A few days have passed since I was summoned to another world. I gradually got used to living in Lilia-sanā€™s mansion, and itā€™s not just me, but that also includes Kusunoki-san and Yuzuki-san. Iā€™m starting to see a smile on their faces as well.

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Of course, there are still many things I donā€™t understand about this world, but thanks to Lilia-sanā€™s goodwill, I think Iā€™ve had enough time to organize my head over the last few days. Well, as for Kuro whoā€™s showing up every night, sheā€™s still a mystery to me, but she doesnā€™t seem like she intends to do me any harm. In fact, I can even say that I felt more comfortable talking with her compared to Lilia-san.
Well, itā€™s common for the Humans to spend three days at home in the New Year to begin with, and since I didnā€™t go out, except for this irrational little demon girl, there doesnā€™t seem to be any incident that happened, so it was very peacefulā€¦ā€¦ Well, though I say that, thereā€™s a saying in my beloved hometown that tells about ā€œthe calm before the stormā€ā€¦ā€¦
[ā€¦ā€¦An invitation?]
It was early in the afternoon, on the fourth day weā€™re in here, while we were chatting leisurely over tea and cookies, Lunamaria-san appeared with a grandeur envelope and told us that this is an invitation to a party to be held tomorrow.
[Yes, itā€™s for the night party to be held on the fourth day of the New Year at the royal palace. Since this is the year of the Hero Festival, it will also be a magnificent event where they will introduce the person who holds the role of the Hero. Normally, these invitations should have arrived sooner, but we arranged for everyoneā€™s invitation as well this time, so it took a little longer.]
[Eh? Us too?]
Hearing the words that Lilia-san said with the calm smile she usually had, Kusunoki-san looked surprised as she asked back. Well, I understand how she felt. Itā€™s impossible not to be surprised when you suddenly hear about an evening party at the royal palace.
[Yes, since Mitsunaga-sama will be visiting a number of countries after this, I thought he might want Aoi-san and Hina-san to go in particular.]
[Ah, I see, Seigi plays the role of the Hero after all, so heā€™ll be introduced to the various cities of each country. I wonder if heā€™ll be alright?]
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According to what they told me, the sophomore Kusunoki-san and the freshmen Yuzuki-san and Mitsunaga-kun are clubmates. Kuh, as I thought, club activities really are the shortcut to being a normie, I should have done club activities in high school instead of just playing internet games. No, I didnā€™t join any circle in college in the end, so maybe it doesnā€™t really have any connection whether I played internet games at that time or not.
Well, setting aside the story of my lonely lifeā€¦ā€¦ This would certainly be a good time to have a leisurely conversation with Mitsunaga-kun, who will be traveling from one place to another. The two of them were worried about him, and the trusty Lilia-san followed up on that as well.

As I was thinking about that, Lilia-san took out a letter from a large envelope that seemed to be of very good quality and looked it overā€”- she still had the smile on her face, but I could see a vein pop out of her forehead.
[ā€¦ā€¦Luna, are these all the letters from the royal palace?]
[ā€¦ā€¦Y- Yes.]
[ā€¦ā€¦I think my eyes may have gone bad. Would you mind reading it for a bit?]
I wonder whatā€™s going on, Lilia-san is smiling, but her eyes arenā€™t smiling at all. Or rather, she looks terribly scary.
[Well then, please excuse meā€”- Iā€™ll spare everyone the early parts of the letter as itā€™s just a regular opening sentence. Errā€¦ ā€œIn addition, invitations for he who plays the role of the hero, Mitsunaga Seigi-samaā€™s fellow countrymen, Kusunoki Aoi-sama and Yuzuki Hina-sama are enclosed together with this invitation.ā€ā€¦ā€¦ Eh?]
Arehh? Thatā€™s weirdā€¦ā€¦ Because if I heard correctly, I donā€™t think I heard my name included in the sentence that Lunamaria-san just read out loudā€¦ā€¦
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[ā€¦ā€¦Luna. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve contacted the royal palace to prepare an invitation for ā€œthree peopleā€, havenā€™t I?]
[Y- Yes, thereā€™s no mistaking it.]

