Chapter 55(The end of Section 2)

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Author’s Note:

Thanks for waiting!

Finally the end of section 2!


“Well~, that was regrettable………..”


“How vexingー!”


The announcement for the class who won was already finished, and it wasn’t us who won but the 7th class.

I took a look at the details and it was true that we lost only by a slight margin.


“Haahー, well it can’t be helped! Let’s go throw a closing party with a yakiniku party!”


“Ooh! That sounds nice!”

“Then at 6:30, we’ll go to a yakiniku restaurant one stop awayー!”



And like that, we decided on having a party, and went home to prepare.

I called out to Koyomi who was nearby.


“Shall we go home too?”

“Are? Kouyou is the one who invited this time, it’s unexpected. Or ratherm this is the first time right?”

“Ahー, now that you say it, that’s true.”


“Nnー, there wasn’t any particular deep reason. It’s just that you look a little down.”

“Ahー, I see…….regarding that matter, well, as expected…..I was shocked for having my expectactions mistaken……”

“As I thought……..”

“Ah, but it’s fine okay? Originally we only promised if we won the overall victory. Besides, I was shocked but now I was somewhat filled with happy feelings maybe.”


“Because…….in this festival, I already received a lot in this festival. If I got the kiss I would have been more happier but I was already more than satisfied today!”


Koyomi told me that while smiling.

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That smile was probably a lie. She was probably just trying to not make me worry.


“Well, let’s go home?”


“Ahー, I’m looking forward to the party.”





“Ehー, well then, Class 4, thanks for your hard work in the festivalー~”




“Meat~” “No, that’s mine~”  “Don’t mess with me, it’s mine!”



The closing party for our class started.

Our earnings was pretty high so we ordered some pretty expensive meat.

Basically, the ones who got along together gathered along but for some reason the ones on my table are the members of Kami7, besides me is Akira, and in front of me is Koyomi.


“Kouyou, Kouyou! Ahnn!”


What is this person saying all of a sudden.

“Oh, do it, do it!”

“I don’t want to…..”

“Isn’t it fine!”



“…………Are you drunk?”

“There’s no way I would drink! I’m completely sober!”

“Then why……….”

“It was the remains of the school festival hype!”

“Eh………..But I’m sober though……”

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“Quickly! It’s fine! It was the lingering hype after the festival! I want to be spoiled!”

“Oi, oi. Just do it Kouyou!”

“Then how about you do it, Akira?”

“Then it won’t have any meaning! I want Kouyou to do it!”


“In the first place, to do Ahn with a yakiniku…….”


“It’s, fine!”

“Haah………..Okay okay. Ahn”



Koyomi opened her mouth and I put the meat inside her mouth.

After Koyomi savored the flavor of the food, she thanked me with a smile on her face.

As I thought, Koyomi is still a beautiful girl even when spoiled, I was captivated by her cuteness.


“Ahー, Kouyou-kun was captivated by me~”

“Eh? Then I won’t look at you anymore then.”

“I’m sorry for teasing you. The truth is I was so happy. Please look at me more!”

“Okay, okay. In moderation, okay.”


The tension is too high.

Akira and the others who saw it made fun of us.


“So Kouyou has started to flirt tooー”

“I did not though.”

“But the previous you wouldn’t have smiled at that right. In your case, laughing already counts as flirting……..”

“Ahー, that might be true……….I was more………”


In the beginning, I didn’t have that much interest in these kind of things.

I was just interested in what a lover is like.

I don’t know when it started, but I bonded with her, and I became interested in her, and even though I’m not in love with her now, I’m definitely starting to be attracted to her, and my heart have started to allow it.

If I didn’t include Akira, she is the one I’m closest to and also one of the opposite sex.


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“These days, the number of people who give a shit about your relationship has dwindled to a trickle.”

“It’s true that I still receive gazes of jealousy every now and then but there were almost no ones who complaint anymore…..”

“You introduced Koyomi to your family right? That probably have sealed the deal……”

“Hahaha, that might be true.”


And the fact that I can meet with Koyomi like this, I’m probably the lucky one here.


“Then, dissolve!”


“Goodbyeー” “See youー” “It was deliciousー!”


And nothing of particular note happened after the party, It was an unpleasant reminder that our cultural festival was over.

“Koyomi, can we talk a little?”


“Nn? It’s fineー”


After I invited Koyomi, and we walked together side by side.

And like that, we went to the same park 1 month ago.


“Ah, this place is nostalgic…….”

“Aah, the same place as the one where we did the confession……..”

“The festival has ended huh……..”

“That’s rightー……………I won’t sober up yetー!”

“Fufufu……..if you don’t get over it soon, you won’t have any motivation to do anything you know?”

“It should be safe until today! Or rather, Kouyou won’t feel like doing everything when you woke up right.”

“You understand me so well…..”

“I’m your girlfriend after all!”


Koyomi puffed out her chest proudly.




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Koyomi responded to my voice immediately.




I touched Koyomi’s lips.

It was just around 2 seconds.


“Nn? Eh, ah, eh…..?”


I separated our face, and when I look at Koyomi, it looks like she couldn’t really understand the situation, and her face turned red.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with my promise. I do it just because I want to. Sorry, it looks like I still haven’t woke up from the fever from the festival.”


Koyomi’s face turned red, and her consciousness is wavering.


We won’t make any progress like this. Well, her house is nearby so it should be fine.


“Then, I’ll go home now okay? Please go home after you calm down okay?”


As I said that, I walked towards the entrance of the park.


“Ah, wait, wait! Kouyou!”

I stopped as Koyomi called out to me and looked towards her direction.

“Um, that……….thank you!”

“Un! Well then!”



And like that I left the park and headed home.

This is the genuine end to the festival between Koyomi and me.


I know there were many readers who were looking forward to the travel part of the story, but when I was thinking about writing it, I wondered what would happen if I wrote it. When I thought about what would happen if I wrote it, I wondered if it would end up being a lazy story, since there was no particular event other than the kiss. I thought, “Well, that’s it. I thought, “What’s the point of writing this?”, I thought.

If that’s the case! I thought it would be more interesting if I wrote the story in such a way that the kiss was done, but the character of Kouyou was more strongly reflected in the story.

I apologize to those who have been looking forward to this story.

The next installment will be the final section. I hope you will continue reading.

Please bookmark, rate this highly and tell me your impressions!

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