Chapter 1: Reincarnation?

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“Haah … school …”


I, Reiji Sato, 17 years old, ‘why do we have to go five times a week’ … was seriously thinking such a stupid thing. It should be three or four times a week, which is half a normal week.


“Watch out!!”


“Hmm? Dangerous!?”


When I turned towards the voice heard from above, a flowerpot was falling from above. I avoid it in a hurry, it hit the ground with a loud noise and broke.


“I’m sorry! Are you injured?”


“It’s okay! Please be careful in the future!”


I thought I would complain, but I couldn’t say a word cause the woman who dropped it was pretty…

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I’ve always had the sharpest reflexes. However, that alone wasn’t enough to be good at any sport so I gave up halfway.


“Hmm?? 』\


When I was waiting for the traffic light, there was a girl with a school bag who was about to cross even though it was still red, so I pulled the school bag the moment she jumped out.


“It’s still red so don’t cross it.”




‘What’s with this guy?’ is what her eyes were saying, but soon after she saw a fast-paced truck passing by and her face turned blue.


“Wow !! 』\


And this time, I slipped when climbing the stairs of the pedestrian bridge. However, I didn’t fall by grabbing the railing with my reflexes.


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“Why doesn’t this guy die so much! !! 』\




I felt like I heard something, did I imagine it?

Anyway, I’m out of luck today. If I watched the fortune-telling on TV this morning, it would have been the lowest.

And after that, it was a busy day, pulling people who were about to fall on the train tracks, supporting people who were about to fall off the school stairs, and preventing myself from doing so.


“Hey! No matter what happens this guy … Wow !? 』\


In the end, I was taken hostage by a robber at a convenience store. However, my martial arts kicked in, so when I was grabbed from behind and saw a knife placed on my neck, I threw him on his back.


“Today is a terrible day …”


After that, it was past 21:00 by the time the police called, interviewed, and thanked me, before letting me go.

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My sister will get angry … She looks almost perfect, and although she has the talent to do everything perfectly with little effort, she doesn’t have many friends, … I haven’t called her. I’m scared and don’t feel like checking my smartphone.


“I’ll be home soon …”


She may get angry, but after all we’re family and it makes me feel at ease when I get close to the house.


“I won’t let you get away 』\


A fast-paced truck was coming from the front on a narrow crossroad near my house.

I tried to evacuate to another road, but trucks are coming from all the other three roads.


“You want to kill me that much …”


Considering the speed, all four cars are likely to collide head-on near me.

So I hurriedly climbed the fence and took some distance.

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Then I heard the roaring sound of the trucks colliding from behind.


“That was really dangerous …”


“Enough! Mendou!! Die! 』\


Is it cause of the voice I’ve heard all day? I thought, but I heard it clearly this time.

Then the sky flashed and thunder struck. 

“It’s impossible …” 

I tried to avoid it, but it hit my arm … I could avoid it from the heart aim, but it was no good. And I fell off the fence …

“Congratulations! You have been chosen as a reincarnated person!”


To be honest, I don’t think anyone will complain if I want to kill her.

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