Furan slams attackers with pseudo fanatics swords and that magical power flows into me. The cannibalism was triggered.

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Of course. The other party seems to be a fake sword sword counterfeit. In other words, I’m a gangster sword fellow.

No, maybe I can eat a sword sword … …. I can not destroy those super weapons.

(Master, you mean?

“Should be fine”

(Cannibalism, after removing?

“No …… Even though it’s a bit small, I do not want to miss the opportunity to be strengthened without relying on self-evolution. I will go on like this. ”

(I got it, I will search for the next prey)


(But do not overdo it.)

“Oh, I know,”

Doo-oon! Dogogon on!

From the mansion, sporadic destructive sounds that seemed to be due to magic, and the screams of people were heard. Considering that all raiders are being manipulated and will not raise their voices, this scream is all of the soldiers of the residence.




“This guy is also strong! ”

The assailants are quite a powerful man anytime. Nearly everyone possesses sword sacrifice, yet the state of potential release. It also has the effect of canceling magic and emission system skills.

In the narrow place, the speed of the franc was not fully exploited, it was rather difficult to beat with a single blow. It’s easy if you can do a long-range sniper with magic, but it’s canceled.

Yet the other side comes out Bang Bang magic. It was quite troubling.

“- Wind Cutter”


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Furan approaches at a stroke while dragging the wind magic that an attacking woman had released. It was an assailant who reacted while being taken a blind spot but if it approaches so far it is a skill of swordsmanship purely. After a number of interdiction, the assailant is knocked down.

“I brought it to the playing ability”


Because it is a franc, it is done with an extraordinary level but it will be hard for soldiers. Even if you say that you are strong with training and it is strong, it is a soldier.


“Fran! ”


Bloody soldiers were blown away by breaking through nearby doors. The franc was trying to restore the soldier to recover from the soldier who accepted it, but I will not activate it.

“No! Destroy the pseudo fanatics sword first! ”

“all right!”


Take a sword from the hand of a swordsmen who has slain as if to follow a soldier and take it and kick off the chin of his assailant with full power. After piercing the heart of a swordsman who broke his body with his broken bones broke his body and robbed his life, he beat down me on the neck of a fallen swordsman and slashed a pseudo sword. As long as it is a one-on-one trade-off, there is no problem.

“Well, if you do not have a pseudo fanatics sword in the vicinity, you can not use magic.”

The moribund soldier recovered in time. When lightly hitting your cheeks, you wake up.

“All right?”

“Well … you … ….”

“The wound has healed, is there no painful place?”

“Thank you …… What about the cafeteria … ….”

“Leave it to me”

Even though the wound heals, leaving a soldier who can not move because of too much blood, Fran goes into the room where he popped out.

As the soldiers said, it seems to be a dining room for servants and soldiers. I saw several maids and soldiers collapsing and falling in a large room. Wondering if the carpet is red, gray carpet is stained with blood!

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It was a frant who tried to slash a raid, but the opponent made an unexpected action. What, it pushes the blade to the maid who is losing her attention. It is clearly a hostage.

I was surprised because it did not think that this attacker would take such intelligent behavior.


However, even though they themselves do not have the ability to think, they are manipulating themselves. I do not know in what way and how small instructions can be made, but at least it will be possible for individual raids to make precise and precise movements.


Raiders do not do anything, they just keep the blade on the neck of the maid. It will be wasteful time with this. Probably, I am planning to earn time before my friends come.

“Fran, I do it”

(all right)

Franan nods lightly in my words, casually turning his notch towards assailants.


Raiders are lightly prepared to watch out. However, it is useless.

“Well!” ”

Our distance is far away. It’s the end and the end of the big canteen. Thanks to that, the magical cancellation effect has not reached here.

Then there is only one thing to do.

I jumped out with a catapult and crushed the assailant’s head and pseudo fanatics sword into pieces. Regardless of powering up, it seems that I could not respond to the catapult of this distance!

