Author’s Note:

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I couldn’t find a good stopping point since it became good and before I knew it, it became this long.

Everyone, please hang on! LOL


It feels like I’m a fool.



“Haahー, it’s so peaceful without customers huh~”




“That’s right, now that I have some free time, I guess I’ll do some muscle-training.”




“Both of you, stop it. The manager is suffering.”




“It’s because you’re too noisy.”


“Uugh!… You too!”


“Senpaiー! Won’t you play cards with me~?”


“Kouyou-chan! Won’t you do some muscle training with me!? I have two dumbbells!”


“Wait a minute Nene-san! I invited him first though?”


“Ah? Kouyou-chan would be better off doing muscle training though?”


「「Which one(is it)(are you choosing)!」」


“I’ll pass for both……or rather, why don’t you invite the manager?”


“Because the manager is weak”


“Because Kenji-chan is incompetent.”


“Then why don’t both of you do some muscle training with cards?”




“That seems like a good idea!”


“That seems nice!”


“Let’s do it! Nene-san!”




“No, you don’t!”


Haah…..when both of them are present, I somehow feel like I’m playing the role of a straight man.


“Or rather~, senpai’s tension seems lower than usual?” (TLN: Senpai is a term for an upperclassman in Japan if you don’t know.)


“Eh? Isn’t he always like this?”


“You’re too easy-going manager~. He looks less excited than usual. I have confidence in this kind of matter!”


“Let’s see…… seems like your muscles have atrophied more than usual!”


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“Rumi-chan’s and Nene-san’s perception(LOL) are amazing…”


“What do you mean by (LOL) !?”


“What’s the matter~?”


“I have told you before regarding that time when I got a girlfriend through a false confession right?”


“Ah! Don’t ignore me! Fine then!”


“What’s the matter with that? Don’t tell me you got dumped!”


“Calm down, it’s not that.”


“Tch! I was planning to comfort the heartbroken senpai, make him fall in love with me and dump him immediately when he confessed…….”


“So you were planning such a dreadful plan……”


“Then what’s the case~?”


“Are you still going to ignore me!?”


“I made her cry the other day because of some things that happened at the time….. I think I might be beaten up for thatー”




“You hate me right, Rumi-chan? That must be it.”


“Is that so!?”


“There’s no way. I love you so much you knowー!”


“Ah, I’m happy.”


“Yes yes”


“I’m so happyー!”


“Just a minute Nene-san, you have been very noisy since just now.”


“You’re so harsh!”


“Then, what actually happened? Senpai. I don’t think you are in a position to complain even if you were beaten up and sent to the hospital.”


“I won’t say it’s that harsh but I wonder when it will get to that point.”


“Ah, I’m so-rry! I unintentionally revealed my wish!”


“You hate me after all right? …………..Haa……..the one who made her cry wasn’t me…….but they might misunderstand the situation…”


“Then you have to convince them! Like asking for a testimony from your girlfriend or something!”


“But I have a promise to meet them after work is over…”


“Ouchー! I’ll remember you for 3 days!”


“I won’t forget your body too, Kouyou-chan!”


“I’ll forget both of you in an instant. My memories will be erased the moment work is over.”


“You’re heartless, Kouyou-chan! Were you just playing with me on that day!?”


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“Uwahhー, you’re cru-el senpai!”


“There wasn’t any night like that!…………Haah, it’s tiring so won’t you stop? Both of you”


“If you are tired then it means that you lack stamina! Let’s do some muscle training!”


“I’m tired mentally rather than physically though.”




After that, I somehow made it through the hellish part time work, and met up with captain muscle.


“Huh? Akita is here too?”


“Ou!”  “Aah”


“Hmm, then?”


“Ah, Ahh. Can we change the place? To the public park nearby.”


“It’s fine but….”


Is this for real….Am I going to be beaten up by both of them~

That’s harshー!


“Ko-, Kouyou. How was it with Tachibana recently? Are, are you getting along?”


“Eh? Un, well relatively…”


“I see……..”


Both of you are a little less excited than usualー

Are you depressed?


“We’re here.”


“Ah, aah”


Uwaaー! So finally huhー


“Yo! Kouyou!”


“Eh? Akira? Why?”


For some reason Akira is here too in the park.

Could it be that I, am going to be beaten up by 3 people?

Then what is it? Could it be that they are thanking me for chasing away the former-boyfriend?


When I was thinking about what business they have with me, Akira spoke to me.


“Relax! It isn’t like what you are thinking!”


Then it means they are not here to thank me?

In the end I’m just going to be beaten upーright!

What does relax mean then?

It’s good that they aren’t thanking meー! Is not something to be glad for though.


“Ko, Kouyou”


Captain Muscle and Akita lined up in front of me. Akira was standing behind me.

Ah, am I going to die here?


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“I’m sorry!”

“It’s my bad!”




The two of them did a dogeza in front of me suddenly.


“Hm? What is it?”

“You, you see………Tachibana’s confession to you was a false one due to a punishment game…..”

“I’m responsible for this too! Even though I say it’s for Tachibana, I didn’t stop it!”


