Chapter 21: The Childhood Friend’s Attack Part 2!? 

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With that said I went back home alone. 


Someone was waiting for me.


The me who was expecting something like that was an idiot. 


Seems like everyone really did go home. 


“There really is no one.” 



I thought about going home with the elementary school students today, but they had classes in the afternoon as well today, it seems like it’s lunch time for them right now. 


The elementary school students were energetically running around on the school grounds. 


I languidly went towards my home. 



“I’m home.” 



Even though I called out from the entrance, there was obviously no answer. 


I took off my shoes and headed towards the washroom. 


I washed my hands and rinsed my mouth properly, and then headed towards my room to store my stuff.


After storing my stuff, I went towards the living room to deal with lunch. 




“The heck?” 



On the sofa was a black haired beauty lying down. 


It was my childhood friend Konoha. 


“Kansai dialect?” 


“Why are you here?”


“Because I was bored.”


“What about school?” 


“The entrance ceremony is on the 1st.” 


“Dang you, prep school!!” 


I also wanted to rest for the entirety of august! 



“You were quick to go home.” 


“Well there was a test today. Were you planning to stay the entire day?” 


“Of course, a house with no one inside is much more comfortable than one with other people.” 


“Even then, why would you come to my place?” 


“I can’t?” 


“... Tell me first from now on.” 


“Ok, I’ll tell you when I get to the entrance.” 


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“That’s not what I meant by telling me first!” 


Mentally tired, I started preparing lunch. 


Today I made pasta salad. 


It tastes great with onion dressing. 




“Here you go, there’s also other side dishes, ok?” 



I had lunch together with Konoha. 



“So good.” 




Not matching her small stature, Konoha silently went through her meal. 


“You eat a lot as usual, huh?” 


“In order to become bigger.” 



I see, I wonder for which part to become bigger?” 



“...It seems like you want to die.” 



Konoha’s chopsticks almost touch my eyes. 





“The food Haruto makes is good, that’s why I eat it.” 




That was dangerous, my eyes almost got crushed. 



“Are you making vocaloid songs?” 



“I see, seems like you don’t feel like making any.” 


“I can’t help but be busy with the novel.” 


“Even though you were watching Lumi-chan’s stream?” 





Konoha knows that I’m Haru. 


Because I sent Lumi-chan a message when her stream was about to end, everyone who was watching that stream became aware that I was watching. 


“Were you watching?”


“No, I saw it in a clip, this one.” 



On the screen that Konoha was showing me:


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[Descent of a god?? Amatsu Atsume-sensei and Mashiro Fuuka’s collab stream.] 


Was a video with that title, and quickly got to 500k views. 


The scene with Lumi-chan seeing my message, and both her and Fuuka-san losing composure were turned into a clip. 


Although it was only a few tens of seconds. 


[It’s come!!! The god’s descent━━━━━━(n'∀')η━━━━━━ !!!!]


[It’s Amatsu Atsume-sensei’s rare surprised shaking voice!!] 


Those kinds of comments were overflowing. 




“For channels with a certain amount of subscribers, they would have a few clipping channels. Especially for someone like Amatsu Atsume-sensei, she has quite a few clipping channels. There’s several videos just like the one I showed you before, here…” 


“Woah, there’s 6 of them.” 


“Well I already know that you were probably watching just to take a breather though.” 


“You’re correct.” 


“I thought that at this rate, you probably won’t be making any songs at all, so I came over.” 


“Don’t talk like you’re a hero from somewhere.”


“Working hard is important, but so is taking a breather. Now let’s make a song.”


“You really like vocaloid, huh, Konoha?”


“This is like a breather for me after all.” 



Konoha made a dark expression. 



“As expected, is school really that tough?” 


“Mhm, everyone’s just studying all the time.” 


“Have you made any friends?” 


“If it’s just a person to talk to, then yeah, although the other side one-sidedly thinks of themself as my friend.”




“Although it’s a school with a high entrance score requirement, people still go about their love lives normally, and one of the people who talk to me is troublesome.”


“What are they like?”


“They’re very annoying. They always talk to me about which girl is dating which guy.”


