Chapter 26 – SS Satori’s summer holidays (2)

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They planned to go on an overseas trip for three nights and four days during the summer holidays. Of course, it was Satori’s first time going abroad. Before, there was a travel show where celebrities visited foreign countries and experienced various things. Sometimes, Sousuke and Satori would watch it together on the living room sofa.

“Sousuke, the clear water is so beautiful. It’s glistening.”

Satori said that while smiling, looking at the crystal clear sea that was clearly different from the ones in Japan.

“Do you want to go there?”

(Should I take Satori to that place?)

Because of his ability to read others’ minds regardless of their intentions, Satori had been through a lot of hard times up until now. That said, no matter how badly others treated or hurt him, Satori never resented the other person.

Sousuke wanted to show Satori all the scenery he wanted to see. He wanted to make everything that Satori wished for come true.

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A thought came to Sousuke’s mind that he should really show this scenery to Satori.

Sousuke was aware that he had truly fallen in love with Satori. That’s right, it was to the point he was willing to give up everything for him–


As Sousuke wrapped his arms around Satori’s waist to hug him from behind, Satori was so startled that he jumped on the spot. Satori’s earlobe and nape were slowly dyed red. Sousuke had already lost his composure the moment he thought that Satori was so cute. His heart was enveloped with something warm and filled with affection. At the same time, a desire to make love with Satori was born. He unconsciously put more strength on his arms that were wrapped around Satori’s waist.


Inside Sousuke’s arms, Satori was surprised as if he had heard his inner voice. His eyes opened wide in surprise.

“A-are we going to do it…?”

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Sousuke could feel Satori’s heart pounding fast, just like a small bird.

Aah, damn. He’s so cute. So fricking cute.

Until he met Satori, Sousuke had always thought of himself as an indifferent person. Because he was fairly adept at things since he was a child, he almost never wanted something so desperately.

The fact that Satori was the person he met as a child turned everything upside down. It was as if everything that he had believed up until now never existed, and a new world opened up. Sousuke was so in love with Satori that he didn’t have the leisure to try to look cool. The depth of his love was endless like a bottomless swamp, Sousuke himself even thought of it as frightening.

“…You don’t want to?”

(Can I make love to you?)

Sousuke brushed his lips against the smooth cheek in front of him. He had intended to hide his desire, but he could tell from his low and hoarse voice that he had miserably lost his composure.

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Satori’s eyes opened wide, then shook his head with a red face.

“I-It’s not that I don’t want to. I want to do it with Sousuke too…!”

Tahiti is an island belonging to France Polynesia in the South Pacific and is known as one of the leading resort areas in the South Pacific. It takes about 11 hours from Japan by direct flight. From there, the island of Moorea is about 10 minutes away by light aircraft. The island is blessed with magnificent nature, with a blue lagoon surrounding the deep green mountains.

It was Satori’s first time on an airplane, and the only domestic trip he had ever taken was the hot spring trip with Sousuke. Since it was a good opportunity, Sousuke prepared a new suitcase for Satori. He also bought him a new change of clothes and swimming trunks. Satori, who had no idea what an overseas trip would be like, blinked his eyes at the big suitcase that was his. He wondered what he should put in it (Sousuke thought Satori looked very cute at that moment).

This time, Sousuke negotiated with the Dragon God to have Satori’s passport prepared. He didn’t know what kind of tricks the Dragon god used, but even after getting Satori’s passport in his hands, he was still worried inside. Until he could actually leave Japan, he was always afraid it would suddenly turn into a leaf or something.

When they left Japan, there was actually a little bit of trouble. They were a little bit different from pets, but Satori had two white fluffy spirits that were very attached to him. Back when they went on the hot spring trip, the white fluffy spirits got upset because they had to stay at home and ransacked the house as a payback. Even so, they couldn’t possibly bring them on an overseas trip. Before this trip, Sousuke pretended not to notice that Satori was worried about the white fluffy spirits and had told them off nicely to stay home. But then those white fluffy spirits had snuck into the suitcase and followed him.

It was almost time to board the plane. They had no time to go back home now, and the white fluffy spirits were stubbornly refusing to leave Satori’s side. In the end, while considering that the white fluffy spirits couldn’t be seen by other humans, they finished the check-in nervously and were deeply relieved when the plane took off safely.

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However, when they changed planes from Tahiti to Moorea island, Satori started to act strangely. He suddenly became quiet, his eyes were opened wide to the point of spilling out as if he was holding back something, and his lips were tightly shut.

“Satori, are you okay?”

(Are you tired?)

As Sousuke was worried Satori might be tired after the long hours of flight, Satori shook his head while springing from his seat.

“I-I’m okay!”

But then Satori clenched his fist and soon fell silent again.

I planned this trip to make Satori happy, but could it be that I failed at it…?

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