Chapter 295: Anomalies

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[Sophia’s Point of View]

“Haa…haa……… Damn it…”

“Hey? Is that it? Can I attack now?”

My magic was not working on Im at all. No matter how much I attacked her with my large-scale magic, she would regenerate immediately.

“Kahaha ……”

“Can’t you even avoid something like this? My darling can easily avoid an attack of this level.”

”…Nii-sama is not yours.”

Im lept forward and kicked me in the jaw with her foot out from under my feet. I was too focused on the magic to avoid it.

“While you’ve been wasting your time, my darling defeated all the demons. The number of undead are increasing because of that.”


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I was delighted at the information that my brother had killed all the demons. However, I couldn’t ignore the word “wasted”.

“Isn’t that the way it is? I’ve been playing with my opponent for a long time now, and there’s no way you can win. What would you call it if you didn’t call it a waste of time?”


I couldn’t say anything back to that. I have absolutely no idea how to beat this guy in a fight. I used every kind of magic I had acquired, but it had no effect at all. I tried physical attacks, but they had no effect.

“I’m very strong compared to you, but I’m not immortal. After all, I’m a slime demon.”

Slimes are the weakest of all monsters.. Even the weakest attack will kill it. It’s a monster that seems to have a weakness in everything. That’s why it doesn’t even change what its special weakness is. I never thought that such a slime would become such a strong demon.


“Oh! What is it this time?”

I’ll use all the magic power I’ve accumulated to create a single spell, and use it to smash this thing into tiny pieces without leaving any trace. Then this guy shouldn’t be able to regenerate either. Then I can finally go back to my brother. I wanted to save my magic for my brother, but I didn’t have time for that.



That’s when I felt a strong chill. Im and I turned in the same direction at the same time. I can only say that I had a bad feeling because unlike my brother, I didn’t acquire crisis sensing, but I’m sure that something bad happened.

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“Ahh… this is unexpected… I wonder if that could beat my darling now? Hmmm… kinda hard to say.”

I immediately glared at Im, whom I thought was the source of the problem, but from this reaction, it doesn’t seem so. I was more angry that she thought my brother would lose on her own.

“Ummm…what should I do? First of all, I’m sure I’ll have my darling fight… do I let him fight alone? Or do I fight with him? But if I’m there, he’s sure to win…”

Im is thinking about something alone. I immediately stopped creating magic using all my magic power and thought about outwitting her and going to my brother.

“Alright! Let’s do this! It looks like the fight between those two just ended.”

Im said and suddenly disappeared. I tried to use this opportunity to go to my brother, but Im came back immediately.


“…..Hey? Sophie?”

Im brought Elira, who was unconscious and Shana, who was quite exhausted.

“I really wanted to bring the other one, but I couldn’t because Darling is holding her like a precious princess. But I don’t think that one will be of any use, so it won’t make any difference.”

Im mumbled to herself, not saying anything to anyone.

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“If my darling is going to die, I’ll be there to save him, so the three of you here don’t go bothering him.”

Im said as she sat on the rock. Now I have a feeling that she’ll seriously try to kill me if I disobey her order.

Is there any way to get to my brother somehow…..


[Zeros point of view]

“The undead are…….”

There was a change in the undeads’ movements after the crisis high speed sensing earlier. They were all running in the same direction, not even looking at me, even though I’d lifted the barrier.



Suddenly, Carina, who was in my arms, let out a small scream.

“Zeros-san… please listen to what the undead arre saying…”

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“What are they saying?”

The undead usually make sounds like “ah…” or “uh…” but they never say anything meaningful. I listened to Carina and tried to hear what the undead were saying.


“I finally found a body worthy of me.”

“But the body is ashes.”

“But it can be restored by using other corpses.”

“Whoever turns my new body to ash will be killed.”

“I’ll kill them all.”

“I’ll kill them!”

The undead were running in the same direction while muttering these things. The only body that the undead seems to like that has been reduced to ashes is the ghoul demon. Something must be trying to awaken using that guy’s body. I tried to stop it right now, but it was too late.


All the undead around it fell down and disappeared as if they were unraveling.

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