“Uwahh, you’re bad with those kinds of topics, right, Konoha?”


“Right, and then they’ll say [I wonder why I can’t get a boyfriend?]”




“I mentioned that I didn’t have anyone to talk to about vocaloid, right?”


“You did. You also said you were using me as a sacrifice.” 


“When I was listening to vocaloid in the classroom, they said [What are you listening to?] and suddenly took my earphone and listened to it.”


“That sounds like an unpleasant person.” 


“And then they said in a loud voice [I can’t understand what they’re saying at all, so you listen to stuff like this?]”


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“That’s why I can’t listen to it in the classroom anymore.”


“Isn’t it fine if you just don’t speak with that person anymore.”


“That person has quite a bit of influence in class, just because of that single case, it was found out that I was a vocaloid otaku, even though it’s not a bad thing. The people close to her look at me with cold eyes.”


“...Ok, let’s go crush that person.” 


“It’s fine, their grades are lower than mine, so if I bear with it for a year, it will sort itself out.” 


“Well, if you have some more complaints you want to vent, I’ll listen to them.” 


“Thanks, now make a vocaloid song.” 


“I got it, I’ll clean up first, so after that.” 


“I’ll help out too.” 


“That’s rare…”




“Don’t stab me with the chopsticks without saying anything, it hurts in a plain way.” 


“I help out at home normally.” 




“...Once a month.” 


“That’s, not really helping, you know?” 



Konoha tidied up the table, and I washed the utensils. 




“Well then, why don’t we start?”


“Could it be you haven’t started on it at all?” 


“I’ve been really busy with the novel…” 


“It can’t be helped, let’s start.” 


“Hmmm…[Blue Elfin] took like 2 years to make though.” 


“That much?”  



Konoha was surprised. 


Of course she is. 


For it to take 2 years, it’s obviously way too slow. 



“When I first started, I had no idea where to begin, I didn’t know anything about chord progression and the like, so it took a while to look everything up.” 


“I see, what do you start with then?” 


“Hmm, I think I start with thinking about the whole atmosphere of the song. How about you, Konoha, what kind of atmosphere do you like in a song?” 


“I like Blue Elfin, it has this dark atmosphere where in the middle of it all was a large hope. How about we make it like that this time too?” 


“Then I’ll do my best.” 



As expected of Konoha, since she’s listened to lots of songs, she can understand the message and melody I was trying to convey.


A song with a similar atmosphere, huh? 

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“That’s right, let’s turn that thing from a while ago into lyrics.” 


“A while ago?” 


“That person you talked about just a while ago. I was thinking it would be interesting if I made lyrics based off Hiiragi-san as well, since it’s like this, would it be fine?” 


“That sounds interesting.” 





It might be just my own opinion, but I think it’s good to put the emotions you feel into your work. 


Your material would increase as well. 


From there I thought of an idea. 



“Will Konoha also sing this song?” 


“Of course.”


“I’ll work on the composition, so can we post it on Konoha’s account?” 




“Let’s just say… it’s to increase my subscriber count?”





She couldn’t simply deny my idea. 


One of the ways to become popular on social media was:


[Collab with someone famous] 


In actuality, Konoha was a popular singer with 200k subscribers. 


My debut song, Blue Elfin, has surpassed 1 million views, so people would know even just the song. 


That’s why if Konoha releases a song by me, it would make me famous as well, is what I’m thinking. 


But, Konoha probably doesn’t like it. 


I think that Konoha, rather than liking songs covered by singers, prefers the original vocaloid versions. 


After all, when she introduces a song to me, it’s always the original. 


“Of course, I will also post the vocaloid version as well, but recently there’s also singers posting on their own, so I thought that would be interesting as well.”


“That’s true.” 



It’s been popular lately to have vocaloid producers do the composition and have a singer do the vocals.


That’s why we’ll also ride on that trend. 


“Well if Haruto is fine with that, then okay.”


She had some dissatisfaction, but was convinced in the end.


“But you’ll have to make a song better than Blue Elfin.”


“Uu, I’ll do my best.”



I immediately went to work. 

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