“It’s a little bit fast but it’s just the right time for dinner! I’m hungry after walking around for the whole day!”

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“Un, that’s right.”


We went back to our class.


“Or rather, is it okay?”

“What is?”


“Because the shop is going to close soon. There would be no one left at this time, and most of the staff would be resting……can we order when it’s like that?”

“Ah, that. I already reserved beforehandー”


“Ah, is that so………but there’s nobody here?”


“I just have to ring the bell here and they’ll come. More importantly, what do you want to order?”

“Eh, Un……….have you decided Kouyou?”



“Then, let’s order together.”

“I got it. Or rather, I would like to eat that way.”

“Ah, is that so……..what is it?”

“I was looking forward to it. Should I ring the bell now?”



Koyomi rang the bell.

And the door opened as usual, and a girl appeared.

“Eh! That girl is………..”

“What’s your order?”

“Ka, Kaede-chan………?”


That’s right. The girl who is serving us currently right now is Kaede, my sister.

I got her agreeement with 10000 yen.


“I asked her to do this. Kaede, the usual………..”

“Yes! Then, please look forward to this! Sister-in-law!”

After she said that, the door that Kaede entered the door that opened once more.

“Sis, Sister-in-law………..Ehehe. Ah, is this like a surprise?”

“That’s right, since its the anniversary and all, are you having fun?”

“Un! Thank you!”

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As we waited for the food to come, we started talking about the school festival again.

And like that, 5 minutes passed. The first bout of food was brought to the table.


“Are? It’s fastー”

“Well, it’s because there’s not much customers at this time of the day.”

“Here, thanks for waiting! First off is, chawanmushi! Well then!”


Kaede left right after she left the food on the table.

Koyomi opened the lid of the chawanmushi happily, her eyes sparkling.


“It has a nice smell~! Looks deliciousー! Let’s eat this quickly!”

“You’re right.”

“”Thanks for the food.””


We united our hands together in graditude and Koyomi brought the food to her mouth.

“It tastes goodー!”

“I’m glad you feel that way.”

“………………..A-re?  Did we have this in our menu?”

“I wonder.”

“Well, whatever! ………………Nnー! Delishー!”

And like that, after she finished the chawanmushi, the next batch of food arrives.

“Here! Miso soup! Warm up your body with this!”

After that, Koyomi started with the miso soup.


“Ama, this is amazing…………the taste is flavourful, and the dashi goes well with it too……..the materials are also good………..”

And like that, after she drank all the soup, she stayed still for a while, and more food come along the way.

“Here, next is sushi!”

“Hmm? But sushi is not in the menu right?”

“Well, well, just eat it.”

“That’s right!……………Nn, this is delicious too! Somehow, it feels more extravagant than the 100 yen sushiー!”

“Oh, you’re surprisingly sharp.”


And when she finished eating all of the sushi.

“Okay! next is a special Wagyu beef! And after that is potato salad and white rice.”

“A-re? Wagyu beef is not in the menu right?”

“Well, well.”

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After I said that, Koyomi steadily ate the meat.

“It’s soft~………….the meat soup huh………..”

“The rice is………..completely different from the rice at home~ I feel like I can keep eating this forever……….”

“This salad feels the sweetest………..”

“Okay! Next is the tea!”

“It’s a little hot…….but it’s deliciousー………….”

“Fufu……..are you satisfied?”

“Un! This is the best!”

“There are desserts after this but, is your stomach okay?”

“I have a different stomach for desserts! I can still go on!”

“Thank goodness……..”


For the time being, the staple food ends here with this.

The rest are desserts.

I personally was looking forward to this the most.

“Here! First off, the strawberry daifuku.”

“Sweet~! Delicious~!”


“Next is the pudding! With cream on top of it!”

“Sweet! Delicious!”


“Next is the parfait!”

“The fruits are all sweet……..”

“Uhaー! This is the best!”

“Hot cocoa and terrine chocolates!”

“Ah, this is too sweet~!”

“Delicious……….It’s so delicious I feel like crying…………”

“The last one is coffee to clean your palate!”

“De, delicious……..”



Both of us were already full, thanks to the full course of sweets, even though each one was small.

We both sipped our coffees as if to soak up the afterglow of the food.


“Hey, hey, this is all filled with menus that I haven’t seen in our stores………It was very delicious but this is not made by an amateur right?”

“Well it’s something like that, more or less they are pros. Both of them.”

“Eh, could it be…………”

“That’s right, the food that was served today, and the desserts were all created by us!”

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“Koyomi-chan, it’s been a long time!”

“Mother-in-law! Father-in-law!”

They seemed to really like Koyomi, and they said yes without any resistance.

That’s right. I bowed my head to them for this.

“Awawawa…..It, it was very delicious! I was moved!”

“Fufufu, that’s good!”

“Ah, and Koyomi………….”


Kaede handed me a bag from besides.

“Yesterday, there was a time when I wasn’t there right? I went off to buy this at the time. A surprise.”


As I said that, I handed her the red bag.


“Eh, Ah, I’m sorry………..I didn’t know anything……”

“It’s fine, I have received plenty from you. Besides that, here! Take it.”

“Th-, thank you……….can I open it?”

“Nn, go ahead.”


Koyomi’s face grows relaxed as she received the presents for me and opened the bag.

“Etto, this is a hankerchief!? It’s cute~”

“Really? Thank goodness…….”

“Ah, there’s something inside!……..what is this?”


What Koyomi took out was a long and narrow box.


“Well, go ahead and open it.”



Koyomi opened the smaller ones first.

“Pre, pretty………”

Inside was a ring. (TLN: I somehow had a feeling this was coming…)

“Ah, it’s engraved with the words Koyomi in latin!”


“And the other is!?”


And like that, she opened the other box.

It was another ring in the box. The design was the same but the color was different.

“Ko, Kouyou was engraved here………”

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“Un, we match.”

“Th, thank you………”


“Thi, I wonder what is this………….this is…..”


Koyomi opened the last one where there was a necklace inside.

“Cu, cute…….”

“Should we wrap up soon?”


I take the necklace from Rekizuki, put my hand around her neck, and put it on.

It looks good on her.

“Oh, thanks, ………….”

“Well, it’s not that expensive.”

“That’s not………important………….Ugh……. Hiccup…………thank you………ugh ……”

“………… Are you a crybaby?”

“No, I’m not…………!”

Koyomi received my present while crying and smiling at the same time.




“I think I’m pretty annoying if I do say so myself………….I’m not completely in love with Rekizuki yet either…and Koyomi knows that, even though you knew……….you still beared with it………….”



“That’s why………..this is my present to you. Koyomi……….”


“Thank you for everything.”


I say with a grateful smile.

In response, Koyomi, while shedding a large number of tears, also smiled back at me.


The surprise ended in success.


Author’s Note:

Eh, isn’t it a little ……… sweeter than ever?

Especially the sweets.

Ah, that was seriously sweet. Not the metaphorical kind, but the real kind. And it’s even sweeter because she did a lot of research for the cooking.

In addition, I got really hungry when I looked up desserts, Japanese food, and many other things as materials. How nice. I want to eat it……….


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