Chapter 25: Let’s Choose a Present.

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There were many things that happened in the morning, but it’s time for the main event. To go and buy Sara’s birthday present. We’ve already used up a lot of energy, and we had breakfast later than expected. Still we have plans, and so we mustered the energy to get ourselves out.

“Have you come up with any gift ideas, anything you’d want?”

“Hmm, Something. . .I wonder? Why don’t we go together and I will feel it out.”

When I asked her about a gift idea, I got a vague answer. Well we were planning on store shopping on our schedule, so there is no problem.

“Then, let me know if there is something that interests you. Don’t hesitate.”


We went to a shopping mall that I have visited once before. First we looked around the large miscellaneous good stores on the first floor. The large store covers more than half of the first floor, and has a wide range of work supplies, daily necessities, and cosmetics, so you could immediately find something that’d interest you.

“Oh, this is cute.”

She soon picked up a beautiful emerald green mug. It also had a Scandinavian style with a fine embossed pattern, plus it was a convenient shape and size.

She does have Swedish blood, so do those kinds of designs stand out to her? I don’t see many of those in her room though.

“Does Sara like the color green?”

Her bed and curtains were also green, plus she wore a mint green shirt on our first outing. Along with the many small green casual items she had.

“Yeah, I like it. What about Shiori-san?”

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“Um, I like white, light blue. Simple pale colors.”

For example, the mug beside it had the same design but a light blue color coated it, and then beside that was a white one, and. Wait, I’m getting side tracked.

“Do you want this?”

“Hmm, it’s good, but can we look a little longer?”

“Of course, we can take a look around.”

That mug was one candidate, and after that we looked at more.

Kitchen utensils, smartphone cases, Ticket Container, writing supplies, and hand towels. All of them had cute designs and her eyes were shining, but none had a decisive factor.

“I’m sorry, but can we look a little longer?”

“It’s fine. I mean, I came today for that, so let’s look longer.”

“Thank you. . .Oh, let’s check that out.”

Sara pointed to a hair accessories store. Sara went straight to a scrunchie in the corner. There were also various products lined up in that narrow space.

“This is cute.”

She said as she picked one from the shelf.

It was a fluffy scrunchie that combined three pastel colors. There were several different colors combined, including the light green she loves.

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“It looks good on you. Oh this color is cute too.”

I picked up a scrunchie beside her. This one contained light blue and lavender. Sara agreed with my assessment.

“Shiori-san always wears her hair half-up, do you ever use a scrunchie?”

“Sometimes. I do usually wear it half-up, but when I’m doing P.E, I have to tie it up, and in the summer I wear it to the side.”

“Oh, I see. I’ve only seen you with your half-up hairstyle, so I was wondering if that was a specific style.”

“No, not at all.”

By the way, I also had this hairstyle before my memories returned. I didn’t need to keep it. However I didn’t think much about it, and left the hairstyle that was set for the character. I think it suits me, so I have no reason to change it.

Though occasionally I may try wearing a cute scrunchie.

“Scrunchie, I wonder if I should get one.”



For some reason Sara jumped at those words.

“Does Shiori-san like it?”

“Y-Yeah. Sometimes I think it’s okay to wear one.”

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“W-well then!”

Her cheeks dyed in excitement and she presented the scrunchie she had in her hand.

“This is a birthday gift, but let’s get them together. . .is that okay?”

Her voice gradually faded out and seemed to disappear.

“I kinda want to match with a friend. . .but, I also don’t want to put them on the spot. But if you’d like, we could have a matching set. . . If you’d want to wear the same as me?”

C. . . . .CUUUUTTEE. . .!! ! !!

This child is the purified essence of cuteness. And now I wouldn’t mind being moe-killed and reincarnated 100 times.

My favorite is too precious!!

She was like a drooping dog. She was longing for a match. . .It’s too adorable! Cuter than cute! !

“I don’t mind, I’m happy too. So what color?”

“Oh, yeah! “

I was about to be purified once more by that bright smile.

Perhaps because she wasn’t blessed with female friends in junior high, she wanted to get matching accessories, and do girl things together. By the way, she had never been shopping with her friends before.

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I hope she could make more friends in high school, and they can make many more of those precious memories.

“Hey, were you perhaps watching my reaction? To the items we were looking at.”

“Ah, umm. . .Yeah.”

Just as I thought. It was odd that she kept side stepping everything she said she liked. I would have said yes from the beginning with no hesitation, but it went this way. . . Sara is such a child.

“Well, after we buy this, let’s go to the first floor next time.”

“Eh, why?”

“To buy a mug. Let’s buy that mug we were looking at but in different colors for each of us. Oh, can I leave mine at your house?”


It was a little forcible, but choosing a “gift you want.” was a great plan.

But, that? Isn’t buying a pair of mugs that you leave at their home?

. . .Well. I feel happy.


Oh having matching mugs in the same house. That holds a little more special feelings. The seeds have been planted, now we wait. 

So the next chapter will take a bit longer. I will be occupied with other stuff. It shouldn’t be too long. Just a day or two longer than usual.

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