Author’s Note:

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By the way, during the date, the setting is that Kouyou pays for all of Koyomi’s expenses.






“Ohー! Kouyou-kun!…………….Hmm?”


“Do you have a shift today?”


“Could it be that you come to meet me!?”


“That’s not it. An acquaintance said that they wanted to come…… ”


As soon as I said that, the door of the family restaurant opened, and the people of Kami7 entered and looked around inside.




“So Kouyou works here, huhー”


“Oh, is that the Kami7 Kouyou-chan was talking about?”




“Wow, that’s ……… certainly a beautiful man and woman you have in your group. I feel so sorry for senpai who is with them.”

“Oh, Kouyou-chan, you’re just barely handsome if you take off your glasses and do your hair right!”


“Ehー! Is that trueー!”

“So the pretty girl over there is Kouyou-chan’s girlfriend?”


“Well yeah”

“Then, can I tease her a little bit?”

“Of course not.”


“Do you mind if I go say hello to her then?”


“Manager, I know you’re happy to have customers, but please don’t come out.”

“Well, when Kenji-chan appears, the impression is ……”


“Hahaha ………… that’s creepy!”


“Aren’t you more harsh to me recently?”


“Kouyou! Don’t be like that, you should sit down too!”


Akira called out to me.

Well, I came as a customer today after all………..




I greeted Rumi and the others and took my seat.

“You guys seem to be getting along. I thought you were gloomy and lonely at your work.”


“That’s rude, Akira. I’m a part-timer, and I can’t touch my phone, so the only way to kill time is to talk.”

“I see, I seeー”


“What would you like to order?”

Then Rumi came to take the order.

Yumekawa and Hirayama were the first to respond

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“What’s your name!?”


“Hayama Rumiー”

“Hey, are we in the same grade!?”


“No, I’m a year younger〜”

“You never told me you had such a cute junior at your part-time job!”


Akira asked me a question.


“I don’t have to tell you, do I?”

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to know which high school you go to!”


Oh my god, Akita asked about Rumi’s high school!

Don’t do it. She’s too much for you.


“Are you hitting on me?”


“Ugh ………… well, something like that ……….”

“Hahaha …… It’s impossible………… You’re not my type – I refuse.”




“Hmm, that’s really creepy.”






Rumi-chan hates being hit on.


I recall her causing some kind of havoc back when she went to the beach in the past.


What does that have to do with picking up girls? I think so too, but she doesn’t like it because it sounds the same.


“Besides, I have a boyfriend.”


“Oh, I see. ……………”


He’s seriously depressed………


I mean, that’s news to me.


“Senpai is my boyfriend!”




Hmm? That’s even more novel to me, huh?


“What are you talking about? ……… Junior-chan. Kouyou is my boyfriend, you know. ……?”

“What? It’s been a year already though?”


“That’s…….. a lie………..!”


“Rumi? I don’t know anything about that though?”


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“She called her chan!”


“You’re saying you forgot!?”


“Nene-san! Please do something about Rumi”


“Oh, no! What are you talking about, Rumi! Rumi isn’t Kouyou’s girlfriend! Don’t worry, Ms. Girlfriend!”


“Ahh, is that the case……..I’m relieved…….”


Nice follow-up! Nene-san!

That’s the Okama Master for you!


“Kouyou’s favorite is, me❤️”


I retract my previous statement.

What Okama Master?


“Um, that’s enough….”


“Kouyou-kun’s favorite is me!”




“Manager, would you like to die once?”


“I’m not in the mood for that right now. Get out of the way, you damned manager.”


“Kenji-chan………do you want to go to a hospital?”


“”U, uwahh……””


Even the Kami7 distanced themselves.


“Gu, guhh……..!…………….Why is it just meeeeee!”


“Yes, I’ll go to the manager, Rumi-chan, take care of the order!”



Thus, the manager was taken away, and Rumi took her order maturely.

I ordered some pasta at random, and as I was eating I got thirsty, so I went to pour myself a drink at the drink bar.


“Hey, hey……”


“Whoa! ……… That startled me. What’s wrong?”


