Chapter 321- The Power of a Chosen Tribe

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“Good morning.”


Shana woke up about 10 hours after she fell asleep. Just now we were preparing a little early dinner, so we are all awake.

“Did everything evolve properly?”

“There’s no way it didn’t…I’ll check.”

Shana, perhaps reading my mind, checked the status. Normally, there is no such thing as a failure to evolve properly. Except for me.

“I’m fine. I’m evolving properly.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Shana was able to evolve properly.

“What species did you evolve into, by the way?”


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Manipulator is a race that emerged because of her skillful use of the resizable scythe and wiggling chains.

Certainly, she is stronger than ever in her ability to use this complex weaponry.

“But…is that for combat?”

I don’t feel that being good with your hands is that useful in combat. I think this race is for people who are good at making things. Whether people who like making things can evolve or not is another matter.

“Hmmm. Then I’m going to punch you in the face slowly now, so you avoid me.”


Shana said a little grumpily and slowly punched me in the face. It’s really slow, so I can avoid this even if I don’t use any skill at level 1 before evolution.

What does Shana want to do? Let me not avoid it for now. Hmm? Eh? Eh!


“Nii-sama…what are you doing?”

Sophie is looking at me with a dumbfounded expression as she sees me lightly hit in the face. Shana, on the other hand, is looking at me with a smug look on her face.

“Hey, let’s do it one more time!”

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I ask Shana to do it again. I don’t think it’s a cute problem of when to avoid, but I guess I’ll have to avoid it a little faster. What? She said I have to avoid it! I’m not going to avoid it! Hey, hey!





“No! Eh! It can’t be!”

Hearing a bit of excitement the first time, Elira and Carina also looked at me the second time. Two additional people looked at me with dismay.

Nope! That’s not what I was thinking, I couldn’t even think of avoiding it as I had done earlier. As I was a little confused, Shana was doing the same thing to Sophie as she did to me.


“Look! Sophie couldn’t avoid it either.”

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Just like me, Sophie couldn’t avoid it either and was lightly punched by Shana. Elira and Carina followed Sophie’s example and did the same thing, but couldn’t avoid it.

“Could it be…?”

“I manipulated everyone’s thoughts.”

Shana changed our thoughts of avoiding into not avoiding, so that our bodies couldn’t avoid.

“Manipulators are a race that specializes in manipulation. They can manipulate anything they can see.”

However, this doesn’t mean that they are all-powerful. Basically, they cannot manipulate living things themselves. Furthermore, they cannot manipulate things that are strongly fixed in place. For example, buildings and rocks cannot be manipulated at this time.

So, even if Shana had obtained the appraisal, she wouldn’t be able to change the status as she likes. What Shana sees are people’s thoughts, which keep changing, so she can manipulate them.

“But there are also many weaknesses.”


Saying that, Shana punched me quickly. I wasn’t paying attention at all, so I hurriedly and reflexively avoided it. Eh? I was able to avoid it?

“That was close…”

“You see. If you act like this reflexive idiot without thinking, I can’t control anything.”

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“Oh…what? Did you just call me a reflexive idiot? Furthermore, didn’t you also say I’m acting without thinking?”

Since thoughts are only manipulated after seeing them, there is nothing she can do about reflexive movements that don’t involve thinking.

“Also, I’m not used to it at all yet, so it’s hard to use it in the middle of a fierce battle. Besides, I can only change two or three words of thoughts.”

Just being able to change a thought, even if it’s only two or three letters, is amazing.

With three words, you can change “invoke magic” to “don’t invoke magic”.

“I’ll get used to this power as soon as possible so I can use it in battle.”

Shana was determined to do so. If she could master this power, Shana would become much stronger than she is now.

Of course, this power cannot be used on monsters that move on instinct, which rarely think, but high-ranked monsters and demon clans are capable of thinking similar to us. So this power will surely be useful.

“Even so, how did you know that the manipulator has the power to manipulate the thoughts they see with their mind’s eye?”

“It was written in the book.”

Shana answered Sophie’s question. But do they usually write that? There are only a few people who have acquired the mind’s eye in the past combined.

Could it be the work of that goddess…thanks to her?

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