Author’s Note:

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It’s a little short.


“It was very funー!”




“It’s a comedy that blows away the serious scenes while still retaining the atmosphere of the original work, and it’s a comedy that gets the job done!”


“Kenya’s fight scene was pretty fun too. I’m excited by the full-blown action, but that goofiness in the beginning.”


“When Katy took out the deck brush, the whole place went crazy!”


“To think that that line itself is a foreshadowing, I can’t really believe that.”


I and Koyomi engaged in a lively conversation regarding the movie.


Live-action films tend to be criticized for many things, but for this film, I had to clap my hands, it was a masterpiece.


“And they’re going to make a sequel on top of that!?”


“I’m looking forward to itー”


“Let’s go again together okay!?”




I casually took out my smartphone and when I checked the time it’s about time to get some food.


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“Well then, shall we go eat?”

“Ah, Un, that’s right! Where should we goー?”




“What a nice smell!”

In the end, we decided to go to Kushikatsuya, according to Koyomi’s wish.


Of course it’s not a place like an Izakaya.


After we were shown to our seats, we ordered a few things and waited for them to be brought to us.


“”Thanks for the food.””




“What’s the matter? It’s a little bit appalling you know?”


Koyomi started to grin when I sit opposite of her.


“Since we came all the way to eat kushikatsu, why don’t I feed you!”


“Eh, I refuse.”


“Okay, Ahnー?”


“Eh, Ehー…………..Ahnー”

Then I open my mouth and Koyomi brought a skewer to my mouth, and I eat it.


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“How is it? Is it delicious?”


“Un, it’s delicious.”


“Could it be because of me feeding you~?”


“Nn, that might be true. Should we try to make sure of it?”


“Eh? How?”


“Koyomi should try it too. Like this.”


I turn towards to Koyomi to hand over the skewers.


“Okay, Ahnー”


“Ah, Ahn………”


Koyomi ate while her face became red.


“How is it?”


“It’s, it’s somehow………my body became hot, and it’s delicious……”


“I see, I’m glad.”


I replied while smiling.

Well to be really honest, I don’t think kushikatsu really taste great when it’s sweet.


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The next day.


“Fuaahh…………Good morning Akira….”


“Osu, you’re always late as usual huh!”

Today I overslept due to various reasons and ended up coming to school during the first period break.


I greeted Akira, who was chatting with me in the hallway, and was about to enter the classroom when he spoke to me from the side.


“Good morning, Kouyou-kun.” (TLN: ………….)


I looked to the side and saw a man who was standing there who looked a little intelligent. I think I saw him somewhere before………


“Nnー…………….how do you know my name?”


“Hah? We met yesterday right?”


“Nn? Yesterday?…………….I’m sorry, who were you again?”


It seems like we met yesterday.


But even if he says that, I was so excited from the movie yesterday and I’m not really in a state to think about anyone else, and because of that I slept late yesterday.


And that’s why, I won’t remember someone that I just had a small conversation with.


“You, did you forget?”


“Un. It seems that way.”

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“Are you messing around with me? That’s just lacking too much common sense.”


“Nnー….even if you say that to me. It wasn’t today that I forgot something, but yesterday.”


“Isn’t that worse!”


“And that’s why, it’s not my fault today. If you want to blame someone, blame the me of yesterday.”


“Ha, haah? How do I even blame someone from the past!”


“Eh? That, here! You can’t do that you know! Or something like that……….”


“Nn, are you stupid?”


“I wonder? I’m still half-asleep so I might be acting a bit weird. I’m going to go sleep so if you have something to say then can you do it at lunch break instead?”


“Nn……….! I got it…….Le-let’s have a proper conversation.”


“Yes, yes……….”


For the time being, I went to my seat and lay my head down, closing my eyes.


That person from earlier…………..I feel like I met him somewhere…………

Ah, he said we met yesterday……..


What……kind of………..conversation……..did we have again……..



And like that I went to a deep sleep.

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