Chapter 10: Lightning Magic

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“Here is fine”

There were still a few people in the city and there was a gate guard. So I asked Sophie to use her stealth and we quietly climbed over the wall. It was a good thing we had small bodies. Without Sophie, I wouldn’t have been able to go outside in the first place… And then we came close to the woods

“Let me see it quickly!

“Okay, okay.”

I’m nervous when it comes to using lightning, the cause of death in my previous life.

“Hah … Roar! Thunderbolt!”

Before the name of the magic, you have to put words in front of it, such as burn if it’s fire, blow if it’s wind, wet if it’s water, and harden if it’s earth. There’s also the skill of chant omission that doesn’t require it.

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There was a hole in the tree that was the source of the noise. And the area around the hole is scorched.

Bakibaki … Zudon!

And the tree with a hole fell down. Looking closely, it seems that it hit the tree behind, and there’s a hole there as well. I was preparing water magic in case it burned, but I’m glad it didn’t.

“Brother! That’s amazing!”

Sophie is very pleased. But it drained more MP than any other magic.

“Lightning Enchantment”

Then, something like a yellow haze came out of my body. This is the same for other enchantments, such as red for fire, green for wind, and blue for water. Enchanting lightning does not cause lightning to come out of your body. If that happens, I would be shocked.

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“Wow! Amazing!”

Lightning enchantments are more aggressive than fire enchantments and more agile than wind enchantments.

Gassa …



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It seems a goblin came as it responded to the sound of the tree falling. However, thanks to the reaction of crisis detection and high-speed reflex, I immediately attacked with the wooden sword and killed the goblin.

When I looked at Sophie, she had a slightly blue face, probably because she was scared of her first monster. But soon her face began to turn red. What happened?

However, no matter how precocious and child prodigy were working, my level didn’t rise with just one monster.

“OK, let’s go home”

“Are you sure?”

“I can’t dismantle it, and if a monster approaches the goblin’s corpse, it will be troublesome, so let’s go home early.”


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And so we went home just the way we came. However, on the way back, I feel that the physical distance between Sophie and me was closer than when we were going.


“According to the gatekeeper’s report, the weather should have been fine yesterday, but it seems that lightning broke out.”

When my dad told me that at breakfast, I was so surprised I thought my heart would stop for a moment.

“Be careful cause there may be monsters that use strong magic called thunder magic.”


He didn’t know it was me, but I guess I have to pick a new place to practice thunder magic…

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