Chapter 26 – SS Satori’s summer holidays (4)

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“I’m alright, you see?”

Satori’s hand touched Sousuke’s head. That hand stroked Sousuke’s hair gently and repeatedly as if to comfort him.


When Sousuke let go of his body, Satori was smiling happily.

“You see, I’m really happy to be able to meet you, Sousuke. I was always alone in the village, but I didn’t feel lonely at all when I thought that I could meet you again someday. Besides, I have this with me…”

Satori rummaged through the collar of his T-shirt and pulled out the amethyst pendant that he always wore around his neck.

“When I thought that meeting you might be just a dream, this stone that you gave me told me that it wasn’t. When I held this stone, it made me feel warm inside and reminded me of the times I spent with you. That’s why, I didn’t feel lonely at all.”

“I see…”

Satori chuckled happily. Sousuke held on tightly to the feelings that were welling up in his chest and hugged Satori in his arms. As Satori asked “Sousuke?”, Sousuke pushed his forehead against Satori’s soft hair as if to hide the tears that were forming on the edge of his eyes.


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“…I love you.”

He used to think that the word “I love you” only existed in foreign countries or movies. However, when he held Satori in his arms and sincerely faced his feelings, he couldn’t find any other word that was fitting.

It wasn’t pity. It was just that when he thought of Satori, an overflowing feeling of love gushed out of him like hot water. It couldn’t be called anything other than love.

“I like you too, Sousuke! I really like you!”

Satori wrapped his arm around Sousuke’s back and clung to him tightly. Sousuke placed his hand on Satori’s cheek and kissed him softly.

As soon as they returned to the cottage, Sousuke hugged Satori tightly. As he deepened the kiss, he touched Satori’s skin that was more moist and warm than usual, from the hem of his shirt. As if reacting to Sousuke’s caress, Satori’s body started to relax. Sousuke carried Satori and headed for the bedroom, then laid him down on the bed.

“Ha… mn, ah! Sousuke…”

With his moist eyes dyed faintly, Satori let out a sweet moan that was very, very cute that Sousuke couldn’t contain his excitement.

(I like you.)


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(I love you…)

When Sousuke sucked on Satori’s skin while pressing his nose against Satori’s neck, Satori shivered.

The sound of waves could be heard in the distance. The thin linen curtains swayed in the breeze as the moonlight fell in the blue darkness of the room.

When Sousuke ran his hand over Satori’s clothes, his fingers touched the white fluffy spirits.

“…You guys are in the way.”

Sousuke kissed the eyes of Satori who asked “What’s wrong?”. Then he picked up the white fluffy spirits, who were jumping around as if claiming something, with his finger.

“I’ll be right back.”

After saying that to Satori, Sousuke hurried to the living room and dropped the two spirits on the sofa. Because he wanted to return to Satori as soon as possible, he ended up handling them somewhat roughly even though he didn’t mean to.

“Be quiet there.”

Leaving the white fluffy spirits protesting angrily there, Sousuke hurried back to the bedroom. He felt defeated when he saw Satori sleeping comfortably on the bed. 

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“Of course he would be tired after playing around so much…”

After all, it was Satori’s first time on a long flight and traveling abroad. He couldn’t blame Satori for feeling tired and falling asleep. Satori’s upper body was still halfway stripped, at the state Sousuke left him before. Seeing Satori sleeping in such an innocent state made Sousuke feel sorry for him, and he couldn’t help but cry out inwardly with helplessness.

(No matter what Satori says, I knew I should’ve left them in Japan after all…!)

However, seeing Satori who looked so happy sleeping in the dim moonlight made Sousuke feel peaceful.

Sousuke had intended to do everything in his power to make sure Satori didn’t feel hurt or feel sad ever again. He would never let Satori be alone again. He would do anything to make that happen.

Satori smiled happily with his eyes closed as if he was having a pleasant dream. Seeing that, Sousuke’s mouth naturally broke into a smile.

“Goodnight, Satori.”

Have a nice dream. I hope you’re always smiling, even in your dreams—

Sousuke combed Satori’s hair and dropped a kiss on his forehead. Then he gently pulled a blanket over Satori, so as not to wake him.


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A certain day in August (Fri). Sunny.

The “overseas trip” was very fun. I rode an “airplane” for the first time and swam in the beautiful sea that sparkled like a jewel, which I had seen on TV. Everything that I saw and ate there was all different from what I’ve known up until now. I was so happy and felt like I was floating in a dream from being able to spend the whole day together with Sousuke.

Sousuke always takes very good care of me. He cares about me even more than he cares about himself, so that I won’t get hurt. I’m so happy about it to the point that I think Sousuke might get the consequences for it. But, I’m really alright now.

I’m not going to get hurt anymore. I’m not alone now. From here on, no matter what happens in the future, I want to protect Sousuke too. I want to protect Sousuke so he can always smile, just like the way he thinks about me.

All kinds of Gods and Dragon God. I hope that Sousuke will always stay healthy and happy. I hope I’ll always be able to be with Sousuke. Please grant my wish…

A certain day in August (Sat).  A sudden rain around noon.

I cleaned the room that had accumulated a lot of dust while I was away, and started the washing machine. I made lunch together with Sousuke, then we ate it in the living room.

After the rain let up, there was a very beautiful and big rainbow. Sousuke and I went out to the balcony to look at it.

Today and the day after, we’ll always be happy.


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