Chapter 25 – SS Satori going to a hot spring (4)

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“Even though it was supposed to be a special day, it‘ll soon be over because of me…”

When his name was called softly, Satori looked up. Satori blinked as he was being kissed. Sousuke looked at him with an unusually happy expression and red cheeks.

“Were you really looking forward to it that much?”

Satori nodded.

“So, you wanted to get in the hot spring together with me?”

When he remembered that he had lost a great opportunity, Satori bit his lips tightly and nodded his head again.

(Ahh, he’s really cute. So fricking cute. Deadly cute.)

Along with that inner voice, Sousuke hugged him so tightly that it startled Satori.

“Then, I’ll have to live up to your expectations.”


As Satori felt that his body was softly floating away, Sousuke was carrying him up. Just like that, Sousuke headed straight for the open-air bath.


Sousuke took off the yukata of the nervous Satori, then placed a kiss around his collarbone.


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Something that was like a sweet numbness ran through his body, and Satori couldn’t help but raise his voice.

“You wanted to get in the bath together with me, right?”

“…We’re going to the bath?”

“Yeah, the bath.”

Sousuke took the tip of Satori’s pointy chest to his mouth and bit it lightly. When Satori was about to raise his voice, he suppressed it with both hands.


Something wet was gradually building up, its tip peeking out from inside Satori’s underwear.

“A-aren’t we going to the bath?”

Contrary to his answer that said they were going to the bath, Sousuke didn’t stop caressing Satori’s chest.

What should I do? At this rate, I, I…

Swallowing the word “I’ll come”, Satori shut his eyelids tightly. When Sousuke touched him, he felt so good that his head went completely blank. When Sousuke hugged him, he was filled with so much happiness as if he was floating.

Satori’s heart raced in anticipation of what was about to happen, but more than that, the embarrassment made him feel puzzled.

(So cute, his heart is beating so fast.)


As his earlobes were being licked, a shiver ran through his body. Sousuke, who was clearly different from his usual self, not even trying to hide his desires, had a lustful smile spread across his face.

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(But, that isn’t enough.)


What does he mean…?

He was being kissed as if his lips were being sealed. Satori was at the mercy of Sousuke’s tongue, and he couldn’t think of anything else.

The open-air bath that was lit by a lamp on the deck set up the mood perfectly.

The sound of water trickling could be heard. Satori, who was carried by Sousuke from the room to the open-air bath, had no time to enjoy the hot spring, for he immediately got attacked by Sousuke. Satori looked away in embarrassment as the reflection of their intertwined figures could be seen faintly in the glass window.

“Ah… mn, aah, ah…!”

As Satori was being hugged from behind with his chest being caressed, he couldn’t help but let out a sweet voice.

(Satori, Satori.)

He couldn’t tell how many times he had been made to come. Because they were outside, Satori had tried to suppress his voice at first, but before he knew it, he couldn’t afford to do that anymore.

“Sousuke… Sousuke, I… Ah!”

Each time Sousuke moved intensely, he hit Satori’s weak spot, and it made Satori’s painfully tense tip start spilling out tears.

“Aah…! Ah…!”

At that moment, Sousuke’s long finger slipped into his mouth.

“If you’re this loud the room next to us will hear you.”

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As the sensitive spot inside his mouth was being tickled and his ears were being whispered teasingly, Satori’s tears spilled down.

“No, no…”

He was embarrassed that he was feeling it too much.

“What is it that you don’t like?”

(Satori, so cute. Satori…)

Satori shook his head, then Sousuke kissed the corner of his eye as if to comfort him.

(Sorry for teasing you.)

“Satori, I like you.”

(I love you.)

His body was being hugged tightly. The next moment, Sousuke’s body trembled and he came inside Satori.

Satori crawled out of the open-air bath and leaned against a wooden deck as if he had lost all his strength. His heart was still beating fast. The night breeze felt nice on his flushed skin.  Unable to move right away, he waited for his breath to calm down while surrendering his body to the cool sensation of the wood against his bare skin. Satori was unaware of how his defenseless appearance looked in Sousuke’s eyes at that time. 

(His white skin is slightly tinted in a pink color, so erotic… To think that small butt was able to fit mine inside it just a moment ago…)

The moment Satori thought “Huh?”, it was already too late. Sousuke who came out of the open-air bath kissed his thin yet plump back, causing his body to shiver.


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When he realized it, Sousuke’s thing that had just calmed down earlier was once again on the verge of war. Satori’s eyes widened.

No way…

“Sorry, Satori. I didn’t want to force you to do this because there’s tomorrow, but…”

(You’re just too cute that I…)

“I don’t think I can stop.”

When the sensitive part that Sousuke had played with earlier was being touched once again, Satori twitched.


It’s not that he didn’t want to do it. He didn’t dislike it, but it was hard because he was feeling it too much.

(If you really don’t want to, I’ll stop.)

However, once he heard Sousuke’s true intention he had no reason to stop him. His heart was pounding so loudly that it felt like it might reach Sousuke’s ears.

When Satori gathered up his courage and clung to Sousuke’s neck, Sousuke had a surprised expression on his face.


“I like you. I really like you, Sousuke.”

Sousuke’s eyes that were looking at something dear to him were slightly narrowed as if he were holding back pain.

“I like you, Satori.”

Satori then spent a wonderful night with Sousuke, and as expected, he couldn’t get up because of the excessive physical activity. The next day, everything that they had planned to do ended up being canceled, and Satori was apologized to by the remorseful Sousuke.

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