Chapter 50: Can’t Sleep.

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 As I expected during dinner my mother would often say things like “I wish you could stay here longer.” Regardless of her wishes, she will be going home tomorrow as planned.

Sara spending time here is fun for a few days, but staying at a friend’s house for a long time can become a problem. Even for me, it’s easier to spend time with Sara at her house than at my house.

Even so, I’m having doubts when I see my mother enjoying a conversation with Sara, it seems that my mother is charmed by Sara just like I am. 

“Sara-chan, I heard that you didn’t live around here in junior high school, so why did you choose to go to school in this area?”

“Ah, I also am curious.”

Due to the game setting, I thought that it was destined for Sara to go to Tsubakigaoka, however now that my mother mentioned it, I have never thought about why.

It’s strange that she would choose to be alone and not follow her parents after they were assigned overseas. Given how she was treated in junior high school, you’d think she would want to follow them.

“I’m close to my grandmother’s house. However I can’t stay with her because she is living with my uncle’s family and there is no room for me, but I was told I could rely on them for anything.”

“Is that so, it’s nice to have relatives nearby. But aren’t your parents worried about leaving a cute girl like Sara alone?”

“Yeah. They were quite opposed to it, but for some reason I had a strong feeling to stay. . . so I tried my best to persuade them!”

Sara proudly smiled, but her feelings of staying may be because of a coercive force from a Yuri game.

If Sara goes abroad, one of the sub-heroine will disappear from the game. The universe would not like that.

“I was given the condition that I could remain here if I was accepted into Tsubakigaoka. My grades made me more likely not to be accepted, but miraculously I was.”

“You worked hard for it.”

“Yeah. My father thought it was impossible so it was a surprise for him, but he was still happy for me, though he’d still miss me alot.”

Was it the compulsory force from the Yuri game, or was it the result of Sara’s hard work? It’s impossible to know.

However, we should be vigilant because that possibility cannot be ruled out.

If I’m not careful it’s possible that Sara would be attracted to Aoi if attacked at the flank.

“There are times when I feel lonely living alone, but I’m truly glad I stayed. I made friends at high school, and I met Shiori-san.”

Sara looked at me and smiled as she said that. Huh?

It’s not that bad if it’s just us two, but saying that in front of my parents. . . I’m having a hard time reacting. I was too worried about my parents’ eyes so I gave an ambiguous smile and a “Yeah”.

However it was my mother’s sharp eyes that quickly jumped to attention.

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“Ara, this is rare. Are you perhaps embarrassed?”

“I’m not embarrassed.”

“Eh, Shori-san, are you shy again? So cute!”

“I’m not shy!”

What a strange combination! Even if I change the subject, these two- – – more likely my mother won’t forget it. Dinner passed while my father warmly watched over three women loudly banter.

One thing I learned is that Sara and my mother should not be paired together. In my head, I put a “Don’t mix together” label between the two. 

Perhaps I need to tear them apart in the future.


After taking a bath, I laid a futon down in my room once again. I was relieved this time because Sara didn’t tell me to sleep with her.

“Um, I’m thinking about talking to Tomoda-Senpai. . .What do you think?”

While the two of us sat on my bed, we talked about what to do. It’s still too early to go to bed, So before this Sara said “I’d like to talk a little” with a made up mind.

Has she been thinking about it ever since? I thought the Tomoda-san talk was over, however it seems that Sara isn’t done with it.

“What would you talk about?”

“I refused reflexively, perhaps it’s just my ego but I don’t like leaving things as is. . . I want to hear Shiori-san’s opinion.”

“I see. . .”

What she wanted was to have a proper conversation and not just end with the words “I’m sorry”. Tomoda-san was a cherished friend and she wanted to express her gratitude for her. 

Once again opening the wounds for both people, it’s something I can not recommend easily.

However I understand the frustration when a relationship is broken without getting all your feelings out.

“What kind of relationship does Sara want to have with Tomoda-san?”

“What kind of relationship. . ?”

“I think this depends on what you want.”

Tomoda-san seems to have said she’d want to get along as a senior and junior once again after summer vacation is over. I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s worth discussing if that’s what both really want.

“. . .It’s not going to be the same as it used to be. It may be awkward at first.”

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“I think so too.”

“But if we can get along well, We don’t want to say goodbye. Then I hope we can talk again little by little.”

As she talks about her dreams it reminds me how she is an extremely good girl. 

If I confessed to her and was rejected, would Sara say the same thing? Or would she think I betrayed her and try to distance herself from me?

We go to different schools, and would not be able to easily meet if Sara changed her school route. Even if we are close now our relationship is very fragile. 

“I wasn’t sure how to tell you this, but Yoko actually called me on the night of the closing ceremony.”

“Eh. . ?”

“I’m sorry about keeping quiet. I wanted you to not think about it and enjoy your time here, and I was planning on telling you when you sorted out your feelings a little more, but you settled them faster than I expected.”

“It’s fine, but. . .What did Yoko-san say?”

How should I explain this? The call from Yoko was of course about Tomoda-san.

