Chapter 184: The Beginning of the Subjugation?

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“Zero-niisama, you’ve heard the story, haven’t you?”


I could hear what they were talking about before about the moths that appeared on the spirit tree after the caterpillars had grown. And that the spirit magic that Sophie and Elira were talking about was ineffective. I also heard that their magical resistance was quite high.

“Let’s defeat it ourselves.”

“Eh? Uh-yeah.”

I had intended to do it from the beginning for the elven village, but I didn’t think Sophie would come out and say it. I was wondering how to persuade her, but it seemed to be a needless worry.

“I’ll help you.”

Then Elira came to me and Sophie.

“Elira, please work with those three to keep the elves away from the spirit tree so that Me and Zero-niisama will fight at our best.”

“I understand…”

Sophie’s strong words made Elira flinch a little as she gave her consent.

“I will tell you the plan, are you ready?”


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After a little confirmation with the elf messenger, Elira had already begun to do as Sophie asked. The messenger said that a large number of elves had gathered around the spirit tree. In order to make them leave with Emily, Tiya and Judy, she left the training ground and headed for the spirit tree.

“Zero-niisama, I’ll tell you the plan.”


Now there are only two people left in the training ground, me and Sophie. I listened to Sophie’s plan as I put on my equipment.

“First, I will knock the moth down to the ground. Then I’ll hold it down so that it’ll not fly away again. Then, Zero-niisama, you will deal with the moth that has fallen to the ground.”


I wondered if it was really possible to drop a moth with abnormally high magic defense to the ground, but since Sophie said she would drop it, I guess she would.

“As for the poison, I will treat you as soon as you show even the slightest symptom of poisoning. However, if the poison has not yet recovered when you are aware that the symptoms have clearly appeared, please do not hesitate to use the elixir.”


Sophie then handed me three bottles of the elixir. I took them and put them in my magic ring.

“And, Zero-niisama.”

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Sophie suddenly opened her hands and looked me up and down.

“Hug, please.”

“Eh? In this kind of emergency!”

“Because it’s an emergency.”

I looked at Sophie’s face and she didn’t look like she was joking. Don’t say stuff like this when we don’t have the time… I thought and gave Sophie a hug.


I didn’t know what it meant to demand a hug in such an emergency, but I felt somewhat comforted. I also feel a little lighter. I even felt like I wanted to do it for a long time when I had time, even though I didn’t realize it.

“Are we done yet…?”

“…still recharging.”

Sophie replied as she buried her face in my shoulder. In reality, it may have been less than a minute, but it felt like five minutes.

“Thank you.”

After hugging for about twice as long, Sophie pulled away from me.

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“Then, let’s go.”


Then me and Sophie ran and headed for the spirit tree. The barriers that made the tree invisible had been in place when I woke up from my week-long sleep, but now they were gone, probably because of the Emperor Moth.

“I got all the elves as far away from the spirit tree as I could.”

“Thank you, Elira.”

When we arrived at the spirit tree, I found those three, Elira, and two stranger elves there. I wondered if the two stranger elves were also contractors of top level spirits.

” Zeros-sama, Sophie-sama.”

“What is it?”

“What do you want?”

“I ask that you do as little damage to the spirit tree as possible.”

Emily said something like that to me and Sophie. Well, it’s a very important tree and we don’t want it to get damaged.

“I understand.”

“I’ll be as careful as I can.”

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I turned toward Emily-san and Sophie said so, looking toward the top of the spirit tree where the Emperor Moth was. Even from here, I can see the Emperor Moth far above us.

“Zero-niisama, are you ready?”


Sophie said and began to prepare her magic.


When she chanted that, she hit the ground with her magic and flew toward the Emperor Moth. A large dent was made in the ground.

And I thought Sophie was going to drop Emperor Moth on the ground with this, but she came down without doing anything. Right above me. Is she telling me to catch her?


“Thank you.”

Then I took Sophie in a princess hug when she slowed down on the way. But Sophie immediately got out of my arms a ton and turned to Emily and started talking.

“Did you know that besides the Emperor Moth, other giant monsters have arrived at the Spirit Tree?”

“What the hell?……”

Apparently, defeating the Emperor Moth is not the end of the story.

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