Chapter 7: A date with my favorite. Part 2

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The shopping mission was surprisingly easy.

Anyway, Sara’s figure is excellent, so no matter what she wears it looks good. Clothes that would seem like fancy costumes on ordinary people look different on her. When she’d leave the dressing room, it was like she belonged on high fashion week in Paris, or a Milan fashion show.

I looked up what clothes would look good on Sara beforehand, and  chose some clothes based on pictures I’ve seen in advance, but Sara decided to buy the first one I suggested, saying “Then I’ll go with this”. She said she isn’t good at choosing clothes and doesn’t seem to care about a particular style.

Thanks to her, we have a lot of time left, it’s barely past 3 o’clock. It’s too early to go home, so we entered a chain coffee cafe.

“I actually like Star Ducks.”

She said while holding a cup with the logo of a goddess holding a duck.

“The new flavor just came out, maybe I should try it out.”

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“Ah, I understand. I always end up trying the limited edition drinks.”

As she said that, in both of our hands was the limited edition drink. It’s a pancake flavor, so it’s similar to what we just ate.

Apart from the fact that I’m a fan, Sara was just a comfortable partner to be with. In the game, her words and actions were a little more mature for her age. This Sara has moderately higher spirits, but not enough to get annoying, and she is fun to talk to. Above all she is still cute.

Also, there is a lot of love talk with girls around this age, but those topics never come out from Sara. I’m really thankful, to me “Romance? Is that better than Yuri?” Despite living in this world up to highschool, I was a Yuri otaku in my previous life. That experience has impacted my outlook.

“By the way, You’ve been going to high school for more than two weeks, how has school been?”

“. . .The way you talk is like talking to a parent.”

She Tsukkomi with a bitter smile, and I replied “Surely” with a forced smile. By the way, in my previous life this was a pretty common question to ask my students. It’s a standard phrase for adults to ask children.

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“It’s been pretty normal. Classes have begun has planned and I’m getting used to it. . .But studying in high school is more difficult than I expected, and I’m a little worried about whether or not I can keep up.”

“Ah, Tsubakigoako seems like a particularly high leveled highschool. Which subject are you not good at?”

“My worst is math. I can keep up with it now, but next is the quadratic functions, and I don’t understand it at all. Hey, how come high school math is divided into I and A? Just look at the timetable, I am tired of having so many math classes” 

That’s a question often asked by most high school students. I remember my old self saying that as well. The classes aren’t divided for no reason, there is a good reason for it, but telling her that reason won’t clear up Sara’s fed up expression. She just wants to complain, not actually know why they are divided.

It’s common for students who are not good at math to begin falling behind when they aren’t able to keep up with the quadratic functions. Sara’s crisis detection ability is quite good.

“- – -If you’d like, I could teach you, math that is.”

She was drinking a sweet frappuccino with plenty of whip cream when I told her. She shook for a few seconds. Her eyes shone as she leaned forward. Her dejected face changed to an interested look. Sara at the beginning game was expressionless, but she is so full of life now.

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“Shiori-san, are you good at math?”

“In fact, I am good.”

In my previous life I was a mathematics teacher. I do say though, that I am confident that I could get good points in national and public universities entrance exams, but only with mathematics. Since I’ve taught both preparatory schools and tutors I have a lot of experience. If Sara had the academic abilities to enter Tsubakigaoka, the teaching side shouldn’t be too much of trouble.

And during the pounding of death march in studying Ⅰ,A・Ⅱ,B for their entrance examine, when the seniors come with tears in their eyes beginning ”I don’t understand math at all!” It’s my reward when they fully understand the basics of the subject after I teach it well.

“Teach me! Please!”

“Okay. However, where should we study? It’s hard to stay in a cafe for long, and staying in the library could become a nuisance. . .”

It would be nice to do it in a classroom at the same highschool, but it would be annoying to go back and forth to another school. If you are studying alone, you can use the study room, but if there are two people it can be limiting. Besides, it will be expensive to take a trip there every time just to study.

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“Ah, well, why don’t you come to my house?”

“Eh, is that okay?”

I was shocked to be easily invited to Sara’s house. I thought she just wanted to be left alone.

“Yeah it’s okay. It will be quiet, because I live alone, so you don’t have to worry about my family bothering us.”

“Oh, is that so? Then it will be easier there. When should we start?”

 I gave a surprised translucent look after we promised to meet. I can’t help but be excited just as a fan, looking back at the game, all I could see of the room was the background art. It feels like I’m taking a pilgrimage to a sacred place. I’m so glad I was a math teacher in my previous life!

For the time being, we are scheduled to meet once a week on Sunday, and the first time will be next sunday. I’m of course excited to see Sara’s room, but I also get to see her in her everyday clothes, not her uniform or going out outfits.

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