“A beauty contest, the muscle championship, and Tenkaichi Budokai!?”

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I am currently walking around the stores while eating with Koyomi.

This takoyaki is pretty delicious……….


So she asked me where I wanted to go today. I told her that I had made a promise to go with everyone and asked if she would like to come with me.


“So what will you do?”

“Well, if Kouyou is going then I’m also going, Rumi-chan is going to participate in the beauty contest right?”


“Nn, that’s right but…….”


“Even though you already have a girlfriend?”


“It can’t be helped, I already promised. Rumi-chan is my friend at work, it’s a somewhat big event for her.”


“Muu……….Well, it’s fine though.”


“Thank you.”


It seems like she is still dissatisfied, but if she doesn’t say anything then I won’t ask.


She wouldn’t like it if I were to ask too much questions after all.






“I wish you would say something before you decide though……….”


Aahー, that is also true………


“That’s true……….I’m sorry okay?”


“Uun, it’s okay. It’s just me being a little selfish. Besides, I’m the best right!?”


Koyomi asks, turning a smile towards me.

Just as I thought, she really is cute.


I paused for a while and replied with a wry smile.


“…………Aah. Yeah you’re number one……..”


“Fufu……….I’m glad! It’s going to start soon right? Let’s go.”


As she said that, she pulled my hand and began running.

I let out a wry smile, and matched her running pace.


Our hands weren’t separated.





“Hmmー, so let’s start the beauty contest right now!”


“Believe it or not! There are 37 participants today!”


There were cheers all around.

There were quite a few people there. I guess that’s the result of being famous.


“First, let’s start by introducing yourselves!”

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“Well then, entry number 1, Yumekawa Enaー!”




“Please take care of me!”


While the others were cheering, my face and Koyomi’s face alone were twitching.


“Geh! So that person participated too……..”


“I, I didn’t know………Or rather, so Ena was interested in this kind of thing………….”


“I didn’t get that image from her either………”


While we were talking, Yumekawa was nonchalantly introducing himself. With a happy set of smiles, of course.


After that, the self-introductions continued.


Rumi finally comes out halfway through.


“Entry number 23! Hayama Rumiー!”


“Hello! Everyone, please take care of me~!”




Rumi appears with a smile plastered on her face.

Normally, I’d be in a situation where I’d say something like, “Gross!”


Apparently it was favorable. The assembly hall was making a racket.


“Ah, hmm? Was Rumi-chan that kind of character?”


“No………her tongue is usually more sharp.”


“It is, isn’t it………”


“It’s just a mask.”


“I see…..You’re surprisingly honest.”


“Un, I was a little shocked.”


And like that, the self-introductions were over, and the next thing they had to do was to sing a song.


“………If Shizuku participated she would have been number one.”


“That’s trueー”


“Next is! Self-promotion! Please show us your charm!”


Yumekawa started dancing. It was not the usual idol type of dance but the hip hop one.


Ah, she did a headspin just now.


“…………….So Yumekawa can do something like this.”


“Un………I don’t know either.”


“Next is Hayama Rumiー!”


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“Ah, it’s Rumi-chan’s turn now!”

“I don’t know her special skillー”


“My special skill is playing the guitar!”


Rumi-chan played the guitar while singing the cover of a popular song.

She wasn’t as good as Momoyama, but it still sounds pretty nice.


The cheers that had risen from the crowd stopped as they were drawn to the singer’s voice and guitar.


They’re all watching.







“Thank you very muchー!”




At the end of the performance, I greeted the audience with the loudest cheers and applause I’ve ever heard.


If it is this popular, it is as if the winner has already been decided.


After that, it was time for the judges to judge, and after a while, it seemed to be over.


Third place went to a girl I don’t know.

Second place went to Yumekawa.


And, number 1.


“Then I’ll announce it!”


“The honorable first place goes to…


Rumi Hayama!”




As expected, Rumi-chan took first place.


Rumi finished her speech with a satisfied look on her face and that was the end of the beauty contest.


“That was amazingー”




“What is it about me?”


“It’s amazing…………”


“Fufu, thank you! Kouyou too!”


“I’m not a girl though.”


“You’re not honestー”


“Yes, yes, thank you.”


I have ten minutes until the next muscle championship.

I get up to go to the bathroom or something.

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“Ah, Senpai! So you’ve been watching me properly!”


Rumi comes running towards me.

She was a little brighter than usual, and seemed to be happy.

It seems that she was pretty serious about this.


“Un, I was watching. You were amazing.”


“Were you trying to seduce me~! Gro~ss.”


“I’m relieved to see you’re doing so well.”


“You’re happy to be made fun of, ……………… gross!”


“I was not happy at all though.”


The two of us talked for a while, and Rumi looked up as if she remembered.


“Ah, are you going to watch the muscle championship?”




I replied in a very normal way, but she looked at me with quite a surprised look on his face, as if she was looking at an alien.


“Eh? You won’t watch it?”


“That, well………isn’t that the opposite?”


“After all, I promised…….”


“You are uptight in weird places.”


“Nnー? Is that so?”


“Well then, I’ll go visit senpai’s class.”


“Eh? Why? Isn’t it fine to visit it when I’m there?”


It would be in Rumi’s best interest to do so.

Originally, she was not the kind of person who would be interested in butlers, so her goal was probably the food.


If that’s the case, I thought it would be more beneficial if you came when I was there and let me serve you……….


“If they find out that we know each other, senpai would be the one who served me. I’d be too scared.”




“Even now, see…….”




I turn around as Rumi points behind me with her chin.


A dark aura flowed from Koyomi’s entire body, she is glaring at us.


“I can’t believe you’re trying to enjoy a conversation without including me…………”


“N, no,….Koyomi……….”


“You definitely still care about that lie I told you about being his girlfriend, don’t you?”

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“U, Un. Probably.”


Rumi put her face close to my ear and whispered in my ear.


“Ahー! Stop sneaking around!”


“Ah, then I’ll go now! Bye!”


After saying that, Rumi ran off at a great speed.


That person………..

Running off on her own…….!




“Ko, Koyomi?”


She looked at me.

Her face wasn’t smiling at all.


Her aura is amazing.


Ah, this is bad.


“It, it’s fine…….”


I immediately hugged Koyomi to put her in a good mood.


“Is this supposed to make me feel better?”


“I hugged her and stroked her head.”




I kept stroking her silently for 30 seconds.




Fuuhー, that’s a relieveー! She’s easy……..


“From now on! The Muscle Championship begins! Here it comes!




“Oh, it looks like it’s starting.”


“Ah, it’s true…………”


It seems that some time has passed while I was in a good mood with Rekizuki.


I mean, that’s a lot of cheers.


I think it’s bigger than before………

I have a bad feeling about this.


Thus began the Muscle Championship.



Author’s Note:


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