Chapter 54: Siege.

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The summer vacation event for “Shiori” in the game is more plain compared to the other two.

Koharu is a childhood friend and a classmate. She does homework together, goes to the pool, and uses fireworks at a nearby park. And Sara I think was an arcade and an aquarium date?

On the other hand, Shiori is just a nice atmosphere because all the activities surround the art club with just the two of them alone. Plus leaving to buy materials together.

That episode in the art room has the main character falling asleep, to then wake up and see “Shiori” reading a book with a face dyed by the sunset near the window. Then saying “I thought I’d steal it because of your cute sleeping face” and gives her lips a peck. Now that it’s me I could never say that, so I have to avoid that. In the first place, I can’t be alone with her.

As for art materials, Koharu is also in the art club now, so you could go together with her. If I’m going to, I’d choose Yoko or Koharu in order to avoid it.

Alright, this will allow me to escape from my summer vacation event! No, I will definitely run away!

And since both Sara and I are out of the Aoi love race, I would like it if Koharu could do her best. For Sara and my sake!

I really don’t want to go to club activities. I will have to see Aoi and Koharu, however it can’t be helped because I need to make something for the school festival art exhibition.

With that being the case, I should have finished something by summer vacation, but I couldn’t help it.

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During July I was chomping down on Yuri at home, but from August I will have to seriously be attending school.

“Sugimura-Senpai, It’s been a long time!”

Right as I entered the art room Aoi rushed to me as if she was waiting for me. Her eyes still shone as she shook her phantom tail. She is small with big black eyes, almost looking like a pomeranian.

However, why are the other members looking at Aoi with pleasant eyes? It’s somewhat terrifying.

“This is nice, Aoi-chan. You were always talking about how Sugimura-senpai wouldn’t come.”

“Yeah yeah, It felt like a loyal dog waiting for her master.”

“Geeze, please stop! Don’t say things like that!”

Ah, this is troublesome behavior. It looks like banter, but it’s still completely supportive talk for her, my skin isn’t thin enough not to be drawn in by my senpai.

Aoi is loved by her seniors, probably because she doesn’t hide her favoritism for me. I may be overthinking it, but it feels like there is pressure from the seniors saying “Don’t make Aoi sad”. Is her denying it with lightly dyeing cheeks natural or calculated?  In either case, this makes it more difficult to deal with her.

Because I was curious I gently asked where Koharu was. She pointed and I saw Koharu silently moving her brush at a window seat.

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“Ah- It’s been a long time. . . .Well, Keep at it.”

“Eh, is that all you have to say!? So blunt~!”

Even saying that. . .I’ll try not to get involved if I don’t have to, but I don’t want to get closer with this air.

It was like I was reminded of a time I was in elementary school and had to talk to a boy that didn’t like me for some reason, whenever we did there was teasing and ridicule. It reminds me because of this annoying atmosphere. This is stupid, why is she treating me like a bad guy despite the fact all I want to do is help.

“Ah, Shiori-san, you always get her crazy welcomes. Aoi-chan I also want to be welcomed.”

While having an internal crisis about what to do, Yoko seemed to have just arrived and called out to Aoi. It was like air finally reaching me after almost drowning. 

“Yoko-senpai came yesterday. Right?”

“Eh~ you should welcome me even if we meet everyday.  So cold~”

Yoko treated Aoi kindly as I left after being saved.

For seats I secured a spot far from Aoi. I’m sorry that I always have to treat Yoko creuly. You are the best friend I can have!

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I gave a sigh of relief and turned forward, however when I turned around I noticed Koharu staring at me with her dark eyes. Even though it’s midsummer, a chill ran down my spine.

Her eyes are – – -dangerous, so I quickly looked away. I want you to do your best to raise your love. There are many events where you can during summer vacation. Despite that she still might become more of a yandere.

This is tough, but the “Shiori” route was plain and easy to avoid.

However Koharu has joined the art club now, and Aoi and Sara haven’t become friends. I also liked Sara instead of Aoi. The situation is completely different from the game. With that being the case, I should fully consider that the behaviors and events of each character will be different- – – which is good?

“Hahh, I’m tired.”

Yoko finished her exchange with Aoi and threw her light bag at a nearby seat.

“. . .I’m tired too. Thank you for saving me.”

“Ahaha, that’s unusually straightforward. A change of heart?”

“I’ll consider this penance for you telling Sara something extra last time.”

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Yoko laughed loudly as she remembered that.

Of course I don’t plan on this being the end of it. Later I’ll treat her to some juice. Maybe some ice cream.

Regardless, this is a hassle now. I didn’t expect all members of the art club to now be on Aoi’s side. Although it’s to be expected of the loved heroine.

If I was confessed from the front, I would refuse, but it feels like gradually obstacles are being removed and key items are being added in a tactical play.

If this is a strategy I can’t underestimate it, but am I overreacting?

From what I know from the game, Aoi is an innocent and straightforward character. She reaches out to anyone in need and never talks bad about anybody. She is curious, cheerful, and friendly.

As far as I could see, she hasn’t done anything that deviates from that image. She is usually a good girl. She doesn’t seem to be doing anything in a roundabout way.

So why then? 

Sometimes, I feel like that carefree smile is very horrifying. Somewhere in the back of my heart there is a flashing red alarm.


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