluffy spirits jumped around him.

“—What you said before was false.”

When music started to play and the program was about to end in a friendly atmosphere, that voice could be heard.


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The host and the other participants looked at Sousuke with a questioning expression. The audience was filled with a strange confusion, wondering what Sousuke had said. Still unable to end the program, the host asked in confusion, “What do you mean it was false?”. Sousuke looked straight at the host and said, “The question from earlier is false. The spirit called Satori isn’t ugly like a monkey, and it isn’t hated by everyone.” he replied with a calm face.


Along with the voice of the host, the program switched to a commercial and ended. After that, there were a lot of talk on Twitter and social media such as “What’s going on with Ogigami Sousuke?!”. Of course, Satori, who usually didn’t use the internet, was unaware of it.


The Golden Week holidays had been pleasant and sunny. Lining it up with Sousuke’s day off, Satori and Sousuke went on a two-day and one-night hot spring trip. Tonight they would stay at the inn that Sousuke had won from the “variety show” program, and tomorrow they planned to go to the beach.

It was Satori’s first time going out for an overnight stay and of course, going to a hot spring too. In the end, he was so nervous that he couldn’t sleep at all the night before.

chirp chirp chirp

“Satori, this way.”

Sousuke called out to Satori, who was staring up at the blue sky with his mouth wide open. Satori gasped and rushed to Sousuke’s side. The hot spring inn that was two and a half hour train ride away reminded Satori somewhat of his hometown, with its chilly air due to its close proximity to the mountain.

The long-established high-class inn, which only took reservations from a few guests a day, had a magnificent building. As they passed through the freshly sprinkled entrance, they were welcomed by the proprietress in a beautiful kimono.

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