“No, it’s not your fault Taichi! It was Yumekawa’s and my stupid suggestion……”


“Ahー! So it’s about that!”




“Noー, I wasn’t planning on eavesdropping but I was walking to the classroom with Akira at the time, and I happened to hear it.”


“Is, is that so………….then why do you accept?”


“Hmー? There was no particular reason though? It wasn’t that I like Koyomi. It’s just that I am a little bit interested in her perhaps? In reality, it’s pretty bothersome though.”


“I, I see…….Then even though you don’t like her, you still protected her?”




“From that Sakai. You chased him away right?”




“Tachibana’s former boyfriend…”


“Aah!…………..I’ve been wondering about this for a while but, why does she hate that person so much? Is it because of a trauma? All of that because he had an affair?”


“No, that’s not it…………that……after Tachibana rejected him, the truth is Sakai was keeping Tachibana so he could have s#x with her……….she almost got raped…at that time it so happened that I and Akira along with Yumekawa helped her, but since then Tachibana has become scared of the opposite sex….. There was a time she shuddered at the mere thought of getting close to someone. If she was touched, she would probably collapse because it was too much, and she fall into depression….”


“Hm? Didn’t you report this to the police?”


“Their parents are pretty close to each other……Tachibana’s family is a single-mothered one right? Then….it seems like her family is often in the care of theirs….so she didn’t tell her parents and told us to keep it a secret……Fortunately, Tachibana came home late, so they didn’t find out. We stayed with her at that time and she often had sleepovers you see……..”


“Hmm, and then…..”


“Aah……Since Akira and I could interact with her without triggering her fear of men, her phobia was cured rather easily by the time we graduated junior high school but………It seems like she is still afraid of the concept of boyfriends…….And it seems like Kouyou is obedient and harmless, so according to Yumekawa, you might be able to cure her trauma and it seemed like Akira seems to know a lot about you too…..”


“So you got her to do the false confession?”


“Ah, Ahh…….that’s right. I’m sorry! I should have stopped it!”


“…………In the first place, I shouldn’t have planned that!”


“No, I don’t really care about your cover-up…..”


“Uu!………That’s true…………..I’m sorry!”


“Un? For the time being can you stop with the dogeza? It looks tiring……”


“O, Ok…..”


After I said that, both of them stood up.


“I mean, I’m kind of using Koyomi myself too but why did you suddenly decide to say that?”

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“To be honest…… reality we weren’t planning on telling you that……..but…….”


“Yu, Yumekawa told me. That you guys probably wouldn’t break up in a month…………I don’t know what that meant but…….”


“Aah! I see! If Koyomi really likes me and instead of breaking up, she tells me that she lied to me and confessed once again, since I chased her ex-boyfriend away and all, and due to that, as a man, you thought you should apologize?”




“What’s the matter Akira?”


“You, how do you know that Koyomi really fell in love with you?”


“Eh? One would normally notice it right? The feeling is totally different than if she unwillingly go out with me due to a punishment game………What? Do you think I am dense? I’m a pretty perceptive person you know…….”


“It is exactly as Kouyou said……..”


“I’m sorry! ……..I know I don’t have the right to ask you to do this but……you don’t particularly like Tachibana right?…….Even so, at the very least….! Please continue dating her until the time period of 1 month ends!”


“Why? I think that would be counterproductive though…..?”


“It’s true that it might hurt her……but at the very least she can move forward! …….. Yes, the person in question told me… When we got together the other day, she said …………, “Isn’t it scary if I say that it was a false confession and was rejected? But I might be able to move forward in that case………And, I still want to be lovers with Kouyou for a little while more”……”


“I see…………..but that’s not all right?”




“What if I fell in love with Koyomi by that time? Isn’t that what both of you are thinking?”


“Ah, Aaah……….”


“Well, I mentioned it a while ago but, I was also using Koyomi too, I wasn’t particularly planning on cutting it off on my own…………..”


“Re-, Really!?……..I’m sorry. Thank you”


“It’s just that, I think it’s better if you don’t expect too much from me falling in love with Koyomi you know?”


“I, I see………………Even so, thank you……! Hey, what can I do as thanks…..?”


“Let’s see…….if you really insist on thanking me………….then you can treat me once in a cafe next time…….Of course once per person. Then we’re even.”


“If that’s enough then by all means.”

“Aah, if that’s the case then something cheap please.”


“No, No………stop it you two………….really. This guy is bad news you know?………….Hiehh! …Ko, Kouyou?……..I’m different right?……I treated you the other day right?…”


“Un, just half of it.”


“Hiehh! ……No, stop it…………if you want I’ll properly pay for the other day……..”


“………Fuuhh………..It’s just a joke…”


“Thank, thank goodness…….”


“Then the two of you, I’ll count on you okay?”


“Ou!”  “Aa!”



I can eat as much parfait as I want, TWICE!!


I’m sure many would misunderstand, but Kouypu is not a dull and cool type of protagonist but rather one that do things on his own pace and annoyingly destroys all of the flags.

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