The author continued, “In the original story, Leah knew how you felt and decided to make things work between you and Ares. 

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But somehow, she wasn’t happy about it. As things went on, she felt strange and later realized she was in love with Ares while enjoying the cherry blossom festival alone.


My thoughts became a complicated mess. How can the upcoming ‘pillar’ still play out even if Ares doesn’t love Leah? Unconvinced, I stiff-faced the ‘author.’  


“Ares will not go to the cherry blossom festival with Leah. He’s very careful about getting involved with Leah.”


He kept some distance from Leah because of me. He, who was fated to always be with her, has grown more independent.


Besides, if Ares was in love with me, he wouldn’t go out with Leah and risk causing any misunderstandings with me!


Contrary to my confident expression, the ‘author’ declared firmly with an indifferent face.


“No, it’ll definitely happen. The important ‘pillars’ in the novel ought to come true one way or another.” 


I couldn’t accept what the ‘author’ said. The Ares I knew was a man whose words and actions never contradicted each other. 


“No, Ares won’t be with Leah. This I can assure you.” 


When I proclaimed that, the ‘author’ chuckled dismissively. 


“It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. The ‘pillars’ in the novel will definitely take place. The novel was written in the first person for a reason—should things get out of hand, the ‘pillar’ will revert events to the way I intended them, and there’s not a thing that can be done about it.” 


Still, I’m not quitting. I’ll confirm whether the ‘pillars’ within the novel could be erased or altered. That way, I’ll live!


And if he doesn’t fall in love with Leah, I’ll gladly accept Are’s heart! I glared at the ‘author’ coldly. 


“You’ll see when you go and check.” 


The ‘author’ matched my cold gaze. 


“Do as you please. No matter what you do, the existence of this world cannot touch the ‘pillars’ created in a different world.”


“If you keep on revealing everything, your ‘pillar’ won’t appear.” 


“You can’t change anything. What can you do?” The ‘author’ said so with her arms spread out in an exaggerated, condescending motion. 


“Even if you tried your hardest to intervene, the ‘pillar’ is destined to appear regardless. This world exists because of my novels. The world itself is programmed to follow the novel’s flow.”


She wasn’t entirely wrong. I felt that this world was trying to turn me into a villainess. 


The ‘author’ added another thing, but it seemed like she was patronizing me this time. 


“If I can say one more thing, I’ll say I’ve never intentionally met another character other than you.”

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I asked her back with disbelief, “So where have you been and what have you been doing?”


“There are so many things to see here! At my age, I haven’t traveled properly and kept preparing for entrance exams; shouldn’t I relax now?”


“…How old are you if you’re a ‘Gosam?'”*


*TL/N: I think this was explained in the previous chapter. But in case you forgot, Gosam (Third-year high school student) also means the same thing as a type of tea. Because this was set in medieval era, Bianca thought this was still a foreign word


“Ah! I’m 19 years old in Korean age!”


When she said she was 19 years old in Korean age, I thought she was about the same age as me, who was 20 years old. Well, that’s what it looked like.


Still, I couldn’t be relieved. I needed something so that she wouldn’t toy with me.


“You said you can’t lie, right?”


“Well……what I said will happen. If I lied, your future would be a lie as well.”


“Then promise me one thing.”


“Promise what?”


“Don’t intervene. Don’t ever meet any other characters besides me. Not just Ares and Leah, but also other characters.”


Hearing my request, the ‘author’ surprisingly accepted.


“Okay. I won’t meet any other characters besides Bianca Uranos in the future.”


“Oh, you’re quite obedient,” I added. 


The author snorted at me.


“Hmph. You’ll see. Even if you attempt something, the ‘pillar’ will appear anyway. I’ll even prove what I’m saying by making unnecessary promises.”


My face hardened.


“Ares is not going to the cherry blossom festival with Leah.”


She stuck it to me, making sure that I knew she was dead-serious. 


The ‘author’ turned her back on me as she snorted. Then she sauntered to where she was supposed to go. As she moved away, the ‘author’ exclaimed.


“If you want to see me again next time, wait at the tea house!”

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I was sent into a frenzy at her statement. 


“I waited for a few days, but you didn’t come! You liar!”


“I’ll show up randomly.”


I was so fed up that I hurriedly searched around for any stones to throw at her, but the road was stoneless. Ah, this is infuriating! 


Anyways, since meeting the ‘author,’ there was no reason for me to head to the Aphrodite tea house. 


But being unsure, I hesitated for a moment and eventually decided on heading back to the tea house. I needed some space to sit down and reorganize my thoughts in silence. 


I ordered rosemary herb tea at the counter, went up to the second floor, and sat by the window as usual. 


Then, I took out a pen and paper, took notes, and sorted out my current situation with words and pictures. 


I had the wrong assumption about this novel from the start. I didn’t know it was in first person. 


