Chapter 5

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“Good morning, Kouyou.”

“Yes, yes. Good morning.”

I was called out by Akira in the morning so for the time being I’ll reply.

“Fuhah! As usual, huh”

“I think it’s weird to be that lively this early in the morning though…”

“Now, now. More importantly, is your head okay?”

“It troubles me to be dissed suddenly like this….”

“It’s not like that! You were hit by a baseball ball yesterday, weren’t you?”


“Ahh, that. Well, they are just doing some batting practice, it’s more or less soft, so I’m fine.”

“I see. That’s good then. When I was talking to Koyomi yesterday, she said blood was appearing from your head and was pretty worried about you, you know…Even if you’re fine at the time, it might affect you later on, right?”

“Hmm, from Tachibana huh…….”

Eh? From Tachibana? Could that mean……….


“Woah! You surprised me…why do you suddenly stand up?”

I stand up hurriedly and immediately search for Tachibana.

Ah, there she is.

This is bad, this is bad, this is bad.


“Tachibana, do you have a moment?”

“Eh, U, Un.”

I hurriedly head to Tachibana’s location, pulled her hand, and walked all the way to the corridor.


“I heard from Akira…..that you discussed something yesterday?”


“Eh? Ah, Un. Because I heard you guys were on good terms……”


“Is it only Akira that you talked to regarding this?”


“U, Un………?…Could it be that you are angry that it wasn’t kept a secret?”


“Eh? No, that’s not it…….I see….thank godー”


That’s dangerousー. If the muscle captain heard about it, I would be beaten up…….


“Eh, you were glad that it was kept a secret that much? Umm, sorry.”


“No, it’s fine……It’s fine but…it would help me if you kept this a secret. Especially from the muscle……Manamoto, at the very least don’t tell Manamoto.”



“Nope, it’s nothing.”


“Nn…..?…..Well, for the time being all i have to do is to just keep it a secret right? Alright.”

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“Yes, thank you.”


Haahh…So that is settled…


When I was about to head back to the classroom since I settled the matter,


“Wait a minute!”




“For protecting me yesterday……Thanks…”


“?………..Ah, Un.”


Although I pushed her down, I more or less ended up protecting her….


I couldn’t get what she was talking about for a moment, I guess she was giving her thanks.


“And, also.”


“What’s the matter?”


“Since we are dating, won’t you exchange numbers with me? ……..Do you use RINE?”


“Well, more or less.”


When lovers exchange their contact address, don’t they usually study while talking on the phone? I wanted to listen to music while studying, so to be honest I don’t really want to…..


“Your face says you really don’t want to!? It hurts me a bit, you know!?”


Oh, shoot. It seems like it shows on my face. I guess I really am bad at keeping poker faces……


I want to play my game so I don’t really have the time to use RINE. Even though just Akira is already hard to deal with……


But even so, this dating thing is temporary anyways so I guess it’s fine…


There’s nobody who spends time on a woman who he doesn’t like right.


“Sorry, sorry. Ok, is this fine now?”


I obediently started the app, opened the menu for exchanging contact, and presented it to her.


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“Un, thanks.”


“Just for your information, I usually go to bed at 9 o’clock so even if you contact me there’s no point to it.”


That’s a lie though. I usually go to sleep at 2 o’clock.


“You’re surprisingly living a healthy lifestyle.”


“Well, that’s how it is.”


“Nn, thank you. Then I’ll contact you at night.”


After seemingly exchanging contacts, Tachibana returned my smartphone, and entered the classroom just like that.


When I looked at my phone, the name “Koyomi” was added to my list of contacts. Her profile picture is a picture of her and Yumekawa. Speaking of selfies, I heard that if a selfie has two people in it, one of them acts as a complement to outline the other’s features way better.


Hmmー. She has a surprisingly nasty personality, huh…


As I headed to the classroom that way, people have been scrutinizing in this direction for some reason.


Fuhh………I guess I can’t conceal it after all.