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[ā€¦ā€¦What do you think of this?]
[ā€¦ā€¦His Majesty, the Kingā€™s bad habit appeared againā€¦ā€¦]

[ā€¦ā€¦Is it possible to rearrange it now?]
[ā€¦ā€¦I- I think it would be difficultā€¦ā€¦]
Hearing Lilia-sanā€™s words in an indifferent voice that sounds as if sheā€™s suppressing her emotions, Lunamaria-san replied as cold sweat dripped down behind her back.
If Iā€™m not mistaken, His Majesty, the King is Lilia-sanā€™s older brother and is a person Lunamaria-san said to have a severe case of being a sis-con, I think? That Kingā€™s bad habitā€¦ā€¦ Ah, I see.
After some very heavy silence, Lilia-san stands up from her seat and after a few seconds, she comes back ā€œwith a sword in one handā€ and bows deeply to me.
[Iā€™m sorry, Kaito-san. It seems that due to an error on our part, we werenā€™t able to prepare an invitation for Kaito-sanā€¦ā€¦]
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[Ah, no, thatā€™s totally fine. Iā€™m not really that acquainted with Mitsunaga-kun before, and I donā€™t have anything, in particular, to talk about.]
[Iā€™m really sorry. Iā€™ll have to keep you waiting at home here in the mansion, but instead of thatā€”- Iā€™ll be back with a stupid ā€œkingā€™s headā€ as a souvenir.]
[My Lady, My Ladyā€¦ā€¦ Your eyes are glaring, you know?]
[ā€¦ā€¦That stupid Older Brother really isā€¦ā€¦ trying to reach the end of my patienceā€¦ā€¦]
[My Lady, please calm down! In case you forgot, that is still the king! He may be stupid when it comes to My Lady, but aside from that, heā€™s one of the competent ones!]

[Let go of me, Luna! As his relative, Iā€™ll be the one whoā€™ll make sure that that idiotā€™s misbehavior will be punished accordingly!!!]
[Thatā€™s fine, but please put away the sword for now!]
Ahh~ I guess thatā€™s what happened. Lilia-san was supposed to have arranged for the three of us to go to the evening party, but the Siscon King, who doesnā€™t like men approaching Lilia-san in the first place, only prepared invitations for Kusunoki-san and Yuzuki-san, but not for me. In the first place, he probably doesnā€™t like the fact that I, being a man, am living in Lilia-sanā€™s mansion. Thatā€™s probably the part that Lilia-san didnā€™t let her mess with.
And Lilia-san, who has been bothered by that sisconā€™s behavior for a long time now, finally lost itā€¦ā€¦. Yep. Sheā€™s super scary. Iā€™ve never seen Lilia-san so angry before, or rather, what the heck have you done in the past, Your Majesty, the Kingā€¦ā€¦?
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After that, the composition of Lilia-san who was about to pull out her sword and Lunamaria-san who was desperately calming her down continued for a while, and it wasnā€™t until about half an hour later that Lilia-san calmed down.
I finished bathing and headed to my room. I feel like Iā€™m tired for the day. As far as Iā€™m concerned, I donā€™t have any problem with not being able to attend the evening party, rather than that, Iā€™m even glad that I didnā€™t have to attend such an ostentatious occasionā€¦ā€¦ Lilia-san is trying to treat us equally, but it doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s something that would be easily approved. She apologized to me over and over again, and I had a really hard time calming her down.

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Maybe itā€™s because sheā€™s a very serious person to begin with? That part of Lilia-san doesnā€™t seem very noble-like, but itā€™s nice to know that sheā€™s thinking about us seriously. Iā€™m really lucky and grateful that the first person I met when I came to the other world was Lilia-san. If possible, Iā€™d like to repay her in some wayā€¦ā€¦
[Ah, welcome back~]
Opening the door to my room, I found Kuro sprawled out on the couch, eating a baby castella. She finally didnā€™t just show up out of nowhere, she was waiting for me here ahead of time. Iā€™ll say this again because itā€™s important, but Kuro is a stranger in this houseā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m not talking about it anymore.
Humans are creatures that adapt. I guess Iā€™ve gotten used to Kuroā€™s unpredictability to some extent, and after letting out a big sigh, I took the teacup she offered me and brought a baby castella to my mouth.
[Unn? You look like youā€™re a little tired today, huh?]