Before I knew it, there was Koyomi next to me, staring at me.


“Is, is it true?”


“What is?”

“Are you sure there’s nothing between you and that junior?”


“Do I look that shrewd to you?”


“That’s not it, but I had a feeling you were somewhat used to women, and she’s cute to boot…….”


“Relax, there’s really nothing.”


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“I see……I’m sorry for asking a question like that.”


“It’s okay… don’t have to worry about it.”


“Thank you”

“Yeah. Let’s go back, shall we?”




Nene-san tried to get involved several times, but I chased her away and managed to finish the date with God 7.


And now I’m at the park nearby, where they got down on their knees just the other day.


Everyone with the exception of Koyomi from Kami7


“Kouyou……just the day before yesterday, I talked with Akita and the others…..”


“Aah, is that so…….”


“I’m very sorry!”


Yumekawa bowed her head.

And the others bowed their head after that too.


“No, it’s fine. I heard the basic outlines of the story anyways, and getting treated to parfaits is already good enough for me. Raise your head. I have something I need to apologize for too…………..”


“I, i see………….Hey, can I ask one thing?”


“About Koyomi, I didn’t have a change of heart…I’m still planning on rejecting her……”


“I see……..Is it because of the false confession?”


“No, that’s not it. It’s just that I,  I don’t feel that way towards Koyomi.”




“I’m sorry……”


“No, it’s our fault too………….I know I don’t have any right to say this but…..”




“I would like you to…..reject her as gently as possible if possible. I know that you have no interest in Koyomi. But…….please face Koyomi’s confession properly……..even though it all starts from that punishment game….her feelings are real at the very least.”


“I know…..don’t worry. I have already decided what my reply is to Koyomi. I’m going to give it everything I’ve got.”


“Thank you………You really are a good guy….it’s just like Akira said…”


“Right? This guy is a good personー!”


“You’re pretty much the same.”


“Can we still invite you to play sometimes? Together with Koyomi….She, she is not the type to like giving up…”


“I’ll look forward to it if I have some spare time.”


“That’s something you don’t usually have though.”


“…….How do you know?”

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“How many years do you think I’ve been your friend?

“I just met you this year. It has not even been that long yet.”


“Then, I’m going home too…………I’m counting on you for the confession…..”


“Yeah, I know……….”


Thus, everyone except Akira and I left.


“Hey, are you ……… impotent?”


“I’ll kill you.”


“But! If someone usually dates Koyomi for 1 month, they will usually fall in love with her!”


“I do have some feelings for her, you know….”


“I, I see……I’m relieved”


“Do you really want me to kill you?”


“I’m sorry, sorry alright! It’s just a joke………….Hey, are you really not angry at Yumekawa and the others?”


“About the punishment game? I’m not angry at them for that, really. They might go around doing it in the wrong way but I understand that it’s all for their friend, they even bowed their heads for their friends earlier. Because Koyomi has a lot of things going on in her past, because she trusted someone blindly, at the root she’s just a normal nice person right?…….To use someone for the sake of their friends, it’s not an uncommon story.”


“That’s a relief…Hey, what am I to you?”


“What is it so suddenly, it grosses me out.”


“But! “You don’t have to force yourself to me” is what you said to me before!”


“Is that your attempt at mimicry? It doesn’t sound alike at all.”


“Shut up!…..Am I just the friend of a girl who falsely confessed to you?”


“…………That might be the case for those 5……But at the very least, I regard you as a friend.”


“Thank, thank goodness………….Nn? So I’m actually a great person who made you say that which even Koyomi can’t?”


“That’s not really the case though. And, if you say that, it only took me one week to get used to the people at work.”


“You see, you can’t compare me to someone like them……… who has such a strong character.”


“Hmm. Well even so, the one that I got along with the most is you after all.”


“Ohh! Tsundere?”


“Haahh…….yeah, yeah.”


“Ahaha!………………..Let us go play together next time!”


“If I feel like it.”


“Fufu, just like always! ……..Well then! See you tomorrow!”


“Un, goodbye”


Author’s Note:

The next day will be Thursday(Wednesday will be skipped)

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