Editor: Delinquent Angel

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However, the end of this month came too fast. Too fast!

Honestly, given the pockets of the Viscount Pundit family, there’s just too much time to consider getting a new dress, accessories, and other things!

That being said, I don’t know what would happen if I refused the proposal of that supposedly clear-headed Prime Minister.

Or rather, he didn’t explain to me what kind of benefits would it cause me for having my social debut. He only said, “It’s best to have the right person explain it to you,” or something like that. Because he had a next visitor, I got kicked out!

Furthermore, the right person is going to tell me who was the mastermind trying to interfere with the Chagran royal family’s deficit to get into the Primera-sama’s pocket, so I will have to wait for that person…. Oh, and he also told me that my father was fine. However, right now he’s just resting in a certain place because he’d break his heart if he returned to the Viscount family.

Well, I was relieved to know that my father was safe.

In the end, I had no choice but to go back to my office room, not really knowing what to do.

I took care of some work as soon as I returned. I have been reviewing my work diary to see if the price of silk had risen again, or if there were any new products at Rizil Trading Company, or if there were any new accessories in the kingdom of Chargrin, which was in question, so imports would be more active. 

It was quite late at night.

I’m the head maid, so I won’t lose sleep over these matters. Additionally, I have to make sure that I would not show any anxiety to Primera-sama so that she won’t get worried over me!

“…? Come on in.”

I wonder who that is at this hour.

Well, it’s mostly Meyna. She’s a merchant girl who joined as an apprentice, but she’s still a little afraid to sleep at the palace, so she’s staying with me for a bit. I like spoiling her. She’s so cute!!!!

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Oh, of course, I’m treating her as the head maid, so it was not appropriate to always give her special treatment, right? Listening to her for a little while, I only ask for hot milk with honey, and cocoa— or in other words soy milk cocoa.

Anyway, it’s important to spend a little time with the girls. They work hard every day, away from their parents and experiencing feelings of anxiety, so it’s hard for me to be strict with them. Ugh!

I was thinking that but when I opened the door, there was no one.

I’m pretty sure I heard a knock… but I don’t think anyone would play a prank inside the royal castle?

I don’t think that His Highness the Prince would do such a thing, no matter how much of a prankster he is, he wouldn’t open the door a little bit in a woman’s room at this time at night.

I looked down the hallway and saw a boy who had opened the door but was wondering if he was allowed to come in.

“It was just Christopher. What’s the matter with you at this time of the night?”

The only thing I know about this boy is that his name is Christopher and that he is from the Prime Minister’s dukedom and is a distant relative of Grill-san. However, my relationship with him was quite weird because once when I baked cookies, although he seemed to want them, he did not take them when I gave him some…

He’s a child who often has an expressionless face, with pale, gray hair and amber eyes. He has a thin physique that looks like it will break any time, which makes him look very fragile.

He may be around the same age as Primera, but he’s still short in stature and doesn’t speak much, perhaps because he’s not good interacting with adults.

There were a few times when I saw him at the Duke’s side, but he wouldn’t even look at me. Therefore, after I gave him a cookie, I felt as if I fed a stray cat.


“What? Oh, you brought a letter for me?”


“Well, come inside, anyway. Are you not sleepy in the middle of the night? Are you okay?”

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“I’m fine.”

His eyes, like marbles, looked up to me and thrusted the envelope to my arms.

At any rate, I persuaded him to come inside and put out two servings of soy milk cocoa and some apple chips.

I wasn’t expecting Christopher to show up, so there’s nothing much to snack on!

Oh, but giving them a snack on a night like this is not good for their education. No, I think it’s a problem regarding the Duke…


“Is this something that requires an answer?”


“I see. I’m sorry, that’s all I have at the moment. The only thing left is … maybe some breakfast bread? Were you in a hurry to get back?”

“I want to stay a little longer with Lady Julia.”

“Yeah? Let me know if you want a refill, okay?”


I felt that the slightly expressionless boy was distracted.

I gingerly resisted the urge to stroke his hair and instead, focused on the letter I received from Christopher.

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The envelope was plain white.

No address, no sender, no sealed wax.

Is it trust that Christopher will deliver it to me without fail?

…I was surprised when I opened it up. I hope someone would praise me for not letting out a shriek.

How the writer of the letter is the Previous Queen! Primera’s grandmother, who is the mother of His Majesty the King.

She currently resides in a detached palace to the west of the main palace, but in fact, she and the current king have had a falling out ever since they had a dispute over Her Majesty’s daughter-in-law.

It wasn’t a question of matters concerning their marriage and mother-in-law, but rather, His Majesty’s attentiveness to his concubine. After Primera-sama was born, she warned him about his unbalanced love for his children, and is a very sensible person.

She is a beautifully aged woman who occasionally comes to see the Primera and gives us, maidservants, words of encouragement.

To be honest, it seems that royals who have been a bit paranoid for generations tend to make better kings. And the current king is also very highly regarded by the locals and people from elsewhere!

Therefore, it is more difficult to marry someone from outside. That’s why Her Highness had been educated to strictly behave herself. I could not help but agree with her words. That must be why the Previous Queen became an ally of Her Highness.

The Previous Queen is the one backing me up for my debut in society, so I don’t have to worry about it!

The dress will be made by her seamstress this time… and so will the accessories.

I wonder if she’ll charge me an eye-popping amount of money later.

And it is confirmed that my brother will be the escort at this social debut.

By doing so, he’ll make it into ‘an emotional story of a sister and brother who are only half-siblings who belong to the Viscount Pundit family’ in order to raise the reputation of my family and smooth out my father’s retirement and my brother’s succession…

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What does it mean by a touching story?

Here it is….

In order for the younger brother, who was only a half-sibling, to be recognized by those around him as an heir, her sister wanted to make her society debut first, so she tried to quietly hide herself and keep quiet until he married.

The father also helped nurture the stepmother-son relationship and the society’s views. He was living on his own by taking debts and thinking that it would also be for his daughter.

However, both the mother and the younger brother didn’t like it and encouraged the older sister to make a spectacular debut in society as the next head of the family. Their father was so touched by the family’s love that he felt his own worthlessness.

However, this caused unnecessary rumors, and the father decided to retire and the younger brother succeeded him as Viscount…. It seems that that was the scenario!

What is this?

What is this? I’ll say it twice!

Isn’t that wonderfully overwhelming? I mean, I haven’t made my debut yet, but it’s just so strange and unusual, and that’s where it gets even more “spectacular”?

Wait a minute, I think it’s a little too difficult for me to take it all in.

Meanwhile, the letter came with a specific time to come to the detached palace tomorrow, and this letter was ordered to be put on the fire.


“There’s no way out.”

I think the expressionless boy who shook his head from side to side with a wobble was looking at me with a bit of a pity.

Nah … I’m not going to cry!

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