[Yeah, well, itā€™s not really a big deal butā€¦ā€¦]
Just as perceptive as ever, Kuro pointed it out and I gave her a rundown of what happened today. Occasionally replying with ā€œUnnā€, Kuro listened quietly to the end of my story.
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[Heehhhā€¦ Then, you canā€™t go to the part because of that king, Kaito-kun?]
[Well, I guess thatā€™s kind of a rough way to put it?]
[Alright! Then, Iā€™m going to the palace now and bring the ā€œhalf-dead Kingā€ here and have him write you an invitation~]
[Why!? No no, nothingā€™s ā€œalrightā€ there, you know!?]
I hurriedly stop Kuro, who said something as if itā€™s natural, just like what Lilia-san did this morning. Honestly, most of what Lilia-san said was pretty disturbing, but it felt different when itā€™s Kuro who said thatā€¦ā€¦ I felt like she would really do it. I mean, sheā€™s breaking into the Duchessā€™s house without anyone noticing, and although she doesnā€™t look like it, she seems to be a very high-ranking demonā€¦ā€¦
But seriously, please donā€™t kidnap nor beat down the King until heā€™s half dead. Doesnā€™t that make me look like a national rebel!?
[Unn? I thought you wanted to go to the party, Kaito-kun?]
[No, itā€™s not that I want to goā€¦ā€¦ Rather than that, I think Iā€™d like to pass on the trouble of attending a stiff event like that. Iā€™m a bit interested in the fancy foods they have butā€¦ā€¦]
[Hmmm. I was thinking about joining if youā€™re going to be there, Kaito-kunā€¦.. but I guess Iā€™ll just skip it. Ah, yeah, I have an idea!]
[ā€¦ā€¦What the heck are you up to now?]
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She was murmuring something, but maybe Kuro was invited too? No, well, putting that aside for nowā€¦ā€¦ Itā€™s more important to know what kind of outrageous thing she has come up with this time.
[Then, letā€™s eat barbecue tomorrow!]

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[Look, you donā€™t seem to like those stiff events, letā€™s do it with just us and my friends~ Thereā€™s a nice scenic spot south of the kingdom, so letā€™s have a barbecue there!]
Even though sheā€™d usually make crazy suggestions, I feel like this one isnā€™t too bad. Or rather, itā€™s a much more intriguing invitation than the evening party in the royal palace. All of the meals that are served at Lilia-sanā€™s house are fancy-looking meals, and Iā€™m thinking that Iā€™d like to eat some skewered food or something like that, and I think that if Iā€™m with Kuro, it would probably be exhausting, but I know it will be fun. However, thereā€™s an important problem with that.
[That sounds like funā€¦ā€¦ But if I donā€™t explain to Lilia-san about Kuro and I just suddenly say that Iā€™m going out to eat dinner, I donā€™t think I could get Lilia-san to agree.]
Thatā€™s right, I get the feeling that Kuro wouldnā€™t like thatā€”- In the first place, she only shows up when Iā€™m alone, and she has always been infiltrating by slipping through the detection barriers, so Iā€™ve kept Kuro a secret to Lilia-san. But if I was invited to a barbecue, which would mean Iā€™m not going out alone, as expected, it would be difficult for me to go without explaining to her.
Lilia-san is really anxious about our circumstances, and I donā€™t want to sneak out because Iā€™m feeling guilty, hiding Kuro from her.
[Ah, it will be alright~ Iā€™ll go ask an acquaintance to extend a normal dinner invitation to you.]
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[Would Lilia-san agree to that?]
[Sheā€™d probably agree to her, I think? Sheā€™s a child whoā€™s trusted by humans after all.]

[Hmmā€¦ā€¦ Well, as far as Iā€™m concerned, if Lilia-san were to agree to that, Iā€™d like to goā€¦ā€¦]
[Really!? Hooray! Then, Iā€™ll go tell everyone, okay!?]
[Eh? Ah, waitā€”!?]
Hearing my response, Kuro had a big smile on her face as she disappeared. Hmmm, I canā€™t really say no to her when sheā€™s that happy, and I donā€™t exactly feel bad agreeing with herā€¦ā€¦ but how should I say this? I felt some anxiousness when Kuro mentioned ā€œher friendsā€ and ā€œeveryoneā€ā€¦ā€¦ I guess, for the time being, Iā€™ll just go with the flow.
And just as we finished breakfast the next day, Lunamaria-san rain into the dining room with varying expressions on her face.
[M- Myā€” My Lady!?]
[For you to be that flustered, what happened?]
[A- A- An invitation letter from ā€œSeditch Magic Tool Trading Companyā€ arrived, ā€œsigned by the Chairmanā€ and addressed to Miyama-sama!]
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(T/N: ć‚»ćƒ¼ćƒ‡ć‚£ćƒƒćƒ / sedicchi)
After hearing the words that Lunamaria-san told her, Lilia-san eyes opened wide and she stiffened. Saditch Magic Tool Trading Company? Whatā€™s that?

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[ā€¦ā€¦A- Are you sureā€¦ā€¦ that itā€™s not some kind of prank?]

[ā€¦ā€¦Itā€™s in an envelope made of black magic parchment and sealed with a platinum dragon beard.]
Ah, Lilia-san completely froze.
[U- Ummm, excuse me. Iā€™m not really following the conversationā€¦ā€¦ but whatā€™s the Seditch Magic Tool Trading Company?]
[ā€¦ā€¦Itā€™s the largest trading company that deals with magic tools, and itā€™s a large trading company with financial resources that far exceed those of the major powers. Theyā€™re in a different league compared to the other trading companies. It was even said that half of the magic tools in the world are products made by the Seditch Magic Tool Trading Company.]
When I asked that question, Lunamaria-san fearfully replied. Letā€™s see, in short, theyā€™re a huge company that prides itself as the one who holds the worldā€™s largest market shares in magic tools? Eh? The heck, what does that mean?
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Lilia-san glanced at the astonished me, while I made a gesture that told her to go ahead and check it out. Thereupon, LIlia-san took the envelope from Lunamaria-san with her trembling hands, and after a moment, she held the envelope with both of her hands in front of her head.
[ā€¦ā€¦Thereā€™s no mistake, itā€™s the real deal. Signed by Chairman Sei Riverstar and stamped in goldā€¦ā€¦]
(T/N: ć‚»ć‚¤ćƒ»ćƒŖćƒ™ćƒ«ć‚¹ć‚æćƒ¼ / Sei Riberusuta)
[ā€¦ā€¦Even just this invitation alone costs more than a house in the best district in the royal capitalā€¦ā€¦]
[ā€¦ā€¦Err, what does it say?]
I knew that I had received something outrageous from some outrageous person, but I had no idea why I was in this situation.


When I asked her a bit flustered, Lilia-san looks down at the invitation again and read it.
[ā€¦ā€¦ā€Dear Miyama Kaito-sama. I would like to apologize in advance for the unexpected invitation. At the same time, I hope you forgive me for omitting the greeting and for my rudeness in writing down the main topic. Tonight, we are pleased to hold a small dinner party at our company. It is with great pleasure that I am writing to ask Miyama Kaito-sama to join us, if itā€™s convenient for you. I will have the person who will pick you up this evening to visit Duchess Albertā€™s residence and I would appreciate if you would let me know at that time if you will not participate. In addition, I have a message for Miyama Kaito-sama from a friend of mine, and I will include it in the letterā€”- Kaito-kun, Iā€™ll be waiting, okay~?ā€”ā€“ is what she said. Again, my apologies for the delay in getting in touch with you. I would appreciate your consideration. ā€”-Sei Riverstarā€ā€¦ā€¦]
As I thought, itā€™s that little demon girl who did this!? What the heck are you doing!? Seriously, what the heck are you doing!? You said that youā€™re just asking an acquaintance to send an invitationā€¦ā€¦ I got an invitation from an outrageous place though!? Heck, both Lilia-san and Lunamaria-san are frozen in place, staring at me! How the heck should I explain this to them!?
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Dear Mother, Fatherā€”ā€” I was ostracized from the evening party in the royal capital. But insteadā€”ā€” I received an invitation from an outrageous place.

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