Even if you cancels your skills, you can not stop the acceleration you got at first. It is as intended.

“I do not know their purpose, but let’s go to the Count of Beirly for the time being! ”

“all right”

Among the people who had fallen in the room, we treated the maid who still had a breath, we decided to leave her to a soldier and head for the escort of the Earl on the second floor.

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I thought it was okay because the Earl himself was quite skillful, but the enemy is stronger than I thought. Perhaps Earl could be dangerous.

Strike the attacks of raiders aiming at magic from the top of the staircase with a three-dimensional movement with the walls and ceiling as a footing, and shorten the distance and slash.

In doing so, as she ran into the office of Earl of Beilly while excluding the enemy, there was a knee on the Earl with a form of full body creation. He sheds blood from his dominant arm, he seems not to be able to hold his sword.

Moreover, the assailant is about to pursue a chase. It seems he was on the brink.

“Yeah! I have to help! ”


The closest man among the raiders surrounding the Ear comes from behind and cuts from the right shoulder to the left side with a surprise attack.

While further turning clockwise on the spot, he tried to lay a man ‘s torso on the left side horizontally, but it was shaken.

“Do you avoid attacks from behind! ”

If you stress importance to flow, you ought to take a counterclockwise turn using the momentum you cut the right man. I could have attacked at the fastest. However, in that case, it becomes an attack from the front for the enemy.

Therefore, even though it dared to kill the momentum, he was slashed from the back in a clockwise direction. However, the assailant had twisted himself while avoiding the balance while destroying its slashing.

Apparently the five people here – four now. They seem to be particularly skilled among these raiders. Level of swordsmanship is 5. Moreover, his physical ability was also high.

“Black-shaved princess! It was saved!”

“Go down!”

“I can fight even if you can use a little potion”

Earls muttered twice, glaring at the stain of the water made in the carpet at the feet. An empty potion bottle was rolling in the vicinity.

Apparently I tried to cure the arm injury but sprinkled potion, but it seems that it was turned into mere water by the magical cancellation effect.

“Fran! They all have magic. It is hard to fight while defending the Count. ”

“I will decide at once! Sword divine!”

It is not a place of exercise, in real war it is a sword imagination for the first time in a while. I understand that power lived in me. At the same time the blade also squeezed from the inside, I also understood that the countdown began.

In the battlefield where the number of enemies is unknown, the type of skill to shave is not easy to use, but here it can not be said that.

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Besides, even if it can be used only for a short period of time, the swordsmanship, in which the arms of swordsmanship and power are increased simply, was compatible with magical power cancellation ability.

A franca comes forward, swaying the sign of the stronger enough to seem cute as an overwhelmingly adjective. The face was calm, contrary to the power to rampage within it and the existence worn by himself.

I do not know if the raiders have a feeling of frightening, but I could understand that Franc changed into dangerous something. It attacks all at once.









And it is the end.

Something is quite empty. It was so brief and definite. Each one had a sword sacred, there was no fear of death, and the opponent who decided himself as a decoy for the companion was knocked down by swinging the sword four times. Although it seems that the god attribute is given in the sword brutality, such a thing would not be necessary.

Each slash was a power comparable to the swordmaster skill. But is it natural to think about it? The sword king technique is the ultimate slash. We are thinking that it is a swordmaster skill, a perfect blow that everything is complete.

If the sword is truly extraordinary, if all the slashing that pulls out is perfect? Even casual slashing will be equal to the sword skill technique? No, it may be a technique to reproduce the slash with the swordsmanship technique.

It is true that the sword God is not moving the body of the frank, this is probably the area of ​​God beyond the Kenwa technique.

Well, that’s why the burden on us is terrible. We released the sword brilliantly exhale deeply and confirmed each other’s safety.

(Master, you mean?

“Somehow ….. Every time I cut it, the durability value decreased by Bang Bang and I did not feel alive. How about franca? ”


The reduced durability value does not recover at all and consumption of furans is not hampered. After all it was a difficult skill to use in actual battle.

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