Chapter 4; Heading towards the publishing company and meeting a good looking guy.

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On a certain internet image board.


[Hey! That account with the default profile picture ended up being the real one!]

[Ha? Stop kidding around.]

[Did you see the afterword in the 2nd chapter?]

[It’s already out? I’m gonna go read it right now.]

[It’s true, I saw it a while ago but the link really goes to that account.]

[It’s really true, I need to spread this out.]

[It’s already being spread around lololol.]

[it’s already trending.]

[This will definetly come out on the internet news sites lolololol.]

[But, why did he leave it with the default profile picture?]

[There’s no way us normal people can understand the way geniuses think.]

[That’s true.]


“Ok, I’m done preparing.”


Today, I decided to head to the publishing company.

I had proper sleep, so I woke up feeling great.

My notifications on twitter are blowing up and scared me though. 


“Well it’s probably those hate comments again, let’s just ignore it.”


Although I can endure it, seeing comments like those directly would still cause me psychological damage.


“I don’t really have to wear my uniform, right?”


Like always, I wear a parker and jeans.

This time I put some effort in and chose a blue parker. 


“Ok, since it’s just before 9am, I should head out now.”


Other than groceries and school, this might be my first time going out.

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“Woah, it’s still morning but it’s already so hot… Tenrai-kun really went all the way to my house in this heat?”


Feeling thankful towards Tenrai-kun, I head to the publishing company using the train.

Fortunately, it’s only around 3 stations away, so it should feel almost instantaneous. 

I was writing a novel even inside the train.

This is a productive way to spend time.

Also, because it was cool inside the train.


“The air conditioning is way too effective.”


Trying to forget about the cold I focused on my writing.


[Coming next is XX station. XX station]


It’s this station.

Once I left the station, the publishing company was right there.


“It’s this place. It’s really big.”


Relying on the map, the place I arrived at was lined with tall buildings.

Them being a major corporation isn’t just for show, huh.


“Now that I’m here, I’m feeling kind of nervous.”

“Mu? What’s the matter, boy?”


Someone called out to me who was just standing there.

When I turned around there was a man there.

With androgenous facial features and beautiful brown hair.

And he was in a suit… why? 


“What is it, Staring at my face like that? Is there something on it?”

“No, I was just surprised by your looks.”

“That’s of course, there’s also a photo shoot today after all.”

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“Photo shoot? Are you a model?”

“Umu? This may not be, boy, but do you not recognize me??”


The shocked good looking guy took out a magazine-like thing from inside his coat.

So a magazine can actually fit inside a suit coat ?

It seems like it’s a fashion magazine.

And furthermore the man on the cover is exactly like the good looking guy in front of me.


“I’m the model and light novel author, Tenjouin Masamune!”


Tenjouin Masamune…?



“Could it be you’re [GenHen]’s author?”

“So you’ve finally noticed, boy! As you’ve said, I am the author Tenjouin Masamune!”


The good looking guy, Tenjouin Masamune, showed a happy face at the fact that he was recognized.

[GenHen] is the shortened name for [(Genjitsu Sekai Ga Henbou Shiteita)The Real World Has Transformed], where the main character, who got sucked into a game world, cleared it and returned to the real world, but in the real world, monsters that look like they came from games started appearing as well, it is a work with a lot of passionate fans.

The main character is cool, and the heroines that appear are cute as well, so it’s popular with both men and women.


“Well enough about me, you came here because you have some sort of business, right?”

“That’s right, I was nervous so I ended up just standing there.”

“That means you came here to submit a novel? That’s quite nostalgic, I was also quite nervous when I went to submit my novels in the past.”


Tenjouin-sensei submitted his novel himself, huh.


“Well then, let’s go in together, I’ll guide you until the editing department.”

“Really!? Thank you very much!”

“No no, we’ll be rivals one day, I have to show off while I can.”


I thought he was a dangerous guy at first, but I’m glad he was a nice guy.

I’ll ask him for his autograph later.

Guided by Tenjouin-sensei, we head towards the editing department.

We talked for a little bit on the way.

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“Sakurai-kun, you said? Coming here from so far away, good work.”

“No no, if just based on feeling, it was almost instantaneous.”

“Is that so? I’m bad with trains so I’m jealous.”

“Is that so?”

“The Air conditioning, you see?”

“I understand that.”


Is what we talked about.


“From what I see, you’re dressed quite lightly, did you not come in to submit a novel?”


Tenjouin-sensei, wondering about the way I’m dressed, asked such a question.


“Um, actually, I got offered a novelisation, so I came here to receive a detailed explanation.”

“Ohh, that’s amazing! Which means you came from web novels, huh.”

“It’s like that, but is it that unusual?”

“Of course it is, out of tens of thousands of novels, yours was chosen, you should hold your head high.”

“That’s true.”

“Oops, we’re almost at the editing department. For reference, can I ask you’re pen name?”

“Ah, yes. Thank you very much for guiding me. I post novels on Nachaou under the pen name Haru.

“I see, Haru… HUHHHHHHH…!?”

“What’s the matter?”

“J,Just to confirm, is it the work [Mission]?”

“Woah, you’ve seen it? That makes me really happy!”


With a crash, Tenjouin-sensei collapsed.





“*clears throat* I apologize for losing my composure.”


WIth Tenjouin-sensei calming down, we sat on a nearby sofa.

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“It’s fine, I was really surprised.”

“I’m more surprised. I thought you were just some newcomer, but to think I’d meet a monster.”

“A monster you say…”

“W,well, let’s just talk about that later. You should speak with the people of the editing department first.”

“That’s also true. Thank you very much.”


After I bowed, I went into the editing department.


“Hey you, you’re not supposed to be in here.”


“From what I can see you’re a highschooler, right? Are you coming in to submit a work?”

“No I’m not here for a submission.”

“We don’t receive submissions here, I’m sorry, but can you go home for today?”


This is bad, they won’t hear me out.


“I’m sorry, but your attitude is way too much, don’t you think?”

“Well well, if it isn’t Tenjouin-sensei, is something the matter?”


Tenjouin-sensei couldn’t just leave the editor be, so he came over.

When it comes to Tenjouin-sensei, their attitude took a complete change.


“This person came here not to submit a work, but for a discussion regarding novelisation.”

“Huh? What are you saying? No matter how you look at it, he’s a highschooler isn’t he?”

“I understand that he looks young, but should that be a reason to drive him out? By the way this person is the one who’s going to be my rival, Haru-sensei, you know?”

“Wha-!? THAT [Mission]’s Haru-sensei!?”

“Yeah. Even in normal circumstances he’s already hugely popular online, THAT Haru-sensei. Obviously his novelised work would be a huge hit, right? But you’ve gone and ruined this great writer’s mood. You know what this means… right?”

“Hii-! I deeply apologize, Haru-sensei!”

“It’s fine as long as you’re careful next time… Please stop prostrating yourself on the ground.”

“No, I did something really rude to you. Even prostrating myself on the ground is the least I can do!!”

“It’s fine already! Just introduce me to someone who’s in charge already!”


Me, who was panicking from the editor who prostrated themself on the ground, shouted out.

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