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It was noon on the 20th of July──tomorrow would be the day that marks the beginning of the summer vacation.


A cherry blossom tree was located in the backyard of the high school. There is a saying that couples who confess their love under this tree will get married. I don’t know who started the saying, but I was lured out to a place with such a legend.


In front of me stands Fujinomiya Shirayuki. There is no one else around in the immediate vicinity, just the two of us.


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Fujinomiya fiddled restlessly with the fluffy ribbon tied in her long black hair.


She looked mature and beautiful, and her long slit eyes were particularly impressive. Although she looked like she might be unfriendly, her expressive face did not give off the impression of being arrogant.


She was tall and slender, and her summer uniform showed off her chest which was so large that your eyes would be unintentionally drawn to them.


In addition, she is the top student in her grade by far, and also has excellent athletic skills.


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She was absolutely perfect. If I was to complain about her, I would get struck by divine wrath.


I’m really curious as to why I, an inconspicuous and unsocial dork in my class, was invited by her, a brilliant and talented woman. Unworthy. That’s exactly what I am, and the me inside my head has been calmly whispering in my brain since a while ago saying, “Don’t get your hopes up.”


It’s me who gets depressed by my own expectations. If you don’t want to despair, don’t have any hope from the start.


Under the blazing sun, where cicadas are chirping, I wait with bated breath for her to speak. The cherry blossom trees were still young and did not provide us with any shade.


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Her nervous voice made my body jump a little. A bead of sweat ran down my chin, either from the heat or from nervousness.


Fujinomiya, her cheeks flushed, looked at me and said.




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“I like you. Please go out with me.”




──In five minutes, who could’ve predicted that my summer vacation would be stolen away?


This is the story of me regaining my youth after the summer vacation of my first year at high school was stolen.



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