Because she confessed to the friend she introduced, it seems that Yoko was very shocked. I confirmed what she heard, but she was also worried about me.

As far as I could tell from Tomoda-san’s story, It was more than her being rejected, she seems to feel really regretful about it. She knew that Sara was afraid of romance, but she couldn’t control herself and confessed.

(I will comfort Tomoda, so please give Sara-chan my regards. Also if it’s too much for your heart, please contact me.)

I gave my thanks for her kind words, but after that I lightly vented an already declared intention of just being friends, I got a light ridicule in response “What a wonderful self-destruction”. I don’t really get it. However no passionate friendship could be born.

“Tomoda-san, seems worried and feels guilty about what she did to Sara. So we should check with Yoko and see if it’s okay to talk.”

“. . . Yeah, please.”

“Okay. I’ll tell you when I get a reply.”

If she heard Sara wanted to talk, how would she feel? Would she feel happy that she’s cherished, or sad that her love could not be returned, or perhaps angry by the cruel good intentions? Perhaps all of them?

Regardless, I hope the child hugging her knees beside me won’t get hurt.

While we thought about it, I felt her weight as she leaned onto my left shoulder. 

“Hey, Shiori-san, what do you think about love between two girls?”

Do you need to ask me in this position!?

Even though I took a bath, I strangely began to feel sweaty. My heart was racing at a ridiculous speed. Ahh, despite the fact she doesn’t know the sinful thoughts I harbor. She is asking me this?

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“If the feelings are mutual, I think it’s good, but. . . What does Sara think?”

“I don’t know.”

An immediate answer! !

I mustered up all my courage to ask that, but I was still disappointed. Though I’m a little relieved because my heart would stop if I wasn’t told (It’s unthinkable) from her.

“If I think about someone else I think they could do whatever they want, but when I think about it being me I suddenly don’t really know. . . For example, if I fell in love with Shiori-san.”


“Ah, for example! It’s just for this scenario!?”

“Y-Yeah, for example! An example!”

Even if she emphasized “For example” that many times. . .I’m still shaken.

“It’s no longer just friendship, we’d be holding hands and kissing, and continuing what happened yesterday, right?”

“. . .Yeah. I hope you can forget about yesterday.”

And it feels like this talk is going in a dangerous direction. Eventually I’m sure she’d end it saying, “I couldn’t imagine it” or “I don’t want that.” Even if I haven’t confessed, I’d be rejected and disheartened.

I clearly see the road! I’ve read about how this goes many times in Doujins!

“S-Sara, um this. . .”

“We can easily connect hands. Kissing and going beyond. . .Ah.”


“If I’m with Shiori-san, it might be better for you to be pushed down rather than you pushing me down.”

. . . .Pardon?

“I think I’m on top physically, what do you think?”

“W-What do I think, um. . .”

I can’t follow this conversation!?!?

We were talking seriously a little while ago, but how did this happen!?

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“Y-You have a strange imagination, so let’s please end this talk. . .what do you think?”

It would be a lie if I said I never imagined this situation, but I never thought it’d come out of Sara.

I can’t do it. There is no way I can stay calm talking with Sara about this in this late night tension.

My earnest response caused Sara to burst out in a strange laughter.

“Shiori-san, your face is bright red! As I thought, cute Shiori-san would suit the bottom for sure. Hey, Should I push you down?”

“T-That is no good!”

I threw a pillow towards her face. It was a brilliant hit, Sara was knocked off the bed. It was safe because there was a futon covering her fall.

“Oh yeah!”

“That’s what you get for saying something stupid!”

From there we rushed into a pillow fight and once Sara was satisfied with the first pillow fight in her life, we went to bed. Of course I couldn’t sleep.

What would happen if I was pushed down? Could there even be a chance after? Would Sara and I remain platonic or could she have a romantic interest after?! All that comes to my mind.

Would it be okay to be pushed down? What!? Even after pushing her down, I never would have thought about me being on the bottom!?

Ah, geeze. I’m so stupid! I wish I would have taken the temptation and obediently been pushed down! The perfect time to use this my pointless sex appeal!

That night. A long time later, I found out that just like me, Sara couldn’t sleep. 

(私が眠れなかったのと同じように、紗良もまた寝付けなかったのだと知るのは、ずっと先のこと。) TN: Important so I hope I got that right.)


IMPORTANT ABOUT SPOILERS: Okay something a bit more serious. I understand right now we are in an ambiguous part of the story. Everybody wants to know what will happen, so of course some people will read ahead. But Please, PLEASE, do not write spoilers of any kind in the comments. So far the spoilers have mostly been light, and obviously not malicious, but I’m afraid that eventually somebody may slip in a major spoiler. The reason I say this is because not knowing what will happen is a major motivator for me. I do not read ahead, I read up to how much I translate, so I am reading along with everybody else. I have fun speculating with everybody else in the comments. So please do not spoil anything. Now back to lighter stuff.

We are there, chapter 50! And is this a glint of hope?! Let’s hope so. Also Shiori is a bottom for sure. 

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Also once again thank you sleffy. Seems like teasing will become a trend!

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