Chapter 82: (Extra) Sara’s POV Part 10

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Even if you subtract my bias from being in love with her, Shiori-san is objectively very attractive. She has a well groomed face, top academic scores, overflowing sex appeal. She is gentle and kind, and so calm it’s hard to believe she is just a high school student.

The synergy between her cuteness and sexiness is so powerful that it would attract both men and women of all ages. I beg you, don’t show it to anybody but me.

As I watched her sleeping on my lap, that was all I could think about. Time flew by so fast. I began discovering something new the more I watched her. I could never get tired of watching the sleeping face of the person I like.

“. . .I like you.”

I made sure she was sound asleep before I confessed in a tiny voice. Not loud enough to be heard even if she was awake. So obviously there was no response.

“I like you.”

“Fall in love with me.”

“If you don’t wake up soon, I’ll kiss you.”

I said whatever I wanted, and there were no signs she would respond. Sleeping peacefully sleeping with calm breathing.

“. . .Kiss, huh.”

If Shiori-san and I were in love and went out with each other, we’d kiss right?

I have a feeling too. It’s strong. But when I imagined it, I remembered that attempted kiss incident at the sleepover. My heart was pounding so hard at that time, I couldn’t think about the most important part.

On the day of my sleepover, I wanted to touch her lips, but I didn’t think I wanted to kiss her. But as soon as I became aware of my feelings, I wanted to kiss her, I’m now too aware of my desires. Perhaps Miharu-chan said I wasn’t a “Communicative person” is right on the money. Since I became aware that I liked her. . . No since that sleepover, I’ve found myself so conscious about it, I end up looking at her lips a lot.

Her lips are slightly opened as she sleeps, they look plump and soft. I wonder if I could touch them just a little.

 I gently poked her lower lip with my index finger, it was soft and fluffy like you’d expect. Despite that, it’s flexible, warm. It’s an addictive feeling.

As I got entranced with the softness touching my fingertips, Shiori-san raised her eyebrows a little and groaned “Nnn.” And then her shapely lips softly closed over my fingertips, just like a hamster she put it in her mouth. I then quickly pulled them away.

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That was so unexpected. What!? What just happened!? Shiori-san, Shiori-san’s lips. I was screaming internally as I brought my right hand above my head at the speed of light. She just munched. . .Hamu hamu them. . .!

I poked a sleeping person’s lips without permission. I wonder why I am freaking out, I guess my heart wasn’t prepared. Touching them yourself rather than them touching you, is very different.

At the end of my straightened arm, my index finger still felt that soft sensation. It was pulsing as if it was directly connected to my heart.

I slowly lowered my arm and looked at my fingertips. I didn’t know what to do. Without thinking, I touched her lips, but what do I do with this finger? I can’t touch the sofa with them, because it’d be a waste to touch something so precious and just throw away that sensation.

“. . .”

There is still no sign of her waking up.

Just for a moment. If it’s only just for a moment. I used the excuse that nobody was looking, and gazed at my fingertip again. I brought my shaking fingertips closer to my lips, a millimeter away as I could still see Shiori-san in my peripheral view. My heart was beating so fast I was afraid it might wake her up.

Watching her quietly sleep, I muttered in my mind begging her not to wake up, and then I passed the last millimeters. Just for a moment, touching my lips.

“. . . .”

Ahhhhh, what the heck am I doing!? I’m not an idiot!? No, I am an idiot!!

Soon after soaking in the afterglow, I quickly separated my fingertips from my lips. I couldn’t help but cringe at myself. It’s so embarrassing. I can’t deny I’m not a communicative person anymore. I never thought I’d give in to my temptations so easily. My face and body were terribly hot, as if the heat from my lips was spreading throughout my body.

Moreover, Shiori-san trusts me too much. So much that she is soundly sleeping despite me flailing from embarrassment above her. I did that while she was sleeping. . . If she found out, she might hate me.


After giving in to my desires, all I was left with was my guilt, self-loathing, and still that embers from my hot heart.

I can’t let go of this desire just from enjoying it a little once. However I won’t attack her as she’s sleeping again. Next time I touch those lips, it will be fair and square, when Shiori-san is awake.

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So I will do my best to have her look in my direction. So that day will come soon.


I wonder how it turned out like this. As I was watching Shiori-san’s sleeping face, I ended up falling asleep. Only to be awoken by movement on my lap. The person I liked was staring up at me.

Even though I was shocked when I saw her sleeping face, somehow I managed to say good morning with a smile.

Good morning, Sara. You slept so nicely. You had such a cute sleeping face, I was thinking perhaps I’d steal some of it.


Just like I did when she was sleeping, she stretched out and poked my lips with her finger, giving a charming smile along with it. Moreover, probably because she just woke up and saying that with it, she is giving off 3x more sex appeal than usual. 