If correct, it meant that it was all from Leah’s point of view. 


Leah considers me a villainess because I bothered her, interrupting the main couple’s relationship. 


…If so, I was an undeniable villainess. Because Ares’ heart had turned to me, I unintentionally interfered with Leah’s love.


Haha. All I could do was laugh. 


I avoided becoming an embodiment of jealousy by struggling against becoming a villainess, but in the end, in Leah’s eyes, that’s all I am, right?


I tried not to get between the two, but it was futile.


Assuming the novel’s “pillar” would still appear, and assuming I became a villainess, it means I’d only be able to leave the novel through death. 


If it’s feasible to change things so the essential ‘pillars’ of the novel don’t occur…


I’ll be able to escape becoming a villainess that disturbs Leah’s love, which then means I can prevent my death. 


However, only the cherry blossom festival coming in a few days could confirm that.


I took a deep, trembling breath. 


There were still a few days left, but my frayed body quivered. I was suffering from bodily aches, and until that day arrives, I feel like I’m going to be sick frequently. 


I had made up my mind to not look back and to love others before dying, but I can’t help but wonder what would happen after my passing. 


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Of course, if it only concerned me, I’d be fine just living to my heart’s content till then, knowing, ‘I’m going to die soon!’ But if it did happen, my family, friends, and Ares who love me will be left in pain. 


If, indeed, the novel’s important ‘pillars’ couldn’t be altered, and Ares eventually falls in love with Leah, leading to my death, I don’t want to be lovers with Ares. 


He’ll be with Leah even if I accept his confession, so there’s no need to end up getting heartbroken, knowing in advance he’ll forsake me. 


Nevertheless, after my death, Ares will have a happy ending with his lover beside him, according to the novel’s setting, so I just have to hang on until then. 


I also wished that Bianca’s existence wouldn’t be an ever-lingering shadow between them when they eventually become lovers, even if Are and I had something before. 


Despite the happy ending intended for them, life after the novel’s ending might not necessarily mean Ares and Leah will live well. 


But all these thoughts are rooted in the premise that the novel’s ‘pillars’ do exist, and if the novel’s ‘pillars’ give way, then I won’t have to be so chary. 


I guess I’ll see at the cherry blossom festival whether these ‘pillars’ of the novel really do appear. If he was the Ares I knew, he wouldn’t go on a date with Leah at the festival, especially where many people were watching. I believe in Ares. 


Hahaha! Suddenly, I burst into laughter alone.


I hadn’t even answered Are’s confession, and here I was acting like he and I were already lovers. 


Honestly, I want to live a life with Ares. I wanted to accept him and share an indescribable joy with him. 


I trust Are’s heart far more than the author’s words about the unchanging ‘pillars’ of the novel. 


In relation to Are’s confession, I’ll answer him after confirming that the novel’s ‘pillars’ won’t take place at the cherry blossom festival. 


When my thoughts were sorted out, my head became clearer. Finally, I put down my pen, and in a relaxed posture, I picked up a tea cup filled with rosemary that the clerk had brought me a long time ago, savoring the taste.


From where I sat, I could see the entrance to the wine bar. I turned my head casually and looked out of the window.


At that time, my eyes met with Ares, who was standing at the entrance of the wine bar!


Talk about timing! How does he do it, appearing right in front of me again?


I turned away in a hurry.


Hold on, did he see through the window? I felt like hitting my head for my carelessness. 


However, I could hear the sound of footsteps on the stairs. And soon….




Ares greeted me with a smile. Ah, I love that soft smile.


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I had no choice but to greet him.


Ares greeted me, walked boldly across from me, and sat down.


“You’re sitting here again.”


I nodded silently. This was like my reserved seat. The second floor of the Aphrodite’s teahouse was almost always empty after tea time in the afternoon.


“You stopped by the wine bar again today,” I said with a slight smile, and this time he nodded.


“You must like wine. Or the wine at that bar tastes good,” I added. 


At my words, Ares’ expression changed strangely.


Didn’t he like wine?


“I don’t always drink.”


I didn’t even say that he drinks all the time, is something up? Why does he look so troubled?


“I see…….”


I don’t know what to say, so I ignored it. Ares, who was staring at me quietly, opened his mouth.


“I heard you were sick.”


Hmm? How did he know that? During my two days of resting, Ares never visited me or sent me a letter.


He replied hesitantly, perhaps seeing my puzzled expression.


“Leah told me.”


Oh, Leah told him. 


Well, she wants to visit me while I’m sick. She sent a letter, but I refused it. 


But she ran to him and told him?


Well, Leah, who likes Ares, would have wanted to talk to him at least a little, so it made sense to tell him if he had any news.


Somehow, I felt bitter.


At any rate, Ares must have had a special relationship with Leah. A special friend? How long will it take before they turn into lovers?

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