(Koyomi’s POV)

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This is a bit long



“Oh? It’s Koyomi! It’s been a long timeー! Are you having a date with your new boyfriend?”


I should have forgotten, I heard a voice that I should have sealed from behind me.


This is…….No……!

Why……..? Why at a time like this?


Even though I was about to overcome my trauma, just a step further….just a little more…..if it’s Kiyama…. If it’s Kiyama……!




I do not want to turn behind…..! I won’t recognize…….it…..!


I just want to ignore it and move on!

……………………….Despite my feelings, my body naturally looks back…


Aah, it was as I thought… was…definitely that guy…….


The moment he saw my face, he smiled……


How dare you………!


Anger rose in me.


He approached me while smiling all the while.


No…! Don’t come here !


My voice couldn’t come out. While my body is shaking, the memories that I wanted to forget was awakened once again.


Aah, everything is over………there’s no way now…

There’s nothing that can be done now…

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“You, are you Koyomi’s new boyfriend?”


He didn’t speak to me, but Kiyama instead.


Could it be that he planned on babbling about my past self?


Haha! …………..He might be disappointed with me….


“Well, that is true but… are? Are you a university student?”


“Aah, my name is Sakai Shou. 21 years old and a third year university studentー”


…….Phew…………..21 years old!

I feel like Kiyama said that next to me, but I’m not too sure.


“Heeー, are you Tachibana’s friend?”


“Well, I was her friend also but…….”

Who would, with someone like you…..!


“In the past, we used to play together as childhood friends…….”


I have thrown away that past !


I wanted to raise my voice to deny it, but my voice wouldn’t come out at all.

I can’t stop trembling………..


“Her former boyfriend, I think!”


He said it…….

“Eh! Awkward! How can you be friends with her? Doesn’t it create a weird atmosphere”


“Well, we are childhood friends after all. And the one who dumped her was me, I was the type to not really care about that sort of stuff!”


Surely…the one who dumped him is me. But the first one who threw it all away was you….!

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That, this is as if, nothing ever happened….!


“Heeー, you have a strong mentality, huh. Well then.”


This is a chance. I was just about to leave as quickly as I could when,


“Now now, it’s been a long since we metー. Let’s talk for a while.”


“Ah, is that so. Then I’ll go to the cafe first in that case.”


He looks at me and after saying that, he tries to walk away.

Wait! Don’t leave me!

You might be disappointed at me…..but I don’t think that I can handle this situation on my own…


More than that, maybe I was expecting something from you…..

If it’s Kiyama, maybe he would be kind enough to accept me.


But that was not possible. There was no way he could accept me.


“Now, wait now. I’m going to tell you an interesting storyー, you come too okay? Okay!?”


“Ha, Haa. I got it. Then?”


“Don’t be in such a rush. You know what’s funny? This person has been in love with me since elementary school.”


“Heeー, is that so.”


“This person know where I live you know, so when she was in 5th grade, she saw me and my girlfriend having s*x.”


“Well, isn’t that tough.”


“Well, she was so f#cking innocent so she didn’t really know what we were doing. Guess what she said the next day?”(TLN: I’m kinda losing my mind narrating this guy -_-)




“You look like you are having fun so do it with me too. Isn’t that funny? Is she a pervert!”


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“Well even I don’t have an interest in doing it with an elementary student! And then, when the experience was gradually increased, even though she understood fully what that meant, she still said she liked me. When I was free, this person confessed to me when she was in her 8th grade. The confession was also very interesting………………..”


I feel dizzy. I can’t even hear what they are saying.

Unable to see through my tears, I could only look down and turn my head.


Kiyama kept talking to Sakai.

Even if you made fun of me I’ll just say something like, “Wow, that’s interesting.”

To be accepted. It might be foolish of me to think that way.

Setting aside a friend, this kind of talk is bound to disappoint a boyfriend.


The me in middle school…..I was broken while dating Sakai. Even I myself think that way.


『Brother Shou!』

『Brother Shou, let’s play!』

『Brother Shou, look here!』


The memories of when I was a child.


Sakai was the only person who would play with me from the start, before I knew it, I had fallen in love with him.


I continued having that personality until middle school.


The me who have little friends in the first place, I liked Sakai as always. If Brother Shou wanted to do it……..What a stupid thing.


And then one day, when Sakai broke up with his girlfriend, I confessed to him.

Because of my personality, I’m not very good at communicating my feelings and so I sent a letter.

I thought I did my best to write it. I tried to write it with all my might.


The letter turned out to be pretty long, and just thinking about it now makes me feel embarrassed.


But, I didn’t think anything of it at the time because I was successful.


Sakai was the flirtatious type.


Thinking that he was more the type of person who would do that, he worked hard to fix his personality and, perhaps because of his original qualities, he soon fit in with the class and made friends.

Ena, Akira and Manamoto were especially close to each other.

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But in the end, it was just a false personality.


When she found out Sakai was having an affair, she didn’t turn to anyone


At the very least, I’ll be first! I pushed myself harder and harder. I forced myself to be cheerful, and I even became flirtatious. I even got arrested.




With this, look at it. Look at me.

That’s what I thought, but I was at my limit.

I was crying. I didn’t even know I was doing it, after school in the classroom.


At that time, by coincidence the remaining 3 who was left behind consulted me. It was there that for the first time I talked about myself.


When Ena heard that, she said “That’s not right!”.

I was happy when they denied it. I’m sure I’ve always wanted someone to stop me. I couldn’t stop by myself so I need someone to be my friend.


And like that, I broke up with Sakai.


But it didn’t work out that easily.


Scary…Scary……I don’t want to remember………


Suddenly I heard a voice.


“And you know what happened to this person after he broke up with me? That’s what’s so funny! She….”


Stop……! Don’t say anything more………. !


What kind of face is Kiyama making? Is he laughing? Is he shocked?

I’m too scared to see his face.


“ーーーーーーーーーUm, I’m sorry. I don’t think I get what you are talking about.”


A voice from the side interrupted Sakai’s voice.


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