Chapter 302: Status

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[Name] Zeros Adolfo

[Race] King of the Lightning Beast Devil Spirits

[Age] 13

[Level] 25 (22 UP)

[HP】 6734/6734 (3643 UP)

[MP】 6734/6734 (3643 UP)

[Attack] 3343 (1809 UP)

[Defense 2391 (1096 UP)

[Agility] 3367 (1684 UP)

[Magic Attack] 3039 (1644 UP)

[Defense】 2391 (1096 UP)

[Intelligence】 2108 (1054 UP)


Arithmetic Lv.6, Courtesy Lv.3, Riding Lv.1

Demolition Lv.3 (2UP), Throwing Lv.3 (2UP)

Covert Lv.9 (1 up), Sneaking Lv.6 (1 up)

Night Vision Lv.9 (1 up), Killing Aura Lv.7, Provocation Lv.5

Fire Magic Lv.6, Wind Magic Lv.5, Water Magic Lv.4

Earth Magic Lv.2, Recovery Magic Lv.9, Chanting Omission LV.5  Chantless Lv.5

Fire Resistance Lv.5・Wind Resistance Lv.4

Water resistance Lv.4, Earth resistance Lv.4, Ice resistance Lv.8

Resistance to Strike Lv.8, Resistance to Slash Lv.2

Unique Skills

Crisis High-Speed Detection Lv.5 (1-up), Swordsmanship Lv.4

Martial Arts Lv.3, Mind Reading Lv.2, Ice Magic Lv.4

Light Magic Lv.3, Spiritualization Lv.3 (1UP)

Spiritualization Lv.5 (3UP), Devil magic Magic Lv.3

Devilficationn Lv.6 (3UP), Beastification Lv.6 (3UP)

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Lightning Magic Lv.4, Magic High-Speed Manipulation Lv.3 High speed Crises Detection Lv. 3

Lightning attraction Lv.2

Lightning Armor Lv.4 (1-up), Lightning Chant Disable Lv.2

Perfect Disguise Lv.2, Enchantment

Double Enchant, Triple Enchant

Half Enchant, Magic Slash Lv.2

Lightning Shrink Lv.3, Multiple Thinking Lv.3

Extra Skill

[Title] Collecting, Divine Speed Reflection Lv.2

Divine Lightning Lv.1 [Unavailable: 25 days]

[Selected Titles] (55/55)

Reincarnated person


Late Maturity

Beast Armor

Former Child Prodigy

Lower Rank


Lightning rod

Nine Deaths

A Hundred to One

A hundred battles


A heart to heart

Sleepless and uninterrupted

A bolt from the blue

Electric lightning

Gale-force lightning

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Lightning Samurai

Electric lightning

Green cold light

A flash of purple lightning

Thunderbolt Attack


Raining clouds

Lightning Thunder

Deceptive Spirits of Mountains and Rivers

Monster Change

Bird’s Eye-view

Rare magic user

Combination Magic (New)

Fusion Magic

High level spirit user

The King of Spirits

One who is loved by spirits

One who possesses a spirit in his/her body.

One who has two spirits in his/her body.

Between beasts and humans

Possessed person

Half devil

Three genus royal messengers

Ruler of the King

Hero Transcendence

True Hero



Siscon Surpasser

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The third time is the charm.

The Hater

Dragon Slayer

Wolf Killer

Natural enemy of insects

The Natural Enemy of Orcs

The demon king’s pet.

The demon king’s mate[Provisional[Rock[Curse]

Lightning Race

A new race.

One with multiple race.

God skill acquirer.

One with multiple God skills.


[Excluded titles]

・Goblin Killer ・Wolf Killer ・Natural Enemy of Insects

・Orc’s natural enemy ・Third time the charm

・ Death flag first-class architect

・One-strike Kill (New) ・Demon Killer (New)


I shouted out unintentionally because the growth of the status was so much more than expected. My level has gone up so much. The effect of the “Experience UP” title is there, but is it really possible for one to raise their level this much just by killing four demons?

“Oh, there is also the effect of precocious maturity?”

Precocious maturity also has the effect of making it easier to raise your level until it reaches 25. That’s probably one of the reasons they got up to 25. Next, he confirmed the effect of the new title.

[One Strike Kill.]

A title given to those who kill a strong enemy with a single blow.


The attack power of the first blow is increased.

Experience 1.1 times when the target is killed with a single blow.

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[Demon Killer]

A title given to those who have killed many demons.


Damage dealt to demons UP.

I haven’t killed any demon with a single blow. It’s just that the Emperor Rich might have had the maximum HP due to his regeneration. I just wanted to make the “strong enemies” part easier than to make the HP max criteria there easier. Why didn’t they change that part…

Also, I don’t recall ever defeating enough demons to earn a killer. I’ve only defeated 5 of them. I didn’t acquire the ordinary killer title after defeating five of them, either. I wonder if the number of demons is also reduced because there are so few of them to begin with, so the number needed to acquire the demon killer is also reduced.

“The divine lightning is unusable…”

The remaining 25 days of unavailability means that it will not be available for 30 days after I use it. Perhaps this number of days limit will be reduced when the skill level increases.

“It’s strong though…”

Divine Lightning realized its true value for the first time when I seriously tried to use it. The divine lightning can decide who and what to do. This time there was a pair of demons I hadn’t yet identified, and Im was also there, so I released it thinking “to the demons” and “to damage them”. I didn’t do it this time, but I think you can also “heal” or “buff” your friends.

However, it’s not worth sacrificing an arm for that. No matter how effective it is. Besides, there is no more high elixir. The next time I use it, I will only have one arm until I get the high elixir. In other words, either Dark Green or Light Green will no longer be available.

But still, my status has gone up.

Most of the status have doubled or more. I’ll have to get used to being able to fully manipulate my body a little since my status has increased so rapidly. There’s a sudden increase in status due to enchantments, etc., but the body learns that it should be moved in this way because it has increased by this amount compared to the bare state. This is based on the premise that the body must be able to move perfectly in its natural state. Therefore, I have to be able to manipulate my body perfectly.


I was looking at the status in a daze because I was bored. That’s when I realized. If I can’t use divine lightning, that means I can’t use divine lightning enchantments either. Since I could no longer lose my arm, I thought it would be no problem even if the divine lightning was disabled. However, not being able to use the divine lightning enchantment was hard.

“I’m bored…”

There was nothing to do but look at the status and look outside. The day ended with me spending the whole day in a daze.

And the next day, I wasn’t allowed to leave my room. But since I was allowed to have people come to my room and talk with me, I never felt that bored. I just felt a strong need to move my body.

“Hey, Sophie.”

“No, you can’t.”

“I haven’t said anything yet.”

“You want to go out again or something like that, don’t you?”


Furthermore, the next day I was allowed to leave my room. However, going out was forbidden. By the way, tomorrow, going out is allowed, but the use of skills and fighting are forbidden.

The day after tomorrow, fighting will be allowed except for using unique skills. The day after tomorrow, all prohibitions will finally be lifted. It will be a long time before I can be free.

Even if these are the consensus of the seven people, including the spirits, I can ignore them if I want to. However, these things are prohibited not because they are trying to be mean to me, but because they are worried about me. I’m the one who caused them to worry so much in the first place, so there’s no way I can ignore them.

“Ugh…I want to hold something heavier than chopsticks…”

Of course, since skill is not allowed to be used intentionally, I’m not even allowed to swing a sword. That is why Suiyami and Suikou are always in bracelets. Furthermore, they are overly cautious about what I do. So I’m not even allowed to exercise properly. I can’t wait for the day after tomorrow to have a mock battle with Carina.

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