Chapter 240: Beastification

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“Is this area okay?”

I left the royal capital with Elira and went into the forest. We stopped about 30 minutes after leaving the capital.

“Then, Zero-kun, please give me your magic power.”


I gave the magic power to Yug, who came out of me while talking in a very casual manner. Of course, the magic power was from the spirit world.

“Multiple barriers.”

And Yug used my magic power to create three barriers so transparent that you can’t see them unless you sense the magic.

“With these, even if you use Bros and Darki, people won’t be able to see them. Also, be careful Elira-chan, it’s dangerous if you leave this place.”

Two of the barriers cover me at large, and one covers only Elira.

“Then go ahead, Use Bros first…”

“Hurry up and do your beastification with me.”


“I understand.”

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I was going to try it starting with the demonization of Bros who helped me with the spiritualization, but Darki told me to do it first. Bros didn’t say anything either, so I decided to do the beastification first.



『[Title] Acquired [Between Beast and Human] 』


I heard an announcement that I was going to be beastified, followed by a startled voice from Elira. But still, it’s a bipedal walk and the viewpoint doesn’t change, so didn’t I do it right? I thought, but something felt strange in my waist and my senses were far sharper than before.

“Eh, you… are those ears and a tail ……?”

“Huh? That’s a …… tail!”

I looked at my hips and there was a bushy yellow fox tail growing out of them with my pants down a bit. Then I touched my head and there were beast ears growing there. I panicked and touched it, thinking that I had lost my original ears on the side of my face. There the ears grew normally when I was human. In other words, I now have four ears. I see, I’m indeed somewhere between a beast and a human.


I turned away from Elira, who was still standing there with her mouth wide open, and I moved my body.

“Am I lighter than before? No, has my physical ability itself improved?”

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I analyzed myself in a slightly dressed-up way. Compared to before the beast transformation, I moved much better. Even when I lightly jumped, I was able to fly nearly 10 meters.


There was something strange when I flew. It was as if I was being told that something wasn’t right. Maybe Darki was trying to tell me something? I jumped again after landing to try.


I felt like I could do something when my jumping speed slowed down and I was about to fall. I tried that something.


Then I was stationary in the air. It wasn’t like I had a foothold in the air. It was as if I was fixed in the air and wouldn’t fall. That doesn’t mean I can’t move. I can move my arms and legs freely. I just can’t move from that spot. When I released something I had just done, I fell normally.

“Yug, blow me up a little bit.”

“Okay! Wind bullet.”

I had something I wanted to try, so I asked Yug for a favor. Then Yug pointed her hand toward me. Then a strong wind blew and I was blown away.


I was being blown away by the mass of wind from Yug, but when I did what I had just done, it stopped suddenly. The sudden stop didn’t cause me to recoil. I said “steady” out loud because it gave me a clearer picture of what I was doing.

“Yug, again.”

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“Wind bullet!”

This time, I was hit by a wind bullet from a stationary position. Then the stillness was lifted and I was blown away. And then the wind bullet disappeared again, but when I tried it again while I was still being blown away by the force of the wind projectile, it stopped.

“Is this convenient depending on how I use it?”

It can’t catch magic or anything, but it can stop my own movement. For example, if I go toward Sophie and suddenly stop, it can be used as a feint. There may be more I can do, but for the moment, I have deactivated my beastification. I want to talk to Darki. And when I released the beastification, Darki came out in front of me.

“Why do you have one tail?”


“I could get up to three if I pushed you pretty hard, but why can you only pull one tail out of my power under normal, unloaded conditions!?”

Darki seemed quite upset. He wasn’t happy that I could only pull out one tail?

“First of all, don’t you think it’s amazing that he could suddenly succeed in turning himself into a beast?”

“Well, I thought for sure he would fail.”


When I talked to Bros, he told me that it was a great thing that I had succeeded in turning into a beast at the first time. Could it be that Darki was undermining me because he was too tsundere to praise me?

“The one that stopped you just now, by the way, is called demonic force.”

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“Demonic force?”

Darki suddenly changed the subject. The super simple way to describe “Demonic force” is psychokinesis. Of course, if I can master Darki properly, I’ll be able to perform illusions, so it’s not really psychokinesis. However, it seems that I can only do psychokinesis now.

“Come to think of it, I didn’t turn into a beast properly like Bequa did.”

“No, of course not. You’re not a beastman.”


It seems that only a beastman can become a beast completely. The best I can do is to show the characteristics of a fox on a person, even if I try my best. But I was a little relieved when he said I wouldn’t turn into a fox. I still look like a human.

“Tomorrow’s match is limited to one tail. Only two tails will be allowed if absolutely necessary. After the third one, I will not be held responsible.”

“I understand.”

This was the end of the training for beastification.

“Now, comrade, I’m next.”


While Elira was standing there in a daze, it’s time for my special training with Bros. Oh, so my name is Comrade…. You don’t have to ask …… what comrade I am.

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