Chapter 7: I tried uploading a vocaloid song for the first time

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I talked about everyday things with Rumi-chan in the park for a while. 


Like stuff about school, or about [Mission]. 


While we did that, the sky eventually became a shade of orange. 


"I should go home soon."




[Sorry for taking up your time talking.]


"No it's fine, I had fun. Is Rumi-chan's home nearby?" 



Rumi-chan nodded her head in high speed. 


You look like a broken doll, you know. 



"That's good, but take care in going home, okay?" 


[For you to even worry about me!!] 



She's speaking too quickly in finnish again. 


I can't understand it… 



" Oh yeah, so that you can easily contact me when you're having trouble with the character design, why don't we exchange LIME accounts?" 




[Is that ok?] 


"Of Course. Here, it's my QR code."



The moment I showed my QR code, it was read in seconds, Rumi-chan, you're fast… 



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"It's here!!" 



She's raising her hands and celebrating for some reason. 


So cute. 



"Thank you very much. Thank you very much." 



She pressed her hands together in prayer at the end. 


Stop it, I'm getting embarrassed. 


"Today was fun, thank you." 



When we parted ways, Rumi-chan waved her hands until I was out of sight. 


What a good kid. 






I changed my profile picture on twitter.


[You can't always be using the default profile picture! I'll draw one for you.]


And then she drew me an illustration for both my profile picture and header. 


After I got home, got in the bath, had my meal, Rumi-chan sent over 2 illustrations. 






The first one is an illustration of [Haruki], the main character of [Mission] that she showed me in the park. 


The second one is an illustration of [Yui], the main heroine. 


Mission is a story about Haruki who only had 1 year left to live, made a [Mission Notebook] where he wrote all the things he wanted to do before he died, and completing them with Yui who accidentally saw the contents of it. 


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In the first illustration, Haruki was practicing basketball to complete the mission he wrote in the mission notebook to [get first place in the sports festival]. 


In the second illustration was Yui in a swimsuit, to complete the mission of [I want to swim in the ocean]. 


Haruki was drawn to look cool, while Yui was drawn cutely. 



"Rumi-chan is amazing." 



As expected of the super popular illustrator, Amatsu Atsume-sensei. 


The me who got happy, set the 1st illustration of Haruki as my header, and the 2nd illustration of Yui as my profile picture, and then I tweeted about the fact that [Mission] is getting novelised, that Amatsu Atsume-sensei will be in charge of novelisation, and that the profile picture and header were both drawn by her. 


Of course, I got permission from Amano-san to announce all of these. 


I immediately got an ok. 


Once I tweeted it out, a bunch of likes and retweets came. 



"Without realising it, I already surpassed 500k followers… as expected of Rumi-chan's illustration." 



Once I sent Rumi-chan a [Thank you for the illustrations!], I started making a vocaloid song for the first time in a while. 


Within my numerous hobbies, one of them is making vocaloid songs. 


This is also one of the reasons I was away from Nachaou. 


I like vocaloid. 


The reason I started liking it is because of my childhood friend. 



"Listen to some vocaloid songs." 



They said, and made me listen to a certain song. 


And then, I got really into it. 


Since then, I listened to a lot of vocaloid songs, and wanted to make one of my own as well, and have been slowly making one. 


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At the time, I didn't know much about scales and chords, so I taught myself. 


But since I entered highschool, I didn't have the time and haven't done anything for a while, and since it's summer vacation, I got a bit of time, so I'm happy that I got the time to compose again. 



“I already inserted the simple chords and percussions, all I need to do now is add the lyrics.”



After a while of trial and error, I think I finally got something I’m satisfied with.


For the lyrics I’ll use ones I've thought up long before, and then...



“It’s done!!”



I’ve finished my first ever vocaloid song!



“I’ll post this on Youtubo!” 



I posted it on a channel I made a long time ago called [Hartman]. 



“I can release it as Haru, but other people might say it got popular because I used my name as an author.”



That’s right, since it has 500k followers, if I used my Haru account, a lot of people would be able to hear it, and there would be quite a bit of views as well.


But in that case, people wouldn’t be listening because of my own skills.


It would be better than getting hate comments saying [it’s so easy for famous people].



“Ok, it’s done uploading.”



I hope a lot of people will take a look at it.


As I prayed, I fell asleep.




On a certain image board.

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[Hey did you see this?]


[Yeah I did, it’s about “Mission” getting novelised, right?]


[It was 1st place in trending, and even got reported on the internet news after all.]


[Of course it would be, since there was even a huge theory about the author being dead.]


[And did you see the person in charge of illustrations? It was that Amatsu Atsume.]


[That Vtuber!? They got someone pretty crazy good for the illustrator.]


[Did you see the illustration? It’s crazy good.”


[Ha? They already released the illustrations?]


[Yeah, it was on that account that might have been real, that had the default profile picture.]


[I saw that! The profile picture and header were drawn by Amatsu Atsume!]


[I just saw it lololol I’m looking forward to the release date now.]


[Me too!]

[That aside, did you guys see that new vocaloid song that just came out?]


[What’s that?]


[It’s this dude called “Hartman”’s first vocaloid song, but it’s such a godly song that I’ve had it on repeat since a while ago.]


[I know that one, it suddenly showed up on my recommendations, so I took a listen, and I might get addicted to it.]


[Someone post the title.]


[it’s called “Blue Elfin”, go and listen to it already guys!]


[Thanks, Aniki!]


[This is bad, I took a listen to it a while ago and I might get addicted.]



“Hartman”’s first posted song “Blue Elfin” was posted 5 hours ago.


Has quickly reached 1 million views.

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