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“Ah, you’re awake. Good morning.”


I woke up on Koyomi’s lap.

Come to think of it, she came me a lap pillow.


“Good morning, I’m sorry. Thanks for that.”


As I said that, I lifted my head.


“Uun, you don’t have to worry about it. But……….Nn!”




Rekizuki spreads both of her hands out.


“As an apology, won’t you hug me and pat my head?”


“Yes, yes.”


I hugged Koyomi and put a little bit of power behind it.

As I patted her head like that, I heard some kind of relaxed voice as she put her hands on my back.


After a while, I thought that was already enough, but my body won’t separate when I tried to stop.


“Nn, Koyomi? It’s about time……”


“Noー, just a little while more. Okay?”


“Well, it’s fine.”


We hugged each other for the next 5 minutes but Koyomi still has shown no signs of wanting to leave.


However, Akira seemed to have seen that.


“Phewー! Both of you are so passionate!”


“Ueh! A, Akira!?”


“Nn? Ah it’s just Akira……..”


Koyomi separated her hands quickly. In a way this helps me.


“To hug at a place like this.”

“Sh-, shut up! Kouyou, let’s go!”


“Eh, Ah, Un.”


“Oh, take me with you too.”


“No! We have a date by ourselves today. Right?”


“………….It’s exactly as she says.”


“Fuhaha…..I see, I seeー, have fun!”


“Of course!”


Thus we leave the classroom and begin our date.

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“Fufufu……Can we cross arms?”


“Do as you wish…”


“Yes! Heyーheyー, where do we go first?”


“First, let’s go get some lunch first.”


“Un, you’re right! Do you have anything you want to eat?”


“Nnー, I haven’t really looked at the brochure yet. If you want, then we could go to our class.”


“Ahaha, that certainly is an optionー. Then is it okay if I decide?”


“Of course, I’m looking forward to it.”


“Thank youー!”


And so Koyomi brought me to a normal restaurant.


“Nn? Is it fine here?”


“Un! This place is like a food court, and it’s rather popular because there’s so much variety in food.”


“Heeー, I see…..I guess it’s a restaurant that competes based on the quantity. But why here?”


“He, here there is a special seat……….for couples………….”


“Ah, I see.”


So that’s why Koyomi chose this place……….
Her face was red as usual when she’s embarrassed.


Then it was our turn and we were shown to our seats.


“Since we’re already here, why don’t we pick two different meals and share them!”


“Nn, well that’s okay…..”


I ordered omurice while Koyomi ordered spaghetti.


Koyomi as expected was quite used to this, she didn’t go red over the “Ahn” now, but she does still turn bright red about the indirect kiss.


“By the way, is your family not coming today?”


“Un, as expected they can’t come on weekdays. They will come tomorrow. Along with everyone from the part-time job.”


“Heeー, then it means I get to meet father-in-law and sister-in-law tomorrow.”


“……………..You’re amazing…”


“?……….Could it be, will that junior of yours come too?”


“Aah, she might have said that she’s going to come.”




“Are you bad at handling her?”


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“After all, she said you’re her boyfriend……….”


“She’s just making fun of you.”






“Then it’s fine.”


“Hey, hey. Come on, eat up, we’re running out of time you know?”


“That’s right! Have to hurry up!”


After that, we enjoyed our date at the festival until the next shift started.


Koyomi stubbornly refused to enter the haunted house so we ended up walking around while checking the stores.


And so, the first day went smoothly without much trouble.


“Yosh! Today’s sales got off to a decent start! I even got the customers who came today to rate and review on the festival blog, and it’s a day off. It’s going to be even busier tomorrow, so be prepared! Well, that’s it for the first day of the festival! For now, thanks for your hard work!”




We bought some new ingredients to restock and separated for the day.


“Kouyou! Do you want to go home together?”


“Nn, okay.”


“Oh, see you both later!”


“Okayー” “Un!”


After we said our greetings to our classmate, we went to the station together.


“Ah, can I go to the toilet for a while?”


“I got it, I’ll wait.”


“Thank youー, I’ll come back soon!”




Koyomi ran towards the bathroom.

When I thought I’ll fiddle with my smartphone for the time being, I heard a voice calling me out from besides.


“Oiー! Kouyou-kun!”




I look up and see a girl running towards me while waving at me.


That is.


“Ah, it’s been a long time but we just met the other day.”


“I wanted to meet youー!”


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As she said that, she hugs me.


“Uohh! …….Hey, could you not do it at a place like this.”


“Ihihi, isn’t it fineー”


“Well, it’s not like you can’t but…………….”


“She obviously can’t, right?………..”




I heard a voice from behind and turned around to see Koyomi emitting bloodlust.


“What do you mean by it’s not like she can’t? Are you cheating?”


“Cheating? What’s wrong Kou-kun?”




“No, Koyomi, this is a misunderstanding…….”


“Wait, since when have you hugging him? Can you let go already?”


“Wait a minute Kou-kun, who is this person?”


The person who left me was clearly in a bad mood.

Well, I guess that’s understandable. A complete stranger had suddenly asked her to leave.


“You too, who are you to Kouyou?”


“Mumu, aren’t you rude!?”


“No, calm down……………”


“Just answer already………”


“Haah…..even if you ask me what I am…… I am his sister…”


That’s right, this girl is my sister.


“Heh? ………Si, sister……?”


“That’s true, how about you?”


“Ah, Sor-, I’m sorry! I thought he was cheating so I misunderstood!”


“Cheating?……Could it be, are you Kou-kun’s girlfriend?”


“Ye, yes! My name is Koyomi Tachibana!”


“Ehー! Kou-kun, so you’ve got such a cute girlfriend!? Oh, excuse me. I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Kiyama Kaede. I’m one year younger than Kou-kun.”


“Ka, Kaede-chan huh….”


“But, to think that Kou-kun has such a girlfriend……”




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“Umm, umm I!”


“Nn? What’s the matter, Koyomi-chan?”


Koyomi straightened her posture, I could see that she was very nervous.


“I’ll try my best to be a great sister-in-law!




Koyomi? What are you saying? I tried to say but I couldn’t.


It’s not like I lost my voice or anything

It’s because before I could say it, I heard a voice behind me.


“Well…….that’s quite a passionate reverse proposal…………..”




My father was behind me.


U, Uwahh………..


This is the worst. It looks like he heard it.


Author’s Note:

Finally, Kouyou’s sister!


And a little backstory while we’re at that?


As many of you may have noticed, the Kiyama family’s first names are plants, or rather leaves.

Each of them is a seasonal word for the four seasons.


Autumn: Kouyou(Autum leaves)

Spring: Kaede(Maple trees)

Winter: Konoha (Follage)

Summer: Shigeru(Bushes)


And so, the family of four represents a year.

The heroine’s name is Koyomi.

Yes, it’s a calendar. It’s a calendar that represents the months and days of the year.


Wow! Wow! It’s so elaborate!

Don’t you think so? It’s amazing, right?


This was all by accident.


I couldn’t think of a name for the main character when I was first deciding on one, so I took it from a work I was reading that had a heroine whose name was Kouyou.


Rekizuki doesn’t have any particular meaning, but I took it from Koyomi, the heroine of Kamen Rider Wizard.


So, when the mother came out, I thought, well, let’s make it four seasons! So I made the sister the opposite of autumn, spring, and the mother winter.


Then, lo and behold! By making the four seasons, I unexpectedly found a connection between the Kiyama family and the calendar month.


I just realized that Tachibana is also a plant.


That’s the story behind the names.


Please bookmark, rate it highly, and give me your impressions!

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