There’s no way, huh…..


I’ll ask Akira when I get back to my seat.


“I wasn’t seen right?”


“It was probably jealousy. The news of you guys dating has been spread to the whole school as a rumour, you see.”


“I see.”


If it’s just jealousy, it’s fine I guess. I can just let them do whatever they want.


There’s still time so I listen to some music, when I took out my earphone…


“Is Koyomi-san and Kiyama Kouyou hereee!!?”


The angry voice of a certain schoolboy in front of the door was raised.


Why am I the only one called by my full name?


Even though just Kouyou is fine….you’re being way too impersonal.


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“What do you want from our Koyomi?”


Yumekawa answered.


“No, to be precise I have a business with Kiyama Kouyou!”


“Haah…what is it?”


It’s unavoidable at this point so I approached him and asked.


“Is it true that you and Koyomi-san are dating!!?”


“It’s true though?”


“G-guhh……! You, I won’t accept you!!”


“Is that so. You are free to think whatever you want. Goodbye.”


“W, Waittt!”


“What else do you want?”


“I said I won’t accept you right!? Won’t you act more frustrating or anything!!?” (TLN: Why is this guy so annoying -_-.)


“It’s fine for someone to think what they want though? You? Why? You’re just an outsider, though? Or rather, is there some kind of unspoken rule that I have to get your permission to date someone?”


“Shu, Shutt upp!”


“The one who needs to shut up is you though?”


This has somehow become troublesome. I can’t communicate with him in Japanese. Even though he is handsome, his intelligence is quite low…. What a poor thing…..


“If I said I won’t approve then I won’t!!”



“Have a match with me with Koyomi-san in line. Kiyama Kouyou!!”


“I don’t want to.”


“Whaatt! And you still call yourself a man?”


“On the contrary, do I look like a woman?”


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Is there something wrong with his eyes?


“Bastard, you don’t have any confidence, don’t you?”


I don’t even know the content of this contest, no crap to base my confidence on either way.


Well, this type of person won’t even propose a match based on brainpower, so I wonder if I could even be confident.

Nonetheless, this has become pretty bad.

For now, if i don’t kick him out in a cool manner this might become even worse….

“This has become too troublesome so let’s just stop, okay. Go ahead and confess or do whatever you want?”



“Like I said, since I’m in a relationship with her, you are playing games with me since you couldn’t confess right? Then, if we break out, you don’t need a match to confess your feelings right?”

“A, Ah….”

“Well, you can’t do it right? I understand that you got rejected. You don’t suit Tachibana anyways, it’s safe because it’s me but to use that as an excuse is an out you know? Your selfish desire was seen through, you see. In the first place, treating a girl you like as a prize makes you seem so cowardly and improper as a man. Are you really a man? I wonder if I could even give someone like that to anybody, my girlfriend that is.”

“U, Uwahhhhh!”

He roared and ran back. It was pretty interesting today. While I was laughing internally, I looked at Tachibana’s group. Tachibana seemed to look a little taken aback. The usual guys huh..


…….I was dumbfounded



……..that was dangerouuuss!!

Captain Muscle, he has been looking at me as if he is testing me. Are you her father or something!

“Whooー! Way to go Kouyou!!”

The ringleader of the false confession, the Twin-tailed Demon. Yumekawa.

“Umu. I was impressed, you know Kouyou. You are a man!”

Captain Muscle, do I look like a girl too in front of your eyes?……


“Hahahaha..! I told you guys before right? This guy is a good person!”


“That’s right. Isn’t that pretty ballsy of you?”


“UnUn, you were pretty cool. Right, Koyomi?”


Uh-ohー、Hirayama’s first line?


“Eh? Ehh, U, Un. I’m sorry about that…? Kiyama”


“It’s fine. I don’t really mind it anyways.”


I took my seat just like that, waited for homeroom to start, and the day passed.


That day, Kami7(mostly Akira) nonsensically bantered.

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