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Since Koyomi was so annoying when she requested that we go on a date, I had no choice but to accept it.


In any case, I was reluctant to go at first thinking that I would have to carry her luggage, but to my surprise, it seems like we are going to an amusement park. To be honest, I’m really looking forward to it, since I’ve never been there before.


I just couldn’t wait for it, and before I knew it I came one hour early.


And because of that, I said that kind of thing unintentionally.


“Oiー! Koyomiー!”


I waved my hands in front of me and there were no responses at all.


It seems like she was so happy to the point where she was in a daze when I told her that I couldn’t wait for today’s date and the fact that I had come earlier.


Hmmー, I wasn’t saying that with that intention in mind though……..Well I guess it’s for her sake if I didn’t say anything…






She was indeed feeling sluggish, so I pinched her cheeks.


“Hav-, have you woken up?”


“Eh? ………..Un………….Hah! ……Yo-, your hand……Ha……..”


It seems like she noticed the hand that was touching her cheek and went somewhere once again……..


“……….That’s enough!”




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I was chopped in the head.

Hmm, I won’t say too much from now on, I won’t do it, let’s go with that.


“Well, since we’re already here, let’s go already.”

“Yo-, you are right……….Ah! Be-, before that…….”



When I was about to walk, I stopped since she called out.


“How is this shirt?……..I bought it yesterday….”


“…………Umm, let’s see…”


Even though I just decided not to say too much.


On top, she wore a white shirt and a light brown coat, which she wrapped around her wrists. Under that were denim shorts and black tights. In addition, she is wearing a black short boots.


Un. I think she is purely cute.

But, it’s a pain if she went off somewhere again.


“Un…………..I think it fits you very well…?”


“That’s not what I meant!……”


“Hahh……….To be honest, I think you are very cute.”



Her face turned beet red and she turned her face away.


“No, like I say…….If you are embarrassed then you don’t have to make me say it.”


“I’m not embarrassed!”

“Even though your face is flushed and you are grinning? “

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“My face isn’t red, and I wasn’t grinning!”


“No, your face right now gives me a bad feeling you know?”

“Sh, Shut up!”


“Haa…………I get it…Can we go now……….?”


“U, Un”


And like that, the date on our day off begins.


“Hey, hey! Where should we go first!?”


“I don’t know. I’ve only been to an amusement park once a long time ago, so I don’t know what kind of entertainment they provide.”


Having managed to somehow return to normal, Koyomi arrived at the amusement park and was excited.


“Eh! Is that so…….could it be that you hate it…?”


“Ahーno, that’s not it. It’s just that I haven’t got any opportunities to go there. As expected, I don’t think I’ll go alone anymore…..It is very fun, thank you.”


“I, I see!………That’s a relief!”


“Un, that’s why it would be nice if Koyomi could take me to the places she liked? Since I don’t really know about these stuff………”


“U, Un! I’ll give it my best!”  That’s it!

“Th, Thank you.”


“Un! Then….first is…………….there!”


As she said that while pointing her fingers, it was a roller coaster.


“If we are talking about this amusement park, that one is still kind. Let’s get your heart used to that first!”

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“I got it. Then let’s go immediately.”




Un. As expected, since it’s a day off, it was pretty crowded.

There were about 40 people waiting in line.


“This is a relatively tender place but it’s pretty popular…Even though the park just opened, so everyone is thinking the same thing huh…”


“It can’t be helped…….”


Roller coaster, huh. The one in front of me is pretty small, but I’ve never rode a roller coaster before.

I’m looking forward to this….my heart is thumping.


“And lining up like this makes your heart thump huh.”


“Huh? ……….”


Ah, I did it…….


Koyomi will definitely misunderstand that sentence.


And she went somewhere else again.


In the end, she came back just before the ride……..


“Yo, Yosh! Let’s ride it!”




According to the rumours, roller coasters are apparently very scary.

No matter how much she says it’s tender, I don’t know if I could bear it during my first time.

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If we say just by the results, it’s pretty fun.


But I feel like something is missing.


I don’t think it was particularly scary but.

She was squealing beside me and it looked like she was having fun.


Uーn? Is this how it is?


“Where should we go next?”


“Nnー, you seem surprisingly calm?”




“Then, let’s go ride something that is more frightening! That one is pretty popular, so I think it’ll be about lunch time when we are done!”


“I see…….Then, I count on you to guide me.”


“Un! Leave it to me!”


That really seemed like it’ll be fun.


And with less than a week to go, is it okay to make some memories?


For the time being, I’ll enjoy it too.



Author’s Note:

Nnー, this person called Kouyou really is self-important …….


On this day off, will Kouyou’s feeling change, or will it not?

Please look forward to it!

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