Because she is doing what I did earlier, I thought maybe she was awake, but looking at her reactions, I don’t think that’s the case. At first she acted like a flirty confident Onee-san, but as I stiffened from the shock and just looked down at her, she gradually became embarrassed and her face turned red. Her eyes began to nervously swim around, looking for what to do. Although she set it up on her own, this kind of reaction is cute, this girl. . .

If you really want to take them, I’ll always welcome it.

Well, if they were robbed, you’d have to take responsibility.

I was just wondering when I’d be able to touch her lips again, but the opportunity came sooner than I expected. I was reluctant to touch her with my index finger, but I traced her glossy cherry colored lips with my thumbs. She was tugging at my heartstrings, her face turned bright red in no time, and she covered it, saying “I lost.”

What the heck is she talking about? Was there a winner?

You are so weak to counter attacks

I said that mockingly, she looked at me with a red face and shading resentment. “Sara has gotten stronger. You used to turn red so fast earlier.” she said.

Well certainly from the first time we met.

It’s thanks to your help. However, if you make those jokes, somebody will misunderstand.

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It’s okay. I only say that to you.

See that’s what I mean. I don’t know what reaction you expect when you are saying something like that.

What do you think about it? Do you like me? Or are you saying that because you don’t think of me like that at all?

Yeah yeah. Well despite that. It’s kind of like Yoko-san

“Ouch. . . That hurts the most

She looked seriously shooken. Hearing that she was like Yoko seemed to have done a ton of damage.

She looked really worried. However, the way she is pouting is cute. I patted her head as I felt sorry for her. Quickly, she was back in a good mood, as if she was already feeling better, she is so cute and honest.

Yoko-san told me that you were being pursued by your junior. She said you were tired, and told me to try and heal you.

I was a little hesitant to tell her, but when Yoko’s name came up I felt like it was the right time. Even if I don’t tell her, Yoko might end up telling her.

When I asked if she was planning on going out with the girl pursuing her, she immediately replied she wasn’t going to, and added she didn’t like them romantically. I felt relieved, but I was still a little worried when I heard that the people all around her in her club were all supporting Shimamoto-san. I hope she doesn’t get swept away and ends up dating her to appease them.

It doesn’t seem like she has a good opinion of Shimamoto-san’s feelings for her, so I don’t have to worry about that right now. For now that’s enough.

Shiori-san is popular with both men and women, I’m sure you’ll soon have a lover.

Look who’s talking. I’m not going to date just because I’m popular. . At Least I’d only want to go out with people I like.

For a second, the hand I was brushing her head with nearly stopped.

Is the person you like me? Should I ask that, perhaps in a joking sort of way, but I missed the moment, I was hesitating for just a bit too long.

Although the fact she didn’t say “I only date good looking guys” means that the possibility isn’t zero. With the Shimamoto-san’s case, she didn’t say “Because she’s a girl” as her reason for not going out with her. That alone made me feel really relieved.

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That’s right. I hope Shiro-san doesn’t find a lover for a while, that way I can still give you headpats.

And while you’re at it, you won’t go out with anybody else, right?

I really want to be your girlfriend right now, but I can hold out for now. Let’s not be hasty and slowly close the distance between us. To be not just friends, but as potential lovers.

Fufu, that wouldn’t be so bad. Well, you get tired, you can take my lap pillow.

Eh- Um, that’s embarrassing.

. . . You are saying that while I’m like this?

I love teasing her, just to see Shiori-san’s bashful face. Her scowling at me with upturned eyes is so cute and adorable. In order to hide these overflowing feelings, I frantically messed up her hair, she let out a playful “kya!”

Ah, geeze. She always has this mature look, but then sometimes these age-appropriate gestures, as I thought, I can’t endure this cuteness, it’s irresistible. It’s not just giving her a lap pillow, it makes me want to do anything to make her smile.

I prefer giving, not receiving.

“. . .Me too, so can I do it sometimes?”

As I just gave a wry silent smile in response, a hand reached out from below and pinched my cheek.

I’m kidding. I’m happy with anything Shiori-san does for me. In the past I was able to put it into words without being conscious, but now I can’t muster the courage to say it outloud.


That was a really cute new perspective. I was re-reading the past chapter to make sure it was accurate. It was nice seeing another perspective, however it made me realize something pretty bad. How many grammatical errors I missed. And then I went back to check the first chapter and it’s just embarrassing. So many errors.

 So there’s gonna be a delay with the next release for a bit. I’m going to go through and make sure the grammar is better with all previous chapters. Up to chapter 50. Then I’ll work on the next chapter. And then fix the rest up.

 This will also refresh my memory with the story, but it will take a few days, but honestly I’m kinda embarrassed seeing how bad some early stuff is. So if there are any spelling mistakes, let me know, and I’ll fix it.

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