Chapter 18: Entrance ceremony

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The summer vacation that felt both long and short has ended.

In the highschool I attend there’s an entrance ceremony waiting at the end of august.

School ends during the morning, but there’s a proficiency test the next day.

“I should go now.”

The current time is 7:30am.

The time it takes me to get to school is around 20 minutes.

The chime rings at around 8:30am.

I have more than enough time.

There’s an elementary school nearby, so you could see them on the way to school here and there.

The elementary school kids wearing their yellow hats gathering together and walking to school look really energetic.

In there looking like he fits in is a single teen. 

“Tenrai-kun you’re so funny!”


It’s Tenrai-kun. 

“Good morning Tenrai-kun.”

“Oo-, Morning.”

[[[[[Good Morning!]]]]]

“Good morning everyone.”

I returned the greeting to the children.

Tenrai-kun is popular with elementary school kids.

He has a childish personality, so he usually walks to school with elementary school kids as well. 

I also go to school with him usually, so they remember my face. 

“Tenrai-kun’s so funny today, you know!”


“He said he didn’t do his homework.”

“What is this about Tenrai-kun?”

“Stop with the fist! It was just a joke, a joke!!”

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“He said it was a lie.”

“So it was like that.”

“Does everyone have class starting from today, too?”

“Un! I worked hard on my handicrafts!”

“Uwaah, That’s amazing.”


It seems like the elementary school also has their entrance ceremony today.

Now that I take a proper look, the children are carrying handicrafts that look like their summer homework.

Stuff like a piggy bank made from cardboard or something that looks like a robot.

Handicrafts that really fit elementary students.

We walked the school route while chatting with the elementary schoolers about summer vacation.

“Then, we’ll also head to school now, bye.”


We separated from the elementary schoolers in front of the elementary school gate.

“Did you really finish your homework?”

“...Only the stuff I had to hand in today.”

Which means… He didn’t do the other stuff. 

“Well I can just get you to show me after all!”

“I’ll tell Masamune-sensei, though?”

“Please spare me from that.”

I just noticed it recently, but Tenrai-kun is weak to his brother figure, Masamune-sensei.

I’ve exchanged contact details with Masamune-sensei already as well, he already mentioned about being worried about Tenrai-kun before as well. 

“What about you Haruto?”

“I’m already done.”

“Don’t just say that without hesitation. I’ll get sad…”

“You, who didn’t do it, are in the wrong. So I won’t help you out.”

“D*mn it! You better remember this!”

He ran off with a dash.

It’s obvious that the one in the wrong is Tenrai-kun for not doing his homework.

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But with Tenrai-kun running off on his own, I was able to calm myself down.

It’s fine.

I just have to properly apologize to Hiiragi-san.

It doesn’t matter what she says to me.

I just have to devote myself to my hobbies afterwards.

I just have to get through this today!


After a few minutes I arrived at school.

When I took a look at Tenrai-kun’s shoe locker, his shoes were there. 

“He really went off on his own.”

I pulled myself together and headed towards the classroom.

When I entered the classroom, about half of my classmates were already there.

When I entered, all the male students looked at my direction at once. 

“Yo, Haruto, so even you can do it, huh!”

“I heard you confessed during summer break!”

“You got dumped, right? Thank you for your hard work!”

“I thought you were an introvert, but unexpectedly you can do it if you tried!”

I was pat on the shoulder by my cheery classmates who normally wouldn’t even talk to me. 


“Who did you confess to?”

“Oi, oi, you shouldn’t dig up his wounds like that.”

“That’s true, sorry about that.”

“I don’t mind that much, but who did you hear about it from?”

I already have an idea of who it might be, but I’m gonna ask just in case.

When I did, everyone’s eyes focused on one point.

Yes, it was at Tenrai-kun. 


“Ok, you’ve resolved yourself, right?”

“Stop with the mysterious fist!”

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“Why did you tell everyone?”

“It’s payback for a while ago!”

“Isn’t it too much of a payback!?” 

Grudges over homework are way too scary.

While we were making a racket, someone entered the classroom. 

“It’s good to be so energetic in the morning.”

With those words, me and Tenrai-kun stiffened.

It was Hiiragi Mayu. 

“Good morning, Mayuyun!”

“Good morning, Natsumi. What’s with this?”

“It seems like Haruto-kun got dumped.” 

When Yoshino-san said so, she glared at kme without anyone noticing, and then moved towards her seat. 

And then promptly changed her expression into a smile and said. 

“So even Haruto-kun can confess, you’re so mature so I was surprised.” 

With a surprised expression.

“That’s… right, that’s why it would help if you wouldn’t talk to me today.”

I quietly replied, and headed towards my seat.

I was seated in the last seat by the window, and Hiiragi san is seated at the 1st seat in the same row. 

I told her in a voice that only she could hear “meet me on the roof.”

Hiiragi-san continued talking with Yoshino-san without turning her head towards me.


Afterwards, the entrance ceremony proceeded without incident.

I listened to the principal’s long long speech, handed in my summer homework, and listened to the homeroom teacher.

Without anything special happening, it was time to go home.

When Homeroom ended, I told Tenrai-kun [I have some business with the teacher] and made him go home first.

And then I went to the roof.

When I waited for a little bit, Hiiragi-san showed up.


Different from her calm demeanor in the classroom, she was leaking out the same atmosphere as she did when we met at the Karaoke place. 

“I wanted to apologize for not being able to respond to you back then.”

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“Haa, Didn’t I tell you before to treat it like that confession never happened in the first place?”

“Even then! I think that I hurt Hiiragi-san. Since I didn’t answer for 4 days, Hiiragi-san went out with Sanjou-senpai.”

“...I think you’re misunderstanding something, but I didn’t really like Haruto-kun at all, though?”

“So it was a fake confession as I expected.”

“That’s right. It was just a punishment game. I would have been troubled if you said ok, when I don’t even like you. Just that point, I’m really thankful for.”


“Sanjou-senpai is just a source of money. Since he’s rich and has a fairly good looking face, I decided to go out with him. If you had money, I might have confessed to you more properly.”

“A source of money…? What do you think senpai is!?”

“Men are basically just beasts who only look at the face anyway. Everyone who’s confessed to me has been like that. They only look at the shallow surface. Would you fall for that kind of man? Sanjou-senpai is also like that.”

“What do you think men are…!”

“I’d like to ask you something as well, what was that this morning? Didn’t I tell you to treat it like I never confessed at all? Did you forget?” 

“That was because of Tenrai-kun…”

“Hmph, so it really was because of Kagari-kun. I wanted all of this to pass with nothing happening, but you really did it this time. Ok, is your talk over with this?”

“I just wanted to apologize…”

“To forgive or not, I wasn’t hurt anyways, and I didn’t really confess, why don’t we leave it at that?”

“...I got it, thanks Hiiragi-san.” 

Hiiragi-san left for home just like that.

So it was a fake confession after all.

Now that I know it was, I can rest assured.

Hiiragi-san just thought of me as a way to get through the punishment game.

With this, I can get over her now.

It can’t be helped that I was dragged into it.

I can just devote myself to my hobbies now.

I’ll work on the novelization, and make a new vocaloid song.

I’ll focus on the stuff I like.

First of all, it would be the test tomorrow.

Alright, let’s do this. 

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