Chapter 148 – Trash and an Angel

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…In short.

The exclusive observer, a small guy named Helgin, hired by the Thieves’ Guild, was not willing to talk about the “hiding of goods under the guise of a raid” or “large-scale fraud scheme” by the biggest merchants in the town of Sarz. He stubbornly kept his mouth shut and only talked about the troublesome part that “that has nothing to do with the main story,” that is, that Myrril and I had destroyed the bandit gang.

He told the guild of thieves, the guards, and probably the lords as well.

“So, Ivan-san. Does that make him any less guilty?”

“No, not at all. What makes you think he’ll get off lightly?”

“I was in a country where there was a system like that. If you cooperated with the authorities, your crime would be lightened.”

“Amnesty, huh? But he is not cooperating with us.”

You’ve got to be kidding me. He didn’t make a plea bargain or anything; he just leaked the information because he was being harassed.

“He wounded an adventurer and a guard during the time he was taken into custody. He will not escape the maximum punishment. There’s no way he’ll get his sentence reduced now that we know that Takifu and the others are the ‘demon god’s messengers.'”

“…Demon god’s messenger, huh? That’s new to me.”

“Is that right?”

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“Not far off the mark.”

“It’s too far! I haven’t struck anything, and I haven’t touched a damn thing! I’m just a failed merchant!”

“Well, let’s just leave it at that, shall we?”

“Hahaha… I’m counting on you, Takifu.”

I’m not kidding. I managed to keep it out of my face, but it’s not good.

Demon god, isn’t that what we were talking about when we went to help the adventurer guard at the hideout? The bandit’s exclusive observer seems to be closer to us than I thought.

He’s got eyes on our guns. He knows my teleport tactics. He’s no good to us if we let him live.

“What’s going to happen to him?”

“I don’t know. It depends on what the lord decides. I heard that the thieves’ guild protested that the guards were illegally abducting and imprisoning their own employees. Naturally, we turned them down.”

Looking at the pained faces of Ivan-san and Sembeck-san, I guess it’s only a matter of time. I don’t know if they’ll extract the information before handing him over or if they’ll execute him.

The guards, who looked like they had a lot to say or ask me, let me and Myrril go.

We were not released without charge, but simply because they were busy and the risk of hostility was not worth it without a good reason to detain us.

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And, of course…

“There are two people.”

We’re under surveillance.

The fact that the merchants are so corrupt that they hang out with the idiots in the thieves’ guild is a good thing for us.

“Half of them may have had it coming to them, though.”

“Yes. I know that, Myrril-san. So please don’t try to read my mind.”

I greeted the landlady and returned to my room. I told her that I was just asked to talk and that everything was fine, and she was happy to hear that. She is a good person. She is a good cook, and I am glad I chose this inn.

What should I do? I saw Myrril off to take a bath and called my “other partner” after a long time.


Huh? He’s not here again.

I tilt my head to the side to see something unfamiliar on the counter.

It appears to be an infant in a newborn basket. The cute little girl, who is babbling aaaaahhhhs, looks at me curiously. I called out, “Hi,” and waved to her, and she cackled, expressing her joy with her whole body.

What’s this? She’s so cute. I don’t know if she can already see or if she is just reacting to light and sound, but the way she smiles with her glossy skin and shiny eyes is a real angel.

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Once again, I wasn’t aware of it, but I guess time hasn’t stopped with Simon. I mean, he was on the phone with his wife before.

This is dangerous; there are people like Simon, so I guess it’s not safe, and she shouldn’t be left alone.

…I was about to go when Simon came in, shaking a baby bottle with both hands like a shaker.

“Hey, thank you for waiting, my angel~… uwaahh!”

“Hey, where did you get this angel from?”

“I didn’t kidnap her; she’s my daughter, of course! She’s my angel, my angel, you see, she’s got eyes just like mine!”

No, she was too innocent and pretty to bear any resemblance to Simon.

“At any rate, I see now that your wife is a beauty.”

“You’re terrible!”

I don’t know if Simon got tired of the condescending mode or if his mind has caught up with his environment and he is now able to show his true colors, but he has come full circle, and his demeanor is much more relaxed.

And he is gaining weight again. I am happy to see him happy. He also started to grow a weird mustache. It doesn’t look good on him. And he wears a vest and bow tie…

“What’s with that outfit? Are you trying to look like the model of a potato chip in a tube?”

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“Of course not! I dress neatly to be a trustworthy businessman. Look, aren’t I a reliable guy?”

“Well… then, let’s see. How about putting on a walking stick and a silk hat?”

“I see. Would that look good on me?”

“Yeah, just like the monopoly mascot.”

“As I said, that’s not what I’m going for!”


Angel-chan seemed to be dissatisfied with the stupid comic performance while she was hungry and had to be left without milk.

“Oh, I’m sorry, my angel. Here’s your milk…”

“Well then, Mr. Pringles. I wanted to ask if I could get this one. I’ll come back again and check it out, and if you can get it, please keep it for me.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry, Brother.”

I put the note down on the counter, closed the market, and made a little plan for the future.

I have an idea. It’s a future that has nothing to do with obnoxious idiot merchants